Listar por tema "neural network"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 31
A Novel Approach on Visual Question Answering by Parameter Prediction using Faster Region Based Convolutional Neural Network
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2019)Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a stimulating process in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV). In this process machine can find an answer to a natural language question which is related ... -
A Novel Smart Grid State Estimation Method Based on Neural Networks
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2018)The rapid development in smart grids needs efficient state estimation methods. This paper presents a novel method for smart grid state estimation (e.g., voltages, active and reactive power loss) using artificial neural ... -
A Review on Intrusion Detection Systems and Techniques
(International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 12/2020)An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a network security system that detects, identifies, and tracks an intruder or an invader in a network. As the usage of the internet is growing every day in our society, the IDS is ... -
Algorithm and software based on MLPNN for estimating channel use in the spectral decision stage in cognitive radio networks
(ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 01/03/2018)The use of the multilayer perceptron neural networks (MLPNN) technique is proposed to estimate the future state of use of a licensed channel by primary users (PUs); this will be useful at the spectral decision stage in ... -
Algoritmos de inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de controladores de conducción autónoma en TORCS
(06/05/2021)En este trabajo de fin de máster, se propone una comparativa entre diferentes algoritmos de inteligencia artificial destinados a resolver el problema de la conducción autónoma siendo implantados en el simulador de carreras ... -
An Improved Artificial Intelligence Based on Gray Wolf Optimization and Cultural Algorithm to Predict Demand for Dairy Products: A Case Study
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2019)This paper provides an integrated framework based on statistical tests, time series neural network and improved multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP) with novel meta-heuristic algorithms in order to obtain best ... -
Analyzing the EEG Signals in Order to Estimate the Depth of Anesthesia using Wavelet and Fuzzy Neural Networks
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2016)Estimating depth of Anesthesia in patients with the objective to administer the right dosage of drug has always attracted the attention of specialists. To study Anesthesia, researchers analyze brain waves since this is the ... -
Applying Bayesian Regularization for Acceleration of Levenberg-Marquardt based Neural Network Training
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2018)Neural network is widely used for image classification problems, and is proven to be effective with high successful rate. However one of its main challenges is the significant amount of time it takes to train the network. ... -
Artificial neural networks reconstruct missing perikymata in worn teeth
(The Anatomical Record, 2024)Dental evolutionary studies in hominins are key to understanding how our ancestors and close fossil relatives grew from the early stages of embryogenesis into adults. In a sense, teeth are like an airplane's ‘black box’ ... -
Clasificador con redes neuronales para el pronóstico de la enfermedad renal crónica en la población colombiana
(24/07/2019)Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la creación de un clasificador basado en redes neuronales para pronosticar si una persona está en riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad renal crónica (ERC). El modelo se entrenó con los datos ... -
Classification-based Deep Neural Network Architecture for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2020)This paper proposes a scalable and original classification-based deep neural architecture. Its collaborative filtering approach can be generalized to most of the existing recommender systems, since it just operates on the ... -
Comparison of neural network topologies for the classification of frogs by their songs
(Soft Computing, 07/2016)At present the capture and recognition of sounds from different animal species have great value in making biological and environmental research in certain areas affected by humans. In this paper, two topologies for five ... -
Consensus-Based Learning for MAS: Definition, Implementation and Integration in IVEs
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 09/2023)One of the main advancements in distributed learning may be the idea behind Google’s Federated Learning (FL) algorithm. It trains copies of artificial neural networks (ANN) in a distributed way and recombines the weights ... -
Crowdsourcing y datos libres mediante la detección de vehículos y pedestres utilizando redes neuronales convolucionales en smartphones
(15/11/2021)Hoy en día la propuesta y diseño de soluciones en cualquier área de estudio se basa en la premisa de la disponibilidad de datos para su análisis, en el caso de los Sistemas de Transporte Integrado (ITS), la disponibilidad ... -
Deep Belief Network and Auto-Encoder for Face Classification
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2019)The Deep Learning models have drawn ever-increasing research interest owing to their intrinsic capability of overcoming the drawback of traditional algorithm. Hence, we have adopted the representative Deep Learning methods ... -
Enhancing big data feature selection using a hybrid correlation-based feature selection
(2021)This study proposes an alternate data extraction method that combines three well-known feature selection methods for handling large and problematic datasets: the correlation-based feature selection (CFS), best first search ... -
Exploratory Boosted Feature Selection and Neural Network Framework for Depression Classification
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2018)Depression is a burdensome psychiatric disease common in low and middle income countries causing disability, morbidity and mortality in late life. In this study, we demonstrate a novel approach for detection of depression ... -
Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability in the Hopfield Network
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2016)The restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability MAX- kSAT is an enhanced Boolean satisfiability counterpart that has attracted numerous amount of research. Genetic algorithm has been the prominent optimization heuristic algorithm ... -
Gobierno de datos dirigido por una Inteligencia Artificial usando ontologías de dominio
(09/2020)Descubrir los datos que una organización posee y catalogarlos correctamente en un diccionario de términos de negocio, es un reto actual de cualquier corporación. Abordamos la solución a este problema, usando técnicas de ... -
Machine Learning Based Method for Estimating Energy Losses in Large-Scale Unbalanced Distribution Systems with Photovoltaics
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2020)In the recent years, the penetration of photovoltaics (PV) has obviously been increased in unbalanced power distribution systems. Driven by this trend, comprehensive simulation tools are required to accurately analyze ...