Mostrando ítems 202-221 de 4793

    • Adapting the brief coping cat for children with anxiety to a group setting in the spanish public mental health system: a hybrid effectiveness-implementation pilot study 

      Santesteban-Echarri, Olga ; Hernández-Arroyo, Laura; Rice, Simon M.; Güerre-Lobera, M. José; Serrano-Villar, María; Espín-Jaime, José Carlos; Jiménez-Arriero, Miguel Ángel (Journal of Child and Family Studies, 10/2018)
      Group therapy may offer a promising solution to reducing patient waiting lists for publicly funded mental health services. In this study, an individual brief cognitive behavioral therapy (BCBT) intervention was adapted for ...
    • Adaptive attunement of selective covert attention to evolutionary-relevant emotional visual scenes 

      Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Gutiérrez-García, Aida; Capafons, Juan; Calvo, Manuel G (Consciousness and Cognition, 05/2017)
      We investigated selective attention to emotional scenes in peripheral vision, as a function of adaptive relevance of scene affective content for male and female observers. Pairs of emotional neutral images appeared ...
    • Adaptive contents for interactive TV guided by machine learning based on predictive sentiment analysis of data 

      Mondragón, Victor M; García-Díaz, Vicente; Porcel, Carlos; González-Crespo, Rubén (Soft Computing, 03/2017)
      This paper describes a new proposal for interactive television which is an answer to a continuous change in the traditional television as consequence of the inclusion and evolution of the digital social networks, the ...
    • ADC–CF: Adaptive deep concatenation coder framework for visual question answering 

      Manogaran, Gunasekaran; Shakeel, P. Mohamed; Burhanuddin, M.A; Baskar, S.; Saravanan, Vijayalakshmi M.E.; González-Crespo, Rubén ; Martínez, Oscar S. (Elsevier B.V., 2021)
      Multimodal teaching activity faces significant problems in Visual Question Answering (VQA), which involves simultaneous comprehension with reduced performance fidelity. However, Conventional methods are employed for portrayal ...
    • Addressing Sustainable Social Change for All: Upcycled-Based Social Creative Businesses for the Transformation of Socio-Technical Regimes 

      Calvo Martínez, Sara ; Morales Pachón, Andrés ; Núñez-Cacho Utrilla, Pedro; Guaita Martínez, José Manuel (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 04/2020)
      The global challenges caused by socio-economic inequalities, climate change and environmental damage caused to ecosystems, require changes in human behavior at all organizational levels, including companies, governments, ...
    • Adecuación de ingresos hospitalarios por COVID-19 en la 2ª y 5ª fase de la pandemia 

      Fernández Chávez, Abelardo; de Vicente Guijarro, Jorge; San José Saras, Diego; Roncal Redín, Miriam; Estévez Rueda, María Jesús; Penedo Alonso, José Roberto; McGee-Laso, Amaranta; Alvarez León, Eva Elisa; Aranaz Andrés, Jesús María (Revista española de salud publica, 2022)
      Fundamentos: El aumento de la demanda asistencial hospitalaria producida por la COVID-19 supone una menor disponibilidad de recursos sanitarios e influye en la adecuación de su utilización. Debido a la variabilidad de la ...
    • Adentros que se afueran 

      Gamella González, David J. (Arteterapia-papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 2021)
      La pandemia nos dictaminó un confinamiento domiciliario interminable, una distancia de todo lo humano. Para equilibrar de nuevo el mapa me he liberado de lastres nada lustrosos regalándome la libertad de liderar el trazo ...
    • Adherencia al patrón de dieta mediterránea y autoconcepto en adolescentes 

      Onetti, Wanesa ; Álvarez-Kurogi, Leandro ; Castillo-Rodríguez, Alfonso (Nutrición Hospitalaria, 05/2019)
      Introducción: la adolescencia se caracteriza por ser una fase decisiva que consolida tanto el desarrollo de la personalidad, atendiendo a diversos factores psicosociales que influyen, como la adquisición de hábitos que se ...
    • Adicción al Juego: ¿Mito o Realidad? Evidencias científicas sobre el trastorno de juego 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Valenciano-Mendoza, Eduardo; Mora-Maltas, Bernat; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Jimenez-Murcia, Susana (Metode science studies journal, 2022)
      Interest in gambling disorder, formerly known as pathological gambling, has been growing in both the clinical and scientific community. The increase in empirical evidence concerning gambling disorder has allowed for a ...
    • Adjectives Grouping in a Dimensionality Affective Clustering Model for Fuzzy Perceptual Evaluation 

      Huang, Wenlin; Wu, Qun; Dey, Nilanjan; Ashour, Amira; Fong, Simon James; González-Crespo, Rubén (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2020)
      More and more products are no longer limited to the satisfaction of the basic needs, but reflect the emotional interaction between people and environment. The characteristics of user emotions and their evaluation scales ...
    • Administración local y control ciudadano en los municipios hispanos de época flavia: las acciones qui volet 

      López-Huguet, María Luisa (Revista Digital de derecho Administrativo, 2023)
      Las leyes de los municipios flavios hispanos preceptuaban el funcionamiento de los órganos de la administración local, estableciendo diferentes mecanismos preventivos y sancionadores ante posibles incumplimientos, cuya ...
    • Adobe bricks reinforced with paper & pulp wastes improving thermal and mechanical properties 

      Muñoz, Pedro; Letelier, Viviana; Muñoz, Luis; Bustamante, M. A. (Construction and Building Materials, 09/2020)
      Soil-based building material has been used since ancient times but lately it has been mainly considered for restoration purposes of traditional architecture instead of an eco-friendly construction material for new buildings. ...
    • Adolfo Marsillach: Escenificar a los clásicos (1986-1994) 

      Hoyo Ventura, Margarita del (SIGNA. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, 2020)
      Reseña de: Adolfo Marsillach: Escenificar a los clásicos (1986-1994) por Mariano De Paco Serrano . Madrid: Asociación de Directores de Escena, 2019, 448 págs.
    • La adopción de las aplicaciones de banca móvil desde una perspectiva dual 

      Medina-Molina, Cayetano; Rey-Moreno, Manuel; Cazurro-Barahona, Victor ; Parrondo, Sergio (Sociologia y Tecnociencia, 2019)
      El surgimiento de las Fintech provoca un incremento de la competencia para el sector bancario ya que, además de ofrecer servicios más orientados a los clientes y optimizar el uso de las tecnologías, ...
    • Adopting the GHOSHEH Model to Create Innovative Open Educational Resources Based on Rogers' Process for Diffusion of Innovations 

      Wahbeh, Dua' Ghosheh; Burgos, Daniel; Affouneh, Saida (Sustainability, 2023)
      The current study aims to adopt a new model for creating innovative OERs. The model, called 'GHOSHEH', supports OERs through multiple learner-centered strategies with authentic assessments, and focuses on practice and ...
    • La adquisición de competencias profesionales a través del aprendizaje servicio del alumnado del grado en educación infantil 

      Moreno Fuentes, Elena; De la Blanca de la Paz, Soledad; Vazquez Perez, Ma Luisa; Perales Molada, Rosa M. (Etic@net, 2022)
      Esta experiencia plantea la potencialidad del Aprendizaje Servicio como metodología que favorece el desarrollo de competencias profesionales en el alumnado del Grado en Educación Infantil del Centro Universitario SAFA ...
    • Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in HTLV-1 non-endemic regions 

      Mendoza, Carmen de; Rando, Ariadna; Miró, Elisenda; Pena, María José; Rodríguez-Avial, Iciar; Ortega, Diego; González-Praetorius, Alejandro; Reina, Gabriel; Pintos, Ilduara; Pozuelo, María José; Soriano, Vicente (Journal of Clinical Virology, 2023)
      Background: HTLV-1 infection is a neglected disease, despite producing neurological and lymphoproliferative severe illnesses and affect over 10 million people worldwide. Roughly 5% of HTLV-1 carriers develop Adult T-cell ...
    • Adult-onset hypothyroidism increases ethanol consumption 

      Echeverry-Alzate, V.; Buehler, K. M.; Calleja-Conde, J.; Huertas, E.; Maldonado, R.; Rodriguez de Fonseca, F.; Santiago, Catalina; Gómez-Gallego, Felix ; Santos, A.; Giné, E.; López-Moreno, J. A. (Psychopharmacology, 04/2019)
      RationaleOnly in Europe it can be estimated that more than 20 million of people would be affected by hypothyroidism in some moment of their life. Given that ethanol consumption is so frequent, it would be reasonable to ask ...
    • Advance Care Planning in Spain 

      Lasmarías, Cristina; Carrero, Virginia; Fernández-Bueno, Júlia; GArcía-Llana, Helena; Granero-Moya, Nani; Júdez, Javier; Pérez de Lucas, Núria; Saralegui, Iñaki; Velasco, Tayra (Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care, 2023)
      In the last decade in Spain, an important push has been given to the development of health policies that define the framework of action in the care of people with advanced chronic diseases. Respect for the autonomy of the ...
    • Advanced Clustering Techniques for Emotional Grouping in Learning Environments Using an AR-Sandbox 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022)
      Recently, it has been proven that the emotional aspect directly influences the learning process, so that, based on data mining techniques, this behavior has been sought to be characterized. This has made clustering techniques ...