Mostrando ítems 3425-3444 de 5990
Machinability characterization in end milling of Invar 36 fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing
(Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023)Aircraft manufacturing sector manufactures a huge number of preforms near to the final profile or accuracy molds to avoid waste and to be more sustainable in terms of environ-ment. However, this near net shape (NNS) profiles ... -
Machine Learning and Student Activity to Predict Academic Grades in Online Settings in Latam
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)In the past few years, interest in applying intelligent data-mining techniques to educational datasets has increased rapidly, with goals ranging from identifying students who need further support to being able to infer or ... -
Machine tools anomaly detection through nearly real-time data analysis
(Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 12/2019)This work presents a new methodology for machine tools anomaly detection via operational data processing. The previous methodology has been field tested on a milling-boring machine in a real production environment. This ... -
Machine translation systems and guidebooks: an approach to the importance of the role of the human translator
(Onomazein, 11/2020)Computer-assisted translation tools are increasingly supplemented by the presence of machine translation (MT) in different areas and working environments, from technical translation to translation in international ... -
Madrigal y misa La pastorella mia. Ippolito Sabino (ca. 1550-1593) y Pedro Rimonte (1565-1627)
(Institución Fernando el Católico, 2023)Study and musical transcription of the madrigal and the polychoral mass "La pastorela mia". Both works possibly were part of the soundscape of the double weddings of Philip III with Margaret of Austria and of Albert of ... -
Maestros y discípulos. Anatomía de una relación
(Teoría de la educación, 2021)El propósito de este texto es examinar la relación maestro-discípulo como una relación inscrita en un espacio físico e institucional determinado que propicia un vínculo intelectual, ético y existencial. Se trata ... -
Magnetic Nanoclusters Increase the Sensitivity of Lateral Flow Immunoassays for Protein Detection: Application to Pneumolysin as a Biomarker for Streptococcus pneumoniae
(Nanomaterials, 06/2022)Lateral flow immunoassays for detecting biomarkers in body fluids are simple, quick, inexpensive point-of-care tests widely used in disease surveillance, such as during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. ... -
Main differences between the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Madrid, Spain
(International journal of infectious diseases, 2021)Background: The emergence and rapid global spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) represents a major challenge to health services, and has disrupted social and economic activities worldwide. ... -
Maintenance Plan Based on TPM for Turbine Recovery Machinery
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021)The maintenance and repair of the components of hydroelectric turbines require the use of specialized equipment. To keep these teams operational, it is proposed to design a master plan in order to develop a TPM philosophy ... -
La maldición de Herodes: Aproximación al trabajo infantil en la ciudad de Segovia 1860-1930
(Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense, 2021)El objetivo de este artículo es plasmar el trabajo infantil en una ciudad de interior y preindustrial como era Segovia desde 1860 a 1930. Con este fin, nos hemos basado en el estudio de los padrones municipales de 1860, ... -
Maltrato infantil y funcionamiento social en trastornos psicóticos: protocolo de revisión sistemática
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)Introducción: Se cree que el maltrato infantil (MI) juega un papel clave en la etiología y el pronóstico de los trastornos psicóticos (TP). Además, el MI está relacionado con ciertas características neurobiológicas y ... -
Malware Security Evasion Techniques: An Original Keylogger Implementation
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)The current study evaluates the malware life cycle and develops a keylogger that can avoid Windows 10 security systems. Therefore, we considered the requirements of the malware in order to create a keylogger. Afterward, ... -
Mamá: salvemos la moral desde las aportaciones históricas de la renovación pedagógica
(Revista Internacional de Humanidades, 2023)El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar el significado del papel de la madre, en el desarrollo social, para tres iniciativas de la Renovación de la Pedagogía: la Institución Libre de Enseñanza, las Escuelas del Ave María ... -
Management and academic anxiety in Ibero-American higher institutions students during COVID-19
(Texto Livre-Linguagem e Tecnologia, 2022)The COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty and instability in the population regarding the capacity of institutions to manage and mitigate its impact. In such an emergency, it is possible to ask how higher education ... -
Management and entrepreneurship management mechanism of college students based on support vector machine algorithm
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2022)For the employment and entrepreneurship management of college students, the application of big data technology can effectively improve their work efficiency, that is, the support vector machine algorithm is applied to the ... -
Management of common mental disorders should take place in primary health or specialized care? Clinical decisions of psychiatrists from Latin American countries
(PLoS ONE, 2022)Objective The objective of our study was to explore clinical decisions of psychiatrists regarding the management of common mental disorders in primary care (PC) in four Latin Americans countries, through the application ... -
Managing Creative Industries Through Cooperation: An Evidence of New Business Models in the Fourth Sector
(Springer Nature, 2021)The existence of museums is an important pillar of the cultural and economic system in the fourth sector in both developing and developed countries. It is known that aesthetics is the most important criteria for differentiation ... -
Managing Cross-Border Conflicts Through Volunteer Commitment: A Comparative Study Between Religious and Non-profit Organizations in the San Diego–Tijuana Area
(Frontiers in Psychology, 01/2020)San Diego and Tijuana configure two big cities that have faced each other across the international boundary between United States and Mexico for over 180 years. Within this context, the relationship emerging at the border ... -
Managing multi-criteria group decision making environments with high number of alternatives using fuzzy ontologies
(Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2018)The high amount of information that modern multi-criteria group decision making environments must handle requires the development of novel methods. These methods should be able to work with high amounts of alternatives ... -
Managing situations with high number of elements in group decision making
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020)Group Decision Making environments have completely changed. The number of information that the experts have available and that, therefore, they can use to discuss about is constantly increasing. There is a need of new Group ...