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Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 4833
Las formas del trabajo femenino y su representación en el romance La noble porquera
(Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 07/2012)En este estudio se analiza la interpretación que el romance tradicional La noble porquera / La porquerola ofrece acerca del trabajo femenino. Partiendo de un análisis del relato desde la perspectiva antropológica, se ... -
Adaptación al español del cuestionario Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL)*
(Universitas Psychologica, 07/2012)El objetivo de este trabajo es el estudio de las propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español del cuestionario Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL), construido en su versión original por Cohen y Wills (1985). ... -
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus Traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Current Empirical Evidence
(International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 10/2012)Controversy remains about the empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and its presumably different characteristics relative to traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The current study aims to ... -
Análisis comparativo de la programación infantil y juvenil de La 2 de TVE y la RTP2 de Portugal
(Comunicación y Sociedad, 12/2012)El artículo presenta la realidad de dos televisiones de servicio público en el ámbito europeo. Se investiga la programación de los dos segundos canales de España y Portugal. A través del estudio de la parrilla se comparan ... -
Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion. Studies in Honor of Dimitri Gutas
(Anuario Filosófico, 2013)Reseña de la obra de Owen, F. y Reisman, D. (eds.), Islamic Philosophy, Science, Culture, and Religion. Studies in Honor of Dimitri Gutas, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2012, 493 pp. -
La comprensión del delirio a partir de la reformulación de los conceptos diferenciales de un sistema de creencias individual
(Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 2013)Una de las líneas de investigación más interesantes de la actual filosofía de la psiquiatría gira en torno a la posibilidad de entender el contenido de los delirios a través de la noción wittgensteiniana de «certeza ... -
Pascal, a philosophy that transcends itself
(Anuario Filosófico, 2013)Reseña de: a philosophy that transcends itself -
Feel and think life. Essay on Spanish phenomenology and philosophy
(Anuario Filosófico, 2013)Reseña de: Essay on Spanish phenomenology and philosophy -
Managing the brand from within
(Contemporary perspectives on corporate marketing contemplating corporate branding, marketing and comminications in the twenty-first century, 2013)Contemporary perspectives on corporate marketing contemplating corporate branding, marketing and comminications in the twenty-first century -
Uses and Implementation of Social Media at University: The Case of Schools of Communication in Spain
(Social media and the new academic environment: pedagogical challenges, 2013)There have been many contributions to scientific literature which have helped develop a theoretical framework in the field of education and Information Technologies. The contributions have come from the educational sciences ... -
Contemporary Perspectives on Corporate Marketing Contemplating corporate branding, marketing and communications in the twenty-first century Preface
(Contemporary perspectives on corporate marketing contemplating corporate branding, marketing and comminications in the twenty-first century Preface, 2013)Corporate marketing and corporate communications are topics that have grown in scholarly and practical importance in these last decades. Fields such as branding, marketing communications and public relations have all ... -
POST-VIA: Develop individualized marketing strategies for tourists
(Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2013)POST-VIA is an information system whose main objective is develops tools to manage direct marketing strategies in the tourism sector. POSTVIA can be considered as software able to collect information about the travel ... -
Technology-Based Values Teaching in Secondary Education
(Multiculturalism in technology-based education: case studies on ict-supported approaches, 2013)This chapter presents a case study of the use of ICTs, and in particular the blog, in a Spanish Secondary School classroom in order to promote the teaching of values such as solidarity or tolerance. The aim was to enhance ... -
Prediction of the penetration of drugs by Artificial Neural Networks
(Proceedings of the 2013 8TH Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2013), 2013)In this study an Artificial Neural Network was developed to predict the penetration of drugs through a polydimethylsiloxane membrane by molecular descriptors. A total of 245 drugs and their absorption experimentally ... -
Design of a triple helix strategy for developing nations based on e-government and entrepreneurship: An application to ecuador
(Digital Public Administration and E-Government in Developing Nations: Policy and Practice, 2013)The arrival of Rafael Correa in Ecuador is leading to a structural transformation of the Ecuadorian economy and society with the arrival of e-Government and the introduction of the digital economy in the country. The ... -
¿Revistas 2.0? Revistas científicas españolas del área de Comunicación en las redes sociales
(Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2013)Este trabajo analiza los perfiles de las revistas académicas indexadas en el InRecs de 2010 en las redes sociales más usadas en España (Twitter y Facebook). En concreto pretende comprobar la presencia de estas publicaciones ... -
Impacto de las cartas de servicio en los empleados del área deportiva de mancomunidades de municipios de Extremadura
(Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 2013)El objetivo del estudio fue conocer el impacto de las cartas de servicios para los empleados del área deportiva de mancomunidades de municipios extremeñas. Participaron 114 dinamizadores deportivos y 29 gerentes. Se ... -
Revisión del mito geográfico de San Borondón y aproximación a su huella en la literatura y otras artes
(Revista de Filología Románica, 2013)Desde que en siglo VI el monje irlandés San Brandán fraguó el mito de San Borondón, este territorio imaginario ha formado parte de cientos de historias de viajeros y de diferentes manifestaciones artísticas. En este ... -
Web 2.0 tools for role-play methodology in an undergraduate interdisciplinary environment
(Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2013)The main aim of this work is, first of all, to propose an activity by means of a the active methodology called roleplay in an interdisciplinary context, that is to say, an activity that pleads for the interaction ... -
Thin slices of competence and warmth via personalized primary spaces
(Psyecology, 2013)People leave their marks on the environment through the personalization of their spaces. In this regard, personalized space will allow people to make inferences regarding the occupant’s personal and social characteristics. ...