Mostrando ítems 1791-1810 de 5990
E Games applied to interaction strategies in practice. Digital anthropology and actual learning
(ACM International Conference Proceeding Series INTERACCION 2014, 09/2014)Conferencia en "5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, INTERACCION 2014; Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife; Spain; 10 September 2014 through 12 September 2014" -
e-Banking Adoption: An Opportunity for Customer Value Co-creation
(Frontiers in psychology, 14/01/2021)The development of information and communication technologies offers innovative opportunities to establish business strategies focused on customer value co-creation. This situation is especially notable in the banking ... -
E-learning en 15 días. Retos y renovaciones en la Educación Primaria y Secundaria de la República de Croacia durante la crisis del COVID-19. How have we Introduced distance Learning?
(Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 2020)La República de Croacia inició en 2015 un proyecto piloto denominado e-Škole que incluía entre sus objetivos desarrollar un modelo de escuelas «digitalmente maduras», de manera que las Tecnologías de la Información y la ... -
El e-porfolio y wakelet como herramienta de evaluación de docentes en formación
(Dykinson, 2021)Existe una necesidad cada vez más urgente de que los educadores se preparen para ser ciudadanos del mundo; personas que no solo son capaces de trabajar y vivir en un entorno globalizado y rápidamente cambiante, sino que ... -
E2E-V2SResNet: Deep residual convolutional neural networks for end-to-end video driven speech synthesis
(Image and vision computing, 2022)Speechreading which infers spoken message from a visually detected articulated facial trend is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end ResNet (E2E-ResNet) model for synthesizing speech signals from the ... -
Early intervention and perceived quality Refinement of the inventory of quality in early intervention centers
(Medicine, 04/2019)The current perspective on early intervention revolves around consideration of the family as a cornerstone, its opinion being essential in providing a quality service. Early intervention centers require an evaluation of ... -
Early signs of functioning and contextual factors in children 0 to 6 years of age at high risk of or with developmental coordination disorder: A scoping review
(Child: Care, Health and Development, 2023)Background: Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) can significantly impact body structures and functions, activities, participation and contextual factors. Using a scoping review methodology, we aimed to identify the ... -
Early-Onset Dementia Associated with a Heterozygous, Nonsense, and de novo Variant in the MBD5 Gene
(IOS Press BV, 2021)The haploinsufficiency of the methyl-binding domain protein 5 (MBD5) gene has been identified as the determinant cause of the neuropsychiatric disorders grouped under the name MBD5-neurodevelopment disorders (MAND). MAND ... -
Earthquake Magnitude and Frequency Forecasting in Northeastern Algeria using Time Series Analysis
(Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2023)This study uses two different time series forecasting approaches (parametric and non-parametric) to assess a frequency and magnitude forecasting of earthquakes above Mw 4.0 in Northeastern Algeria. The Autoregressive ... -
Eating disorders in Spanish acrobatic gymnasts based on sex and competitive level
(Science of Gymnastics Journal, 2023)The aim of this study was to assess the body composition and the risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) in two groups of Spanish elite acrobatic gymnasts. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, where 130 ... -
Eating Habits and School Performance in Students of Primary Education
(Journal of Modern Educational Research, 2023)Background: Maintaining a proper diet is crucial, particularly for children undergoing the critical phases of growth and development. Objective: This study aims to investigate the association between eating habits and ... -
La eco-innovación en las empresas mexicanas de alojamiento turístico
(Retos Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 01/04/2018)En este documento se desarrolla un marco analítico para explorar tentativamente el concepto de eco-innovación y su implantación en las empresas mexicanas de alojamiento turístico a través de dos características internas ... -
Ecocidio petrolero en Tres noches para cinco perros de Gustavo Ott
(Verbum, 2023)En este trabajo se analiza la obra Tres noches para cinco perros, de Gustavo Ott. Pieza que cuestiona y denuncia el daño al ecosistema producido por la explosión de la plataforma petrolera llamada “Deepwater Horizon” ... -
Ecodiseño e innovación como bases para la implantación de una Economía Circular exitosa
(Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2021)Este capítulo de libro, posee el interés de relacionar los conceptos de innovación y de Economía Circular, como complementarios e imprescindibles entre sí. Esta orientación, se contrapone a la concepción tradicional de ... -
Ecologies of Learning for Inclusive Pedagogy in Spanish Secondary Education
(Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2023)From the theoretical basis of the ecology of learning and inclusive pedagogy, this article explores the activities, resources and interactions practised by 25 Spanish teachers in compulsory secondary education. This ... -
Ecologías de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Profesional Docente: Oportunidades y retos en un contexto formativo cambiante
(Universidad de Granada, 2021)En la realidad actual, los docentes están expuestos a diversos y frenéticos cambios que hacen patente una necesidad de actualización permanente. Así pues, es ineludible el hecho de que el desarrollo profesional docente ya ... -
Economic analysis of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). A review of software packages for estimating and simulating costs
(Applied Thermal Engineering, 07/2016)This review presents an economic analysis of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, which are a way of making efficient, large-scale use of the enormous resources offered by geothermal energy. Existing software packages for ... -
Economic and environmental impacts of energy efficiency over smart cities and regulatory measures using a smart technological solution
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021)Smart cities are a safe and productive regional service that provides their residents with a good standard of living by optimizing resource development. Considering the nature of the energy resources available, energy ... -
Economic and social resilience accounts for the recovery of Ibiza's tourism sector
(Tourism geographies, 2021)Islands tend to offer almost everything needed to become a tourist destination, such as good weather, beaches and landscapes, but it also requires the provision of competitively priced transport services, lodging and ... -
Economic data analytic AI technique on IoT edge devices for health monitoring of agriculture machines
(Applied Sciences, 07/2020)In the era of Internet of things (IoT), network Connection of an enormous number of agriculture machines and service centers is an expectation. However, it will be with a generation of massive volume of data, thus overwhelming ...