Mostrando ítems 5348-5367 de 5789

    • The TELE-DD project on treatment nonadherence in the population with type 2 diabetes and comorbid depression 

      Roy, Juan Francisco ; Lozano del Hoyo, Maria Luisa; Urcola-Pardo, Fernando; Monreal-Bartolome, Alicia; Gracia Ruiz, Diana Cecilia; Gómez Borao, María Mercedes; Artigas Alcazar, Ana Belen; Martinez Casbas, Jose Pedro; Aceituno Casas, Alexandra; Andaluz Funcia, María Teresa; Garcia-Campayo, Javier; Fernandez Rodrigo, María Teresa (Scientific reports, 2021)
      Diabetic patients have increased depression rates, diminished quality of life, and higher death rates due to depression comorbidity or diabetes complications. Treatment adherence (TA) and the maintenance of an adequate and ...
    • The telework performance dilemma: exploring the role of trust, social isolation and fatigue 

      Ficapal-Cusi, Pilar; Torrent-Sellens, Joan; Palos-Sánchez, Pedro R; González-González, Ines (International Journal of Manpower, 2024)
      Purpose: Due to the crisis originated by the COVID-19 pandemic, an important number of workers have been incorporating the telework modality. In this context, the distance from the workplace generates new dilemmas for work ...
    • The Tibetan-English Novel: A Post-Buddhist Form? 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 2014)
      Although most Tibetans who have chosen English as a language of literary expression are poets (e.g. Chögyam Trungpa, Tenzin Tsundue, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Bhuchung Sonam1), there is also a slowly growing number of Tibetans ...
    • The time to offer treatments for COVID-19 

      Ngo, Binh T.; Marik, Paul; Kory, Pierre; Shapiro, Leland; Thomadsen, Raphael; Iglesias, Jose; Ditmore, Stephen; Rendell, Marc; Varon, Joseph; Dube, Michael; Nanda, Neha; In, Gino K.; Arkfeld, Daniel; Chaudhary, Preet; Campese, Vito M.; Hanna, Diana L.; Sawcer, David E.; Ehresmann, Glenn; Peng, David; Smorgorzewski, Miroslaw; Armstrong, April; Dasgupta, Rajkumar; Sattler, Fred R.; Brennan-Rieder, Denise; Mussini, Cristina; Mitjà, Oriol; Soriano, Vicente ; Peschanski, Nicolas; Hayem, Gilles; Confalonieri, Marco; Piccirillo, Maria Carmela; Lobo-Ferreira, António; Bello Rivero, Iraldo; Turkia, Mika; Vinjevoll, Eivind H.; Griffin, Daniel O.; Hung, Ivan Fn (Expert opinion on investigational drugs, 2021)
      Background: COVID-19 has several overlapping phases. Treatments to date have focused on the late stage of disease in hospital. Yet, the pandemic is by propagated by the viral phase in out-patients. The current public health ...
    • The time-course of processing of grammatical class and semantic attributes of words: Dissociation by means of ERP 

      Yudes-Gómez, Carolina; Domínguez, Alberto; Cuetos, Fernando; de Vega, Manuel (Psicológica, 05/2016)
      This study explores the time-course of word processing by grammatical class (verbs vs. nouns) and meaning (action vs. non-action) by means of an ERP experiment. The morphology of Spanish words allows for a noun (e.g., bail-e ...
    • The Twisting Road to Access to Higher Education for People with Disabilities in Spain 

      García González, J.M.; Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, Sonia; Solera Hernández, Eva; Rios-Aguilar, Sergio (Routledge, 2023)
      Spanish legislation obliges the public administration to ensure equal opportunities and support for access to higher education for people with disabilities. This work has one central goal: to analyse and understand the ...
    • The UNESCO OER Recommendation: Some Observations from the ICDE OER Advocacy Committee 

      Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Ulloa Cazarez, Rosa Leonor; Gomes de Gusmão, Cristine Martins; Zhang, Xiangyang; Blomgren, Constance; Chaplin-Cheyne, Trish; Burgos, Daniel (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2023)
      In this article, ambassadors of the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Open Educational Resources (OER) Advocacy Committee (OERAC) provide a snapshot of regional and global Open Educational Resources ...
    • The unexpected high prevalence of HBV subgenotype D4 in patients with chronic hepatitis B in Galicia, a northwestern Spanish region, reflects strong links with Latin America 

      Trastoy, Rocío; González-Alba, José María; Soriano, Vicente ; Rodríguez-Calviño, José Javier; de Mendoza, Carmen; Costa, José Javier; Cea, María; Barbeito, Gema; Corral, Octavio Jorge ; Gómez-Gallego, Felix ; Pérez del Molino, María Luisa; Carlos Galán, Juan; Aguilera, Antonio (Journal of Clinical Virology, 2022)
      Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) comprises 9 genotypes and multiple subgenotypes that depict differences in geographic distribution, clinical outcome and response to antiviral therapy. However, the molecular epidemiology ...
    • The University Strategic Plan to Face Disruptive Classes During the Covid-19 Pandemic 

      Ait Si Ahmad, Hana; EL Kharki, Khadija; Burgos, Daniel; Berrada, Khalid (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2022)
      During the spread of COVID-19, education was interrupted in universities worldwide. This new situation created a challenge in the higher education landscape, where universities were obliged to switch to online teaching for ...
    • The use of 'sex' and 'gender' in medical research 

      Chiclana Actis, Carlos; Soriano, Vicente (Journal Contents, 2023)
      There is a widespread practice of using ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably. The World Health Organization considers that they are not. It defines sex as a set of chromosome-dependent biological variables that show unique ...
    • The Use of Mobile Learning in Higher Education: A Study on the MOOC of Cadi Ayyad University 

      Idrissi Jouicha, Abdellah; Burgos, Daniel ; Berrada, Khalid (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022)
      With the rapid growth of mobile technologies, the evolution of mobile devices, and the progress in wireless communications and networking technologies, mobile devices have become very popular and have reached a very high ...
    • The use of social networks in a Virtual University 

      León Gómez, Alicia ; Calderón-Garrido, Diego ; Gil-Fernández, Raquel (Campus Virtuales, 03/2019)
      The aim of this paper is to discover the educational use of social networks in initial training by students of the Bachelor's degree in Teaching and Master's Degree in Secondary Education in a non-classroom-based and ...
    • The use of whatsapp on the direction of online final projects at master's level 

      Mosquera Gende, Ingrid ; Conde del Río, Alba (Iceri2016: 9TH International conference of education, reserch and innovation, 2016)
      In this presentation, we will cover academic possibilities using Whatsapp application. For this, there will be a first section on theory; a second section on educational experiences; a third section dedicated to the analysis ...
    • The usefulness of an intervention with a serious video game as a complementary approach to cognitive behavioural therapy in eating disorders: A pilot randomized clinical trial for impulsivity management 

      Vintró-Alcaraz, Cristina; Mallorqui-Bague, Nuria; Lozano-Madrid, María; Testa, Giulia; Granero, Roser; Sánchez, Isabel; Treasure, Janet; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando (European Eating Disorders Review, 2023)
      Objective: The aim of the present study was to test the usefulness of an add-on serious video game approach (i.e., Playmancer) to treatment as usual (TAU) on reducing impulsive behaviours and psychopathology in individuals ...
    • The usefulness of marketing strategies in a regulated market: evidence from the spanish tobacco market 

      Almeida, Alejandro ; Galiano, Aida ; Golpe, Antonio A.; Martín Álvarez, Juan M. (E & M Ekonomie a Management, 2021)
      This paper outlines possible useful marketing strategies for companies to develop in a regulated market. The empirical analysis aims to highlight whether companies can use marketing strategies to create competitive advantages ...
    • The variability of strength production capacities during a judo contest 

      Serrano Huete, Victor; Latorre Román, Pedro Ángel; García Pinillos, Felipe; Morcillo Losa, José A.; Jiménez Reyes, Pedro; Párraga-Montilla, Juan A. (Physical Activity Revie, 2023)
      Background. The muscular response of athletes in a judo contest is one of the most important aspect to measure with precision. Objective. Our purpose was to obtain and analyse the variability of strength associated to ...
    • The vision of disability through cinema. The campeones film as a case study 

      Chiva-Bartoll, Óscar; Muñoz Escalada, María del Carmen ; Planella, Jordi; Pallarès Piquer, Marc (Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt, 2021)
      Cuando abordamos la cuestión de las personas con discapacidad emerge como elemento de análisis la imagen que la so- ciedad ha tenido de ellas a lo largo de la historia. En la actualidad la percepción de un hecho ...
    • The Weaknesses of Spanish Communications Groups and the Challenges They Face in the Wake of the Economic Crisis 

      García Santamaría, José Vicente; Perez Serrano, Maria Jose; Maestro Espínola, Lidia (Media and metamedia management, 2017)
      The Spanish multimedia groups that have survived or emerged from the economic, media and advertising crisis of 2007-2014 are quite different from those that thrived before its onset, which had either been forged through ...
    • The Well-Being Situation in Latin America 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      Latin Americans report high life satisfaction levels; as a region Latin America has the highest mean life satisfaction in the world. The affective situation of Latin Americans is also outstandingly high. The many political ...
    • The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry guidelines on the assessment and pharmacological treatment of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder 

      Turner, Daniel; Briken, Peer; Grubbs, Joshua; Malandain, Leo; Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Potenza, Marc N.; Thibaut, Florence (Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2022)
      Objectives: The current guidelines aim to evaluate the role of pharmacological agents in the treatment of patients with compulsive sexual behaviour disorder (CSBD). They are intended for use in clinical practice by clinicians ...