Mostrando ítems 5980-5991 de 5991
X-ray imaging virtual online laboratory for engineering undergraduates
(European Journal of Physics, 2020)Distance learning engineering students (as well as those in face-to-face settings) should acquire a basic background in radiation-matter interaction physics (usually in the first semesters). Some students in this group may ... -
Y tú, ¿por qué eres negro?: discursos e identidades afrodescendientes en España
(Kamchatka. Revista de Análisis Cultural, 2022)El objetivo de este artículo es explorar la construcción gradual de identidades afrodescendientes en España a partir de producciones culturales y artísticas generadas por el propio colectivo, en particular por parte de ... -
Yo me quedo en casa
(Universidad Compultense Madrid, 2021)Necesitaba liberar la sensación de angustia inicial por el COVID. Estaba bloqueada mental y emocionalmente, y coger el lápiz y el papel me ayudó a relajarme y a ordenar mis ideas de una forma increíble. Quería crear un ... -
"Yo soy pintor y pinto como quiero" El bosquejo de una ninfa, de Fray Damián Cornejo
(Dykinson, 2023)López Pinciano defendió la hermandad entre pintores y poetas y elevó a nivel teórico el motivo horaciano ut pictura poesis.26 Este adquirió un gran prestigio entre los escritores barrocos, quienes veían en la pintura un ... -
"You Enjoy Talking about It More than Doing It": Fake Narratives in Disdainful Relationships
(Qualitative Research in Education, 2022)Research has found that the coercive dominant discourse (CDD) can have a negative impact on girls' sexual pleasure. In this vein, a previous study found that girls who described relationships under the CDD as exciting also ... -
Young people confronting the challenge of reading and interpreting a digital world
(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2021)Critical citizenship education must consider the global and digital context in which we live. Digital media and global processes have a decisive influence on people’s daily lives. However, digital literacy programs rarely ... -
Young People’s Autonomy and Psychological Well-Being in the Transition to Adulthood: A Pathway Analysis
(Frontiers in Psychology, 08/2020)Young people transition to adulthood via diverse pathways; among the most significant are those dominated by education, employment, or social disadvantage. These pathways are determined, to a large extent, by the level of ... -
Youth and gambling disorder: What about criminal behavior?
(Addictive behaviors, 02/2021)Background and aims: The commission of illegal acts has been associated with gambling disorder (GD). However, little is known about young adults with GD who commit GD-related crimes. Therefore, the main aim of this study ... -
YouTube e influencers en la infancia. Análisis de contenidos y propuestas educativas
(ICONO 14. Revista Científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías, 07/2020)La presencia de las tecnologías móviles e Internet entre los niños y jóvenes está generando nuevos marcos de comprensión, interacción y consumo de medios y contenidos. YouTube se ha convertido en una de las plataformas más ... -
Youtube musicians and self-perceived multimedia, hypermedia, intertextual and transmedia
(Routledge, 2021)YouTube has grown into an unprecedented music industry where informal learning practices converge among young musicians now considered authentic internet (micro)celebrities. Due to the rise of music video trends on the ... -
El zapateado flamenco en las aulas: una revisión a la legislación
(ARTSEDUCA, 2018)El flamenco es una seña identitaria de la cultura Española. A pesar de esto, no es un contenido que habitualmente esté presente en nuestras aulas. En este trabajo presentamos una revisión bibliográfca sobre la legislación ... -
Zapote seed (Pouteria mammosa L.) valorization for thermal energy generation in tropical climates
(Sustainability, 05/2020)According to the Law for the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of Energy Transition, Mexico's goal for 2024 is to generate 35% of its energy from non-fossil sources. Each year, up to 2630 tons of residual biomass ...