Listar Artículos Científicos WOS y SCOPUS por título
Mostrando ítems 654-673 de 4833
Background similarities as a way to predict students' behaviour
(Sustainability, 02/12/2019)The number of students opting for online educational platforms has been on the rise in recent years. Despite the upsurge, student retention is still a challenging task, with some students recording low-performance margins ... -
Ball comparison between frozen Potra and Schmidt-Schwetlick schemes with dynamical analysis
(Computational and Mathematical Methods, 2021)In this article, we propose a new research related to the convergence of the frozen Potra and Schmidt-Schwetlick schemes when we apply to equations. The purpose of this study is to introduce a comparison between two solutions ... -
Ball convergence for eighth order method
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)Consider the problem of approximating a locally unique solution x of the nonlinear equation F(x) = 0, (21.1) where F is a Fréchet-differentiable operator defined on a convex subset D of a Banach space X with values in a ... -
Ball convergence of a sixth-order Newton-like method based on means under weak conditions
(Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 08/2018)We study the local convergence of a Newton-like method of convergence order six to approximate a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation. Earlier studies show convergence under hypotheses on the seventh derivative ... -
Ball convergence theorems and the convergence planes of an iterative method for nonlinear equations
(SeMA Journal, 11/2015)We study the local convergence of a method presented by Cordero et al. of convergence order at least five to approximate a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation. These studies show the convergence under hypotheses ... -
Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658), predecessor of lifelong education and arbiter of good taste
(History of Education & Childrens Literature, 2018)Nearly all studies conducted to date on the work of the Spanish moralist Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658) are either literary or philosophical, so that they have hardly analyzed its educational dimension. In order to present ... -
Banda sonora e identidades en la generación “Y”
(Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 15/07/2019)Desde los comienzos del cine, en los que una sola persona se ocupaba prácticamente de todo, la organización de la creación de un film fue evolucionando, y las diversas funciones del proceso fueron aumentando y especializándose ... -
Barreras de acceso a la educación infantil (0-3 años) para las familias en riesgo social: Un análisis de los discursos de familias y profesionales en cinco áreas metropolitanas de España
(Revista Complutense de Educacion, 2023)INTRODUCCIÓN. Está constatado a nivel internacional y en España que la infancia de entornos familiares "vulnerables" participa menos en una educación y atención a la primera infancia (EAPI) de calidad. El objetivo del ... -
Barriers in higher education: perceptions and discourse analysis of students with disabilities in Spain
(Disability&Society, 2021)Spanish universities must guarantee optimum accessibility to facilitate the teaching-learning process of students with disabilities. The objective of this study was to investigate how Spanish students with disabilities ... -
Bases antropológico-filosóficas de las aportaciones del constructivismo epistemológico a la didáctica
(Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 2017)Muchas de las teorías educativas actuales son de corte constructivista. En este artículo, reflexionamos sobre diversas cuestiones antropológico-filosóficas que justifican los postulados del constructivismo aplicados a la ... -
Bases para un futuro derecho europeo de la jurisdicción voluntaria
(Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, 07/2019)After confirming the need for an European Union harmonization on the laws governing the voluntary jurisdiction, this paper examines the national legislations from Hungary, Slovenia, France, Germany, Italy, Finland and ... -
Bases psicobiológicas de la creatividad en los niños con altas capacidades
(Psiquiatría Biológica, 01/2020)La creatividad en los niños con altas capacidades es un potencial, un proceso que requiere de un entorno favorable para su óptimo desarrollo. La expresión genética de estos niños en interacción con el ambiente puede explicar ... -
Basic Information of MOOCs in China
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)This chapter tries to probe into the basic situation of MOOCs from four aspects including introduction, construction, application, and management of the courses so as to reflect the current development of the courses on ... -
Bayesian Knowledge Tracing for Navigation through Marzano's Taxonomy
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2021)In this paper we propose a theoretical model of an ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems) capable of improving and updating computer-aided navigation based on Bloom's taxonomy. For this we use the Bayesian Knowledge Tracing ... -
Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework
(Research in Learning Technology, 2020)In this article, we propose a cross-pollination of two prominent lines of educational thought: open education (OE) and threshold concepts (TCs). Open education has gained an increased profile through the growing popularity ... -
Behavior Analysis of Digital Transformation in Latin American and Colombian Universities, Based on a General Identification of Variables
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)As a consequence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, many organizations have been forced to initiate digital transformation processes in order to survive in a new context that demands dynamic and flexible responses from them ... -
Behavior of the Uptake of Ibuprofen in Five Varieties of Horticultural Crops Irrigated with Regenerated Water
(Springer, 2022)The current use of regenerated water in agriculture has led to the emergence of new forms of pollutants, such as pharmaceutical compounds (PCs) which are not fully eliminated in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Therefore, ... -
Behavioral Therapies for Treating Female Sexual Dysfunctions: A State-of-the-Art Review
(Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022)Many possible factors impact sexual wellbeing for women across the lifespan, and holistic approaches are being utilized to promote health and to address sexual concerns. Female sexual dysfunction disorders, including female ... -
Being executive and narrative reason in the epistemology of Ortega
(Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 05/2015)En "Ensayo de estética a manera de prólogo" (1914) Ortega contrapone a las limitaciones del conocimiento que se sirve del concepto (el ser objetivo del idealismo) la capacidad del arte para mostrar el ser ejecutivo de las ... -
'La Bella y la Bestia' y el movimiento LGTB en Disney: empoderamiento y activismo en YouTube
(Area Abierta, 01/2020)Esta investigación se adentra en la discusión desplegada en YouTube a raíz de la inclusión de personajes y escenas relativas al colectivo LGTB en la última adaptación del largometraje La Bella y la Bestia (2017) de Bill ...