Mostrando ítems 2849-2868 de 4793

    • Mining Pre-Grade Academic and Demographic Data to Predict University Dropout 

      Martínez Navarro, Álvaro; Verdú, Elena ; Moreno-Ger, Pablo (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
      Digital transformation is enabling institutions to enhance their processes by using data and technology. In education, digital transformation allows improving the learning experience as well as the institution processes. ...
    • Una mirada al futuro ante la relación de las inteligencias múltiples y el rendimiento escolar. Una apuesta hacia nuevas metodologías docentes en la Escuela del Siglo XXI 

      Álvarez-Osuna, David ; Llamas Salguero, Fátima ; López-Fernández, Verónica (Aulas de Encuentro, 2016)
      El presente estudio pretende arrojar luz sobre la mejora del rendimiento escolar, aplicando una metodología basada en las Inteligencias Múltiples de Gardner (1983). De esta manera, el objetivo que se persigue es descubrir ...
    • La mirada costumbrista de Jerónimo López Mozo sobre la pandemia COVID-19 

      Nawrot, Julia (Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN, 2021)
      During 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic affected the entire world. One of the areas that suffered from the situation caused by the virus was culture, and especially the performing arts. To counteract the crisis, various solutions ...
    • La mirada femenina en MAD MEN. Estudio del punto de vista audiovisual 

      Gutiérrez-Martínez, Begoña (VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review / Revista Internacional de Cultura, 2022)
      El objetivo principal es averiguar en qué medida los espectadores acceden al punto de vista subjetivo de los personajes femeninos de la serie Mad Men (Matthew Weiner, 2007-2015). Para ello, nos centramos en ...
    • Mirar hacia arriba. Investigación artística en torno a la gárgola española 

      Yáñez Martínez, Begoña (Imagen [N] Visible, 2019)
      A lo largo de los últimos años, en relación a la temática llevada a cabo en mi tesis doctoral, he ido desarrollado un proyecto de investigación artística en torno a las gárgolas españolas. No solo desde sus posibilidades ...
    • La mitigación en el cumplimiento de la función social de la propiedad urbana tombada 

      Silva, Mireni De Oliveira Costa; Gonçalves, Rúben Miranda ; do Carmo, Valter Moura (Revista Juridica, 2020)
      Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo consiste en discutir la mitigación en el cumplimiento de la función social de la propiedad volcada por el IPHAN, un tema que afecta a muchas ciudades brasileñas, especialmente en los ...
    • Mitigating issues in global software developments by means of mentoring 

      Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina ; Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series CompSysTech 2015, 06/2015)
      In knowledge intensive organizations mentoring has emerged as an efficient practice for the development of these personnel. In this scenario, software development has evolved in the previous years due to the impact of ...
    • Mitigation of Environmental Impacts in Ornamental Rock and Limestone Aggregate Quarries in Arid And Semi-arid Areas 

      Peñaranda Barba, Mariángeles; Alarcón Martínez, Virginia ; Gómez Lucas, Ignacio; Navarro Pedreño, José (Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2021)
      Background and objectives: Open-pit mining is an important activity to obtain mineral resources that supply society with raw materials to improve people’s quality of life. However, this extractive activity causes negative ...
    • El mito contemporáneo de la gran guerra patriótica en el cine ruso actual 

      Barrenetxea Marañón, Igor (Studia Historica. Historia Contemporánea, 2022)
      La Gran Guerra Patriótica es uno de los acontecimientos bélicos más tremendos y desgarradores protagonizados por Rusia en el siglo xx, un pasado muy presente en la sociedad rusa actual, donde concurren historia, mitos y ...
    • Mitocrítica cultural. Una definición del mito 

      Martínez Nieto, Roxana Beatriz (Amaltea, 2023)
      Se aborda en este volumen por primera vez la cen-tralidad del mito desde todas sus vertientes. El autor ofrece un recorrido holístico a través de la mitocrí-tica cultural aplicada al patrimonio ...
    • Mitos y certezas en torno al proyecto del Biocentro de Peter Eisenman: una asimétrica relación entre el ordenador, Chomsky, Derrida y Mandelbroad 

      Fraile-Narvaez, Marcelo (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2023)
      Con la introducción del ordenador durante los años ochenta, este fue acogido por los diseñadores como una herramienta que prometía liberar la mente del viejo paradigma del siglo pasado. Sin embargo, estas promesas habían ...
    • Mixed Reality to Promote Cultural Tourism in La Merced Cloister in Cartagena Colombia 

      Mendoza, Raynel ; Cabarcas, Amaury; Arnedo, Bertha (Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2021)
      Cultural tourism has become an essential space for countries and regions that have great potential in their cultural heritage. In this sense, Cartagena – Colombia is a city that has all the characteristics that motivate ...
    • mlCAF: Multi-Level Cross-Domain Semantic Context Fusioning for Behavior Identification 

      Asif Razzaq, Muhammad; Villalonga, Claudia ; Sungyoung, Lee; Akhtar, Usman; Ali, Maqbool; Kim, Eun-Soo; Masood Khattak, Asad; Seung, Hyonwoo; Hur, Taeho; Bang, Jaehun; Kim, Dohyeong; Ali Khan, Wajahat (Sensors, 10/2017)
      The emerging research on automatic identification of user’s contexts from the cross-domain environment in ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems has proved to be successful. Monitoring the diversified user’s contexts ...
    • MMALE a methodology for malware analysis in linux environments 

      de Vicente Mohino, José Javier ; Bermejo-Higuera, Javier; Bermejo Higuera, Juan Ramón; Sicilia, Juan Antonio ; Sánchez Rubio, Manuel ; Martínez Herraiz, José-Javier (Computers, materials and continua, 2021)
      In a computer environment, an operating systemis prone to malware, and even the Linux operating system is not an exception. In recent years, malware has evolved, and attackers have becomemore qualified compared to a fewyears ...
    • Mobile App-Based Intervention for Adolescents With First-Episode Psychosis: Study Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Barbeito, Sara ; Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Teresa ; Mayoral, María; Moreno, Miguel ; Rios-Aguilar, Sergio ; Arango, Celso; Calvo, Ana (Frontiers in Psychiatry, 05/02/2019)
      Introduction: Previous studies have shown an improvement in the access to treatment for patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP), specifically young patients, through mobile app-based interventions. The aim of this study ...
    • Mobile apps and social media: Enablers of media literacy in Primary School students 

      Pérez-Escoda, Ana ; Contreras-Pulido, Paloma; Delgado-Ponce, Águeda; Gozálvez-Pérez, Vicent; Marín-Mateos, Pilar; Renés-Arellano, Paula; Pérez-Rodríguez, Amor (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, TEEM 2017, 10/2017)
      The increasing penetration of smartphones among global population, especially among youth and children, has define a mobile and interactive media use without any precedent. A global connected world is the context in where ...
    • Mobile English Learning: A Meta-analysis 

      Garzón, Juan; Lampropoulos, Georgios; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2023)
      The advantages of mobile learning (m-learning) in English education have been widely described in previous research; however, there is little evidence of its effects on student outcomes. To fill this research gap, we ...
    • MobileCogniTracker: A mobile experience sampling tool for tracking cognitive behaviour 

      Wohlfahrt-Laymann, Jan; Hermens, Hermie; Villalonga, Claudia ; Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 01/06/2019)
      As the population ages, cognitive decline is becoming a worldwide threat to older adults’ independence and quality of life. Cognitive decline involves problems with memory, language, thinking and judgement, thus severely ...
    • Modeling and Calibration for Some Stochastic Differential Models 

      Moujahid, Abdelmalik; Vadillo, Fernando (Fractal and Fractional, 2022)
      In many scientific fields, the dynamics of the system are often known, and the main challenge is to estimate the parameters that model the behavior of the system. The question then arises whether one can use experimental ...
    • Modelling a stakeholder community via a social platform: The case of 

      Barak, Noaa; Burgos, Daniel; Camilleri, Anthony Fisher; de Vries, Fred; Specht, Marcus; Windrum, Caroline (Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice, 09/2010)
      Past attempts at creating stakeholder networks for specific fields of research or industrial sectors have shown to be a resource-consuming and time-consuming process, which requires continuous monitoring and political ...