Mostrando ítems 4775-4794 de 15271

    • Educar en valores a través del cortometraje y fotografía en el aula de infantil de P5 

      Nogues-Esteban, Laura (31/05/2023)
      Los alumnos nacen con unas fortalezas intelectuales y estilos de aprendizaje en que (Gardner, 1983) las clasifica en ocho inteligencias múltiples, esto significa que cada alumno posee unas fortalezas intelectuales y estilo ...
    • Educar es amar y autorrealizarse 

      Gallego Jiménez, Gloria ; Bosch Rabell, Magda (Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, 03/2016)
      La presente investigación aborda la temática reflexiva sobre la educación centrada en la persona. Se suele dar mucha importancia a la educación como un mero proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje como señalan en lo últimos ...
    • Educar para el ocio inclusivo en la escuela: revisión y propuestas de mejora 

      Arbilla, Beatriz (2012)
      Con este trabajo de investigación se pretende analizar las propuestas educativas que ofrecen los centros escolares, principalmente en la etapa de Educación Primaria, con respecto a fomentar actitudes, conocimientos y ...
    • Educar para emplear 

      Amor, Lorenzo (Nueva Revista, 10/2014)
      Empezaré con una reflexión personal para poder contextualizar los retos a los que se enfrenta el empleo juvenil en España y sobre todo entender el necesario cambio cultural, y especialmente desde el ámbito de la educación, ...
    • Educar para la movilidad mediante la educación emocional en infantil 

      Fernández-Díaz, María Dolores (16/02/2017)
      En el sistema educativo actual ya se valora de forma reseñable el desarrollo del conocimiento y del desarrollo emocional de los individuos de manera conjunta, ya que favorecen el desarrollo integral y autónomo del ser ...
    • Educar para pactar 

      González Romero, María (NUEVA REVISTA, 06/2023)
      Nuestra naturaleza nos invita a colaborar y a estimular el cuidado mutuo: las personas funcionamos por reciprocidad. La autora parte de tres premisas para cultivar la cultura de pactos: cuidar de lo tuyo y de lo mío es ...
    • Educar y educarnos a tiempo, pedagógica y socialmente 

      Caride, José Antonio (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/2020)
      Sin obviar otras percepciones y representaciones acerca del tiempo, pondremos énfasis en su caracterización como una construcción social y cultural, humana. Las reflexiones sobre su naturaleza y alcance han ocupado a las ...
    • Educar y reeducar para reconstruir (nota de pedagogía filosófica y de psicología experimental) 

      Cultrera, Salvatore (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/1949)
      Tras las ruinas acumuladas por la guerra a lo largo de los senderos de la civilización milenaria, generalmente nos detenernos doloridos delante de las obras de arte destruidas, de los puentes hundidos, de las ciudades ...
    • Educating at Scale for Sustainable Development and Social Enterprise Growth: The Impact of Online Learning and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 

      Calvo Martínez, Sara ; Lyon, Fergus; Morales Pachón, Andrés ; Wade, Jeremy (Sustainability, 04/2020)
      The solutions to the grand challenges of sustainability, poverty, and health affecting the world will require education and capacity building for all individuals implementing change on a global scale. The challenge ahead ...
    • Education and struggles for recognition: the strategic role of empowerment 

      Gonçalves Barbosa, Manuel; García del Dujo, Ángel (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/2016)
      Las luchas por el reconocimiento, centradas hasta hace poco en aspectos culturales e identitarios, vuelven al dominio público en forma de luchas por el reconocimiento legal, precisamente cuando estamos asistiendo, en el ...
    • Education and Well-Being 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      Education has always had an important place in public policy. Unfortunately, during the past decades education policies have been inspired by the human-capital approach; this approach views the education sector as an ...
    • Education for globalization: cultural diversity and multilingualism 

      Marro-Roig, Bárbara; Mosquera Gende, Ingrid ; Gomez Lorenzo, Paula (EDULEARN16: 8TH International conference on education and new learning technologies, 2016)
      In the process known as globalization, cultures, languages and ways of living converge creating a different society, one in which multilingualism plays a main role, having its reflection in education. It is interesting, ...
    • Education in a Crisis Context: Summary, Insights and Future 

      Burgos, Daniel ; Tlili, Ahmed; Tabacco, Anita (Lecture notes in educational technology, 2021)
      This book presents a selected collection of research works, out of practice, worldwide. Along the four sections: (1) global learning and crisis; (2) teachers’ support in crisis; (3) learners’ support in crisis; and (4) ...
    • Educational Anamnesis and Emotional Well-being in Lifelong Learning for Older Adults: Strategies and Assessments for Comprehensive Care 

      Rosser Limiñana, Pablo; Soler Ortiz, Seila (Biomedical. Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2024)
      This proposal for incorporating the methodology of anamnesis into the educational field, specifically aimed at the education of older adults, anticipates the implementation of a comprehensive approach that encompasses both ...
    • Educational and technological needs of university students with hearing impairments 

      Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, Sonia ; Solera Hernández, Eva ; Rios-Aguilar, Sergio ; Garcia Gonzalez, Juan Manuel (Iceri2016: 9TH International conference of education, reserch and innovation, 2016)
      In Spain, only 9.2 % of persons with disabilities embark upon Higher Education (Fundacion Universia, 2014), and 14.7 % obtain a university degree, compared to 31.7% of the rest of population (National Statistics Institute, ...
    • Educational Loss at Times of Crisis: The Role of Games in Students' Learning in Palestine and Iraq 

      Ali, Kareema; Burgos, Daniel; Affouneh, Saida (Sustainability, 2023)
      This study examines the role of educational games in compensating for educational loss and their impact on students' motivation towards learning during crises in Palestine and Iraq. Additionally, the study considers the ...
    • Educational research journals: a partial view from the UK 

      Baker, William; Connolly, Mark (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/2018)
      This paper is about educational research journals in general and the British Educational Research Journal in particular. In this paper, we discuss some of the aims of educational research journals and several the challenges ...
    • Educational Robotics in the Stage of Secondary Education: Empirical Study on Motivation and STEM Skills 

      Arís Redó, Nuria ; Orcos, Lara (Education Sciences, 06/2019)
      Educational robotics (ER) is increasingly present in secondary education classrooms and has acquired greater projection, especially with the appearance of championships, such as FIRST® LEGO® League. These competitions ...
    • Educational robotics proposal in early childhood education to enhance mathematical competence acquisition 

      Orcos, Lara ; Arís Redó, Nuria ; Magreñán, Á. Alberto (ICERI Proceedings, 2019)
      It is a fact that Robotics are considered to be one the emerging technologies used in the classrooms nowadays. It is common to apply educational robotic projects both in Primary and Secondary Education, but its implementation ...
    • Educational Use of Social Media in Primary and Childhood Education Degrees at a Virtual University 

      Gil-Fernández, Raquel; Calderón Garrido, Diego (International Journal of Instruction, 2022)
      The use of social networks is part of people's daily lives, and university students, in their academic life, make particularly intense use of them on a daily basis for different purposes. This research analyses the nature, ...