Mostrando ítems 14266-14285 de 15463

    • The Evolution of Educational Game Designs From Computers to Mobile Devices: A Comprehensive Review 

      Tlili, Ahmed; Essalmi, Fathi; Jemni, Mohamed; Kinshuk; Chen, Nian-Shing; Huang, Ronghuai; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2020)
      With the rapid growth of mobile technologies, mobile devices have become very popular and have reached a very high spread. Consequently, mobile games have started gaining an increasing attention from researchers and ...
    • The evolution of sustainability models for Open Educational Resources: insights from the literature and experts 

      Tlili, Ahmed; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Burgos, Daniel; Zhang, Xiangling; Huang, Ronghuai; Chang, Ting-Wen (Routledge, 2023)
      The adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) can, on the one hand, increase access and quality in higher education, but on the other hand it is raising concerns among universities and researchers about its economic ...
    • The Exercise of the sanctioning power of the Administration in the audiovisual field 

      Andres Segovia, Belen (Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 2021)
      Al elegir la obra monográfica del profesor martíneZ otero titulada El ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora de la Administración en el ámbito audiovisual, como tema de la presente recensión deseo hacer referencia, no solo ...
    • The explosion of digital storytelling. Creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms 

      Sánchez López, Iván; Pérez Rodríguez, María Amor; Fandos Igado, Manuel (Elservier Inc, 09/09/2020)
      Networked digital narratives are developed in a society marked by distrust in meta-narratives, liquidity and tension between Mass Media and New Media. This research aims to delve into these narratives from the creators’ ...
    • The Failure of Modern Character Education 

      Ryan, Kevin (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/2013)
      Este trabajo defiende que los recientes resultados negativos sobre la eficacia de los siete programas más importantes de educación del carácter en los Estados Unidos, se deben principalmente a tres causas endémicas. ...
    • The Family Context in Cybervictimization: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

      Lozano-Blasco, Raquel; Barreiro-Collazo, Alejandra; Romero-Gonzalez, Borja; Soto-Sanchez, Alberto (Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 2023)
      The use of Information and Communication Technologies is clearly widespread among adolescents from a young age. Although it poses a significant contribution at the academic, social, and emotional levels, it can also involve ...
    • The family, key agent in youth empowerment in ICT society 

      Plaza de la Hoz, Jesús ; Caro Samada, María del Carmen (Cultura y Educación, 2018)
      The purpose of this article is to analyse the role of the family in youth empowerment via information and communication technologies (ICTs). For this study, the discussion group technique was used with teachers, along with ...
    • "The Fathers have eaten Sour Grapes, and the Children's Teeth are set on Edge": Differentiating the Emotional Experiences of Grima and Disgust 

      Schweiger Gallo, Inge; Rodríguez Monter, Miryam ; Álvaro-Estramiana, José Luis; Durán, Juan Ignacio (Spanish Journal of Psychology, 25/10/2018)
      The Spanish term grima refers to the aversive emotional experience typically evoked when one hears, for example, a scratch upon a chalkboard. Whereas Spanish speakers can distinguish between the concepts of grima and ...
    • The five HIV cures 

      Treviño, Ana; Soriano, Vicente (Aids Reviews, 2022)
      [Resumen no disponible]
    • The Flipped Classroom and the Development of Competences: A Teaching Innovation Experience in Higher Education 

      Sevillano, Verónica; Martín-Gutiérrez, Ángela; Hervas-Gomez, Carlos (Education Sciences, 2022)
      Because of the changes in society, the educational scope must implement teaching-learning methodologies that help students to develop the competences that will be necessary in their academic-professional journey. This study ...
    • The flipped learning model in online based education for secondary teachers 

      Romero-García, Carmen ; Buzón-García, Olga; Tourón, Javier (Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2019)
      The online-based model known as “flipped learning” raises new challenges that are different from those of face-to-face teaching. The flipped learning model enhances the active and autonomous learning of students, changes ...
    • The Flipped Learning: Guía "gamificada" para novatos y no tan novatos 

      Martín R, Déborah; Calvillo, Antonio J.; Tourón, Javier (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, 2017)
      Explica Javier Tourón en el prólogo de "The Flipped Learning" que la escuela y el aprendizaje ya no pueden seguir siendo lo que eran, pues las necesidades de la sociedad y del entorno laboral han cambiado enormemente. La ...
    • The Four Elements: Potenciación de habilidades comunicativas en estudiantes de nivel B2 de inglés, a través de la gamificación 

      Arcila-Avendaño, Manuel Salvador (27/09/2023)
      El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster plantea la implementación de la gamificación en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera para fortalecer la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes que se encuentran clasificados ...
    • The Game Theory in Quantum Computers: A Review 

      Pérez-Antón, Raquel; López-Sánchez, José Ignacio; Corbi, Alberto (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2024)
      Game theory has been studied extensively in recent centuries as a set of formal mathematical strategies for optimal decision making. This discipline improved its efficiency with the arrival, in the 20th century, of digital ...
    • The genre of PechaKucha presentations: Analysis and implications for enhancing multimodal literacy at university 

      Beltrán-Palanques, Vicent; Querol-Julián, Mercedes (English for Specific Purposes, 27/05/2024)
      ESP students need to develop their multimodal literacy to become literate in today’s professional spaces. For this purpose, ESP teachers should revisit pedagogy practices to best engage students in the navigation and ...
    • The graphic adventure as an instrument to assist comprehensive reading 

      Medina Medina, Nuria; Paderewski-Rodríguez, Patricia; Padilla-Zea, Natalia ; López-Arcos, Rafael; Gutiérrez, Francisco Luis (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Interaccion 2017, 09/2017)
      Video games are interactive applications aimed at entertainment that, practically since its inception, has been tested in order to exploit their properties in other areas. In this line, the educational extrapolation has ...
    • The Hashtag #CharlasEducativas as a Teacher Affinity Space on Twitter 

      Mosquera Gende, Ingrid; Marcelo-Martínez, Paula; Postigo-Fuentes, Ana Yara; Fernández-Navas, Manuel (Comunicar, 2024)
      Twitter has positioned itself as one of the social networks most used by teachers, generating teacher affinity spaces for them to share and collaborate. This study analyses the hashtag #CharlasEducativas, to explore whether ...
    • The Haunted Island-Nation: Irish Intersections in Canary Islands Narratives 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Other Irelands: Revisited, Reinvented, Rewritten, 2014)
      This paper focuses on a relatively recent phenomenon: the appropriation of Saint Brendan’s narrative as a tool for utopian Canary Islands nation-building. Being one of the favourite lenses of the Canary Islands imagination ...
    • The healthy and fit translator: a reality or a necessity? 

      Alcalde Peñalver, Elena; Santamaría Urbieta, Alexandra (The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2020)
      Recent research studies in translation devote increasing attention to the pivotal role that ergonomics plays in translators' workplaces. However, there are no previous research studies that focus on how effective translators' ...
    • The Hidden Face of Urban Slavery A Look at the Coartados Rental Market 

      Varella, Claudia ; Barcia, Manuel (University Press of Florida, 2020)
      The Hidden Face of Urban Slavery A Look at the Coartados Rental Market In 1845, the Cuban Junta de Fomento, seeing an escalating crisis develop in front of their own eyes, complained that “infinite [numbers],” of coartados ...