Mostrando ítems 2983-3002 de 4789

    • Netflix en Web of Science: una aproximación bibliométrica 

      Naranjo-Barnet, Adrià; Fernández-Ramírez, Laura (Communication & Society, 2022)
      Netflix ha revolucionado la industria audiovisual, pero ¿y la investigación académica? Este análisis bibliométrico se centra en 210 artículos indexados en Web of Science que abordan esta cuestión. Examinamos el autor, la ...
    • Neural mechanisms linked to treatment outcomes and recovery in substance-related and addictive disorders 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Potenza, Marc N (Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2023)
      The present review focuses on potential neural mechanisms underlying recovery from psychiatric conditions characterised by impaired impulse control, specifically substance use disorders, gambling disorder, and internet ...
    • Neurocognition functioning as a prerequisite to intact social cognition in schizophrenia 

      Fernández-Modamio, Mar; Gil-Sanz, David; Arrieta-Rodríguez, Marta; Santacoloma-Cabero, Iciar; Bengochea-Seco, Rosario; González-Fraile, Eduardo ; Muñiz, José; the SCORES group (Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 02/01/2020)
      Introduction: There are mixed findings regarding the relationships between neurocognition and social cognition in schizophrenia. This study aims to provide new empirical evidence to help determine the relationships between ...
    • Neurocognitive effects of cocoa and red-berries consumption in healthy adults 

      García-Cordero, Joaquín; Pino, Alicia; Cuevas, Constanza; Puertas-Martín, Verónica ; San Román, Ricardo; de Pascual-Teresa, Sonia (MDPI, 2022)
      In recent decades, the elderly population has increased at higher rates than any other population group, resulting in an increase in age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative and cognitive impairment. To address this ...
    • Neuroimaging Correlates of Internet Gaming Disorder: Can We Achieve the Promise of Translating Understanding of Brain Functioning Into Clinical Advances? 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Potenza, Marc N. (Canadian Journal Addiction, 2023)
      Objectives: Here, we aimed to consider the neural factors associated with internet gaming disorder (IGD), as well as the associations between these factors and existing treatments for the disorder. Methods: A narrative ...
    • Neuroimaging revealed long-lasting glucose metabolism changes to morphine withdrawal in rats pretreated with the cannabinoid agonist CP-55,940 during periadolescence 

      Lamanna-Rama, N.; MacDowell, K.S.; López, G.; Leza, J.C.; Desco, M.; Ambrosio, E.; Soto-Montenegro, M.L. (European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023)
      This study evaluates the long-term effects of a six and 14-week morphine withdrawal in rats pretreated with a cannabinoid agonist (CP-55,940, CP) during periadolescence. Wistar rats (33 males; 32 females) were treated with ...
    • Neuromarketing as an emotional connection tool between organizations and audiences in social networks. A theoretical review 

      Abuín Vences, Natalia; Díaz-Campo, Jesús ; García-Rosales, Daniel-Francisco (Frontiers in Psychology, 21/07/2020)
      Currently, there is an important debate on how social networks have affected relations between organizations and their audiences: originally complementary –since organizations had full control over the messages that they ...
    • Neuromarketing e inteligencia artificial: el caso de la campaña 'con mucho acento' de Cruzcampo 

      Ferruz González, Sonia; Sidorenko-Bautista, Pavel; Santos López, Cristina (index.comunicación: revista científica de Comunicación Aplicada, 07/2023)
      Desde que la neurociencia irrumpiera en el ámbito del marketing a principios del siglo XXI, se ha comprobado que los consumidores basan buena parte de sus decisiones cotidianas en sus sentimientos, en base a estímulos que ...
    • Neuromuscular Fatigue and Metabolic Stress during the 15 Minutes of Rest after Carrying Out a Bench Press Exercise Protocol 

      Hernández-Lougedo, Juan; Heredia-Elvar, Juan Ramón; Maicas-Pérez, Luis; Cañuelo-Márquez, Ana María; Rozalén-Bustín, Manuel; de Jesús-Franco, Fernando; Garnacho-Castaño, Manuel V.; García-Fernández, Pablo; Maté-Muñoz, José Luis (Biology, 2022)
      Background: Velocity loss (VL) at 1 m·s−1 can help to determine neuromuscular fatigue after performing an exercise protocol. The aim of this study was to analyse muscle fatigue and metabolic stress during the 15 min that ...
    • Neuropathogenesis in COVID-19 

      Altable, Marcos; De la Serna Tuya, Juan Moisés (Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 11/2020)
      SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 is a new human coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan, China in late 2019 and is currently causing a pandemic (1, 2). With the possibility of future outbreaks of the disease, it may manifest with diverse ...
    • Neurophysics assessment of the muscle bioenergy generated by transcranial magnetic stimulation 

      Leon-Sarmiento, Fidias E.; González-Castaño, Alexander ; Rizzo-Sierra, Carlos V.; Aceros, Juan; León-Ariza, Daniel S.; León-Ariza, Juan S.; Prada, Diddier G.; Bara-Jiménez, William; Wang, Zeng Y. (Research, 2019)
      The content of the rectified motor evoked potential (MEP) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has ambiguously been assessed without the precision that energy calculation deserves. This fact has misled data ...
    • Neuropsicología del proceso creativo. Un enfoque educativo 

      López-Fernández, Verónica ; Llamas Salguero, Fátima (Revista Complutense de Educación, 2018)
      Vivimos en un contexto y en una sociedad en constante cambio, que requiere que las personas se adapten a las nuevas circunstancias en las que nos hallamos. La creatividad es uno de los elementos más importantes a tener en ...
    • Neuropsychological Differences Among Students With Learning Difficulties, Without Learning Difficulties, and With High Capacity 

      Martín-Lobo, Pilar ; Santiago-Ramajo, Sandra ; Vergara-Moragues, Esperanza (Mind Brain and Education, 17/12/2018)
      Progress in applied neuroscience and neuropsychology in the educational context has revealed efficient methodologies for preventing academic failure and developing the potential of students. The aim of this work is to adopt ...
    • Neuropsychological differences between types of multiple sclerosis: relapsing remitting versus primary progressive 

      de-la-Peña, Cristina; Parra-Bolaños, Nicolás; Bernabéu-Brotóns, Elena; Fernández-Medina, Juliana-María (Revista Mexicana de Neurociencia, 09/2020)
      Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease whose clinical deterioration is observed at a physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional level, affecting the quality of life of the patient. Several scientific ...
    • Neuropsychological functioning and suicidal behaviours in patients with first-episode psychosis: A systematic review 

      Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Teresa; Barbeito, Sara; Gómez-Juncal, Rocío; Rodríguez-Ortega, Elisa; Becerra-García, Juan Antonio; Calvo, Ana (Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2022)
      Introduction: Suicidal behaviour is particularly frequent in patients with psychosis. Therefore, prevention is a key objective of mental health policies. The aim of the current work is to systematically review the association ...
    • Neuropsychological functioning in methadone maintenance patients with HIV 

      Vázquez-Justo, Enrique; Vergara-Moragues, Esperanza ; Piñón-Blanco, Adolfo; Guillén Gestoso, Carlos; Pérez-García, Miguel (Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 09/2016)
      Although highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has improved survival rates of HIV patients, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) still exist in a highly prevalent group of persons with this disease. In ...
    • Neuropsychological functioning of individuals with coca paste use disorder 

      Vergara-Moragues, Esperanza; Acosta Barreto, M.R.; Santiago-Ramajo, Sandra ; Rivera, D; Pardo Pachón, J.A; González-Saiz, Francisco; Arango-Lasprilla, JC (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)
      Background: Cocaine use has increased worldwide in recent years. However, the specific effects of smoking coca paste and its consequences on the cognitive functioning of individuals are unknown. The purposes of this study ...
    • Neuropsychological, clinical and environmental predictors of severe mental disorders in offspring of patients with schizophrenia 

      Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Teresa ; Rodríguez-Toscano, Elisa; Llorente, Cloe; Serna, Elena de la; Moreno, Carmen; Sugranyes, Gisela; Romero, Soledad; Calvo, Ana ; Baeza, Immaculada; Sánchez-Gistau, Vanessa; Espliego, Ana; Castro-Fornieles, Josefina; Moreno, Dolores (European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 01/09/2020)
      Offspring of individuals with schizophrenia (SZCOff) are at an increased risk for this disorder. Neuropsychological decline is a core feature of the disorder and researchers have reported increasing impairments in cognition ...
    • Neuropsychological, environmental, and prodromal predictive factors of severe mental disorders 

      Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Teresa ; Rodríguez-Toscano, Elisa; Llorente, Cloe; Serna, Elena de la; Moreno, Carmen; Sugranyes, Gisela; Romero, Soledad; Calvo, Ana ; Castro-Fornieles, Josefina; Moreno, Dolores (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 10/2019)
      This presentation aims to develop a prediction model to examine whether clinical, behavioral, and neuropsychological functioning factors predict the risk of onset of severe mental disorders.
    • New approaches on the study of the psychometric properties of the STAI 

      Ortuño-Sierra, Javier; García-Velasco, Lorena ; Inchausti, Félix; Debbane, Martín; Fonseca-Pedrero, Eduardo (Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 05/2016)
      Introduction. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI1). Previous studies have indicated different factor solutions. Nevertheless, there is still ...