Listar Artículos Científicos WOS y SCOPUS por título
Mostrando ítems 2615-2634 de 4833
Kairotanasia y ancianidad en la antigüedad clásica
(Revista Humanidades, 01/2017)En el contexto de la ancianidad en el mundo clásico es muy difícil establecer una línea divisoria entre el suicidio y la kairotanasia, considerada por algunos como la muerte oportuna. A pesar de que la lista de suicidios ... -
Kant and Phenomenology
(Tópicos (México), 2012)Tom Rockmore, profesor de la Universidad de Duquesne (Pitts-burgh), es un conocido investigador de la filosofía del idealismo alemán(Kant, Fichte, Hegel) y otros autores posteriores (Marx, Heidegger, Ha-bermas, Lukács). ... -
Karl Jaspers y la distinción hermenéutica entre entender y explicar en psicopatología. ¿Podríamos reencontrarnos en alguien que padeciera el síndrome de Cotard tipo I?
(Revista de Filosofía, 2011)Aunque Karl Jaspers afirmó en su Psicopatología general que la génesis de un delirio es incomprensible tanto empática como racionalmente, millones de espectadores de todo el mundo y multitud de críticos parecen haber ... -
Keeping alive enterprises while embracing unprecedented COVID-19 restrictions
(Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease, 04/2020)COVID-19 is rapidly expanding globally, with more than 1,800,000 cases and 105,000 deaths to date (April 11, 2020) ( The WHO upgrade to pandemic, the emergency declaration in the United States, and ... -
Keto-Enol Tautomerism in Passerini and Ugi Adducts
(Molecules, 2021)The use of arylglyoxal as starting material in Passerini and Ugi reactions affords β-ketoamides. This has allowed to study keto-enol tautomerism in these systems and assess the way in which the presence of acyloxy or ... -
Key aspects on physical fitness and injury prevention programs in football: a narrative review
(Journal of Sport and Health Research, 09/2017)Football practice depends on many factors such as technical, biomechanical, psychological and physiological components. Football is a sport with a high incidence of injury during training and practice, especially in ... -
Keys to the survival of the family firm: Long-lived family firms
(Competitiveness, Organizational Management, and Governance in Family Firms, 2019)The purpose of this research is to carry out an in-depth exploration of the causes of the family firm's success over short and long term, analysing which capabilities are the most valuable sources of sustainable competitive ... -
Keyword-Based Processing for Assessing Short Answers in the Educational Field
(Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022)When grading open-ended engineering exam responses, it is assessed to what extent its content and quality suit the requirements and accomplish the objectives of the test. This is a time consuming and subjective task. The ... -
King-werner-like methods free of derivatives
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)Recently, Argyros and Ren in [6] studied King-Werner-like methods for approximating a locally unique solution x of equation (formula presented). -
King-Werner-type methods of order 1 + √2
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)Iterative methods are used to generate a sequence of approximating a solution x of the nonlinear equation F(x) = 0, (10.1) where F is Fréchet-differentiable operator defined on a convex subset D of a Banach space X with ... -
KM Tools and Techniques from the Cloud Based on GNU Can Be Applied in Educational Organizations
(Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2014)This paper presents some applications based on free software that allow some steps related to knowledge management, these can be implemented in organizations own servers or new hosting services in the cloud as a Nixiweb ... -
Knowledge Management Applied in the Comparative Study of the IRETE Intrusion Methodology to Access to the Computer Systems
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)The threats in cyberspace materialize big digital security threats for any organization. New computer incidents are permanently reported, visualizing the advanced technical skills of cybercriminals and the cybersecurity ... -
Knowledge management as a tool for improving business processes: an action research approach
(Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2018)Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of Knowledge Management as a tool for improving business processes in a different context from the industrial organizations, as an archaeological museum. ... -
Laboratorios vivientes universitarios: nuevas posibilidades para tecnologías asistivas y el desarrollo sostenible
(Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 2023)En los últimos años, las universidades han tomado un rol protagónico en innovación y transferencia tecnológica en las comunidades. El objetivo de este artículo es una reflexión teórica a través de una breve actualización ... -
Labour inclusion of LGBTI people in Spain: Ethics and conduct codes
(Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 2022)The company is a social agent that contributes to the integration of people in their working and social environment. Through codes of conduct, companies set out their values and ethics with the aim of guiding coexistence ... -
Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism for cocontact systems
(Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 2023)In this paper we present a unified Lagrangian–Hamiltonian geometric formalism to describe time-dependent contact mechanical systems, based on the one first introduced by K. Kamimura and later formalized by R. Skinner and ... -
Laguerre-like method for multiple zeros
(Contemporary study of iterative methods: convergence, dynamics and applications, 2018)In this chapter the applicability of the Laguerre-like method for finding multiple zeros is extended. Numerical examples are also presented. -
Land- and pool-based intervention in female fibromyalgia patients: A randomized-controlled trial
(Turkish Journal of Phisical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2018)Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a standard physical rehabilitation intervention (SPRI) program, in pool-based (SPRI-P) and land-based (SPRI-L) environments, applied to female fibromyalgia (FM) ... -
Language, gender and sexual identity: Poststructuralist perspectives Heiko Motschenbacher (2010) and An interdisciplinary bibliography on language, gender and sexuality (2000-2011) Heiko Motschenbacher (2012)
(Sociolinguistics Studies, 2016)Reseña de: "Language, gender and sexual identity: Poststructuralist perspectives Heiko Motschenbacher" de John Benjamins. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xii + 209 ISBN: 978 90 272 1868 1 (Hb; alk. Paper) ...