Mostrando ítems 442-461 de 14782

    • La adquisición de competencias profesionales a través del aprendizaje servicio del alumnado del grado en educación infantil 

      Moreno Fuentes, Elena; De la Blanca de la Paz, Soledad; Vazquez Perez, Ma Luisa; Perales Molada, Rosa M. (Etic@net, 2022)
      Esta experiencia plantea la potencialidad del Aprendizaje Servicio como metodología que favorece el desarrollo de competencias profesionales en el alumnado del Grado en Educación Infantil del Centro Universitario SAFA ...
    • Adquisición de contenidos cinematográficos por las plataformas de TV de pago y el derecho de la competencia 

      Palacio-Martinez, Rocio (22/09/2021)
      Cuando las televisiones de pago adquieren derechos para emitir obras cinematográficas, suscriben contratos con las productoras bajo condiciones de territorialidad y exclusividad. En determinadas ocasiones, dichos contratos ...
    • Adquisición de contenidos curriculares de etapa a través del español L2 en secundaria (A2-B1) 

      Zambudio-Vivancos, María Josefa (24/06/2021)
      Ante el doble reto al que se enfrentan los alumnos inmigrantes: aprender una lengua y los contenidos propios de su etapa educativa, en el presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster hemos realizado una intervención educativa con un ...
    • Adquisición de las competencias ciudadanas globales a través de la educación musical en la enseñanza obligatoria española 

      Navarro Lalanda, Sara (Aranzadi, 2022)
      En la actualidad es necesario entender la ciudadanía no como un sentir exclusivamente nacional sino como una interconexión mundial de los diversos ámbitos económicos, social, político, ecológicos entre otros. Es por ello ...
    • La adquisición del "lenguaje musical" 

      Lara-Huertas, Lorena (30/03/2013)
      La música es un elemento presente en todas las culturas del mundo y en todos los periodos históricos de la humanidad. Nacemos con una predisposición musical innata que, al igual que el lenguaje, puede desarrollarse en ...
    • La adquisición del inglés en las aulas de 5 años a través de la cultura 

      Fraca-Villar, Patricia (22/05/2015)
      El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es justificar la importancia de la transmisión de la cultura durante el proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera. Conocer los elementos culturales nos ayudará a comprender mejor tanto ...
    • ADR o procedimientos alternativos de resolución de conflictos en el ámbito fiscal 

      Orcajo-Oteo, Natalia (01/04/2021)
      Los sistemas alternativos de resolución de conflictos en materia tributaria han sido objeto de un escaso desarrollo por parte de la legislación española. Sin embargo se proclama su capacidad para coadyuvar a paliar las ...
    • ADR y digitalización como premisas para la transformación eficiente de nuestro sistema de justicia civil 

      Aliste Santos, Tomás (Actualidad Civil, 2023)
      Bajo el soporte conceptual del Plan Justicia 2030 se procede a una intensa remodelación de nuestro sistema de justicia civil. La promoción de los ADR y la digitalización parecen ser los fundamentos de un nuevo paradigma ...
    • ADT-3D Tumor Detection Assistant in 3D 

      García Castellot, Jaime; Lazcano Bello, Jaime (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2008)
      The present document describes ADT-3D (Three-Dimensional Tumor Detector Assistant), a prototype application developed to assist doctors diagnose, detect and locate tumors in the brain by using CT scan. The reader may find ...
    • Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in HTLV-1 non-endemic regions 

      Mendoza, Carmen de; Rando, Ariadna; Miró, Elisenda; Pena, María José; Rodríguez-Avial, Iciar; Ortega, Diego; González-Praetorius, Alejandro; Reina, Gabriel; Pintos, Ilduara; Pozuelo, María José; Soriano, Vicente (Journal of Clinical Virology, 2023)
      Background: HTLV-1 infection is a neglected disease, despite producing neurological and lymphoproliferative severe illnesses and affect over 10 million people worldwide. Roughly 5% of HTLV-1 carriers develop Adult T-cell ...
    • Adult-onset hypothyroidism increases ethanol consumption 

      Echeverry-Alzate, V.; Buehler, K. M.; Calleja-Conde, J.; Huertas, E.; Maldonado, R.; Rodriguez de Fonseca, F.; Santiago, Catalina; Gómez-Gallego, Felix ; Santos, A.; Giné, E.; López-Moreno, J. A. (Psychopharmacology, 04/2019)
      RationaleOnly in Europe it can be estimated that more than 20 million of people would be affected by hypothyroidism in some moment of their life. Given that ethanol consumption is so frequent, it would be reasonable to ask ...
    • Advance Care Planning in Spain 

      Lasmarías, Cristina; Carrero, Virginia; Fernández-Bueno, Júlia; GArcía-Llana, Helena; Granero-Moya, Nani; Júdez, Javier; Pérez de Lucas, Núria; Saralegui, Iñaki; Velasco, Tayra (Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care, 2023)
      In the last decade in Spain, an important push has been given to the development of health policies that define the framework of action in the care of people with advanced chronic diseases. Respect for the autonomy of the ...
    • Advanced Clustering Techniques for Emotional Grouping in Learning Environments Using an AR-Sandbox 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022)
      Recently, it has been proven that the emotional aspect directly influences the learning process, so that, based on data mining techniques, this behavior has been sought to be characterized. This has made clustering techniques ...
    • Advanced Sensors Technology in Education 

      González-Crespo, Rubén ; Burgos, Daniel (Sensors, 2019)
      The topic presented will show how different kinds of sensors can help to improve our skills in learning environments. When we open the mind and let it take the control to be creative, we can think how a martial art would ...
    • Advanced visualization of Twitter data for its analysis as a communication channel in traditional companies 

      Zarco, Carmen ; Santos Martos, Elena ; Cordón, Oscar (Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 09/2019)
      The adoption of Twitter as communication channel can provide a significant benefit to firms, allowing them to improve their reputation and check its consistency with their mission and goals, monitor how customers respond ...
    • Advances in hepatitis B therapeutics 

      Soriano, Vicente ; Barreiro, Pablo; Cachay, Edward R.; Kottilil, Shyamasundaran; Fernandez-Montero, José V.; Mendoza, Carmen de (Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease, 10/2020)
      Despite the availability of both effective preventive vaccines and oral antivirals, over 250 million people are chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Globally, chronic hepatitis B is the leading cause of ...
    • Advances in long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapies for treatment and prevention of HIV infection 

      Soriano, Vicente; Ullah Nayan, Mohammad; Sillman, Brady; Hasan, Mahmudul; Deodhar, Suyash; Das, Srijanee; Sultana, Ashrafi; Thai Hoang Le, Nam; Edagwa, Benson; Gendelman, Howard E. (Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2023)
      Adherence to daily oral antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a barrier to both treatment and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. To overcome limitations of life-long daily regimen adherence, longacting ...
    • Advances in the Semilocal Convergence of Newton's Method with Real-World Applications 

      Argyros, Ioannis K; Magreñán, Á. Alberto; Orcos, Lara; Sarría, Íñigo (Mathematics, 24/03/2019)
      The aim of this paper is to present a new semi-local convergence analysis for Newton's method in a Banach space setting. The novelty of this paper is that by using more precise Lipschitz constants than in earlier studies ...
    • Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Digital Transformation of HEIs in Latin America 

      Serna Gómez, José Humberto; Díaz Piraquive, Flor Nancy; Muriel-Perea, Yasser de Jesús; Díaz Peláez, Alejandro (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2021)
      The information society is characterized by the information data conversion and the information in knowledge to support the decision making and the human development. In this sense, the digital transformation implies not ...
    • Advancing Gender Equality in Schools through Inclusive Physical Education and Teaching Training: A Systematic Review 

      Guerrero, Miguel A.; Guerrero Puerta, Laura (Societies, 2023)
      The importance of achieving an inclusive education to ensure parity and equality between genders is a worldwide challenge. Consequently, it is essential to rethink the various places and spaces within the school environment ...