Mostrando ítems 5289-5308 de 5789

    • The opioid epidemic during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on HIV and HCV control 

      Treviño, Ana ; Soriano, Vicente (NLM (Medline), 2021)
      The opioid epidemic is a tragedy in the United States. In the 12-month period that ended in April 2021, more than 100,000 US citizens died of drug overdose, up almost 30% from the 78,000 deaths in the prior year.
    • The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas 

      Grande Sánchez, Pedro José (Anuario Filosófico, 2014)
      Reseña de "The oxford handbook of Aquinas" de Davies Brian; Stump Eleonore, por Pedro José Grande Sánchez. Oxford University Press, New York, 2012, 589 pp
    • The Path to Abolition Sindicos, Coartados, and the Presence of the State 

      Varella, Claudia; Barcia, Manuel (University Press of Florida, 2020)
      In 1840, the Audiencia Pretorial of Havana proposed eight new regulations in order to give the state’s attorneys more control over the síndicos appointed by the city council.¹ The Audiencia proposed that when a slave’s ...
    • The pedagogical relevance of certainties from the teacher's perspective 

      Ariso Salgado, José María (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/2015)
      Taking into account that the pedagogical implications of Ludwig Wittgenstein's On, Certainty have scarcely been addressed in the existing literature, this paper presents the basic concepts of the mentioned work, especially ...
    • The Perception of the Impact of Land-Use on Small and Large Cities by Tourists Using p2p Platforms 

      Calvo, Sara; Morales, Andrés; Del Arco-Osuna, Miguel Ángel; Medeiros do Couto, Gualter Manuel (Land, 2023)
      In the literature, numerous impacts on local communities associated with the activity of online platforms for the intermediation of tourist accommodation have been described. Previous studies analyzed the perception ...
    • The Perspective of Physical Education Teachers in Spain Regarding Barriers to the Practice of Physical Activity among Immigrant Children and Adolescents: A Qualitative Study 

      Marconnot, Romain; Perez-Corrales, Jorge; Cuenca-Zaldivar, Juan Nicolas; Gueita-Rodriguez, Javier; Carrasco-Garrido, Pilar; Garcia-Bravo, Cristina; Solera Hernández, Eva ; Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, Sonia ; Palacios-Ceña, Domingo (International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021)
      Physical activity (PA) contributes to the development of children and adolescents and to their mental and physical health. The practice of PA in the school context can contribute towards generating a more inclusive educational ...
    • The perspective of the bundeskartellamt in the evaluation of facebook's behaviour: Prior considerations and possible impact 

      Lorenzo-Rego, Irene (European competition and regulatory law review, 2019)
      The abuse of a dominant position based on the collection and processing of personal data is a competition law issue under German law. The value of data is the value of advertising on social networks. Inadequate data ...
    • The plastid ancestor originated among one of the major cyanobacterial lineages 

      Ochoa de Alda, Jesús A G; Esteban, Rocio; Diago Egaña, María Luz ; Houmard, Jean (Nature Communications, 2014)
      The primary endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts is now well established but the identification of the present cyanobacteria most closely related to the plastid ancestor remains debated. We analyse the evolutionary trajectory ...
    • The Polemic Diagnostic Role of TP53 Mutations in Liquid Biopsies from Breast, Colon and Lung Cancers 

      Garrido-Navas, M. Carmen ; García-Díaz, Abel; Molina-Vallejo, María Pilar; González-Martínez, Coral; Alcaide Lucena, Miriam; Cañas-García, Inés; Bayarri, Clara; Delgado, Juan Ramón; González, Encarna; Lorente, José Antonio; Serrano, M. José (Cancers, 11/2020)
      Being minimally invasive and thus allowing repeated measures over time, liquid biopsies are taking over traditional solid biopsies in certain circumstances such as those for unreachable tumors, very early stages or treatment ...
    • The presence of the encyclicals in Web of Science: a bibliometric approach 

      Repiso, Rafael ; Ahedo Ruiz, Josu ; Montero Díaz, Julio (Scientometrics, 04/2018)
      The encyclicals, also known as papal letters, are documents that have a profound influence on the Catholic Church and, as a result, on the West. This research seeks to explore the impact and areas of influence of these ...
    • The prevalence and features of schizophrenia among individuals with gambling disorder 

      Granero, Roser; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Pino-Gutiérrez, Amparo del; Etxandi, Mikel; Baenas, Isabel; Gómez-Peña, Mónica; Moragas, Laura; Valenciano-Mendoza, Eduardo; Mora-Maltas, Bernat; Valero-Solis, Susana; Codina, Ester; Guillen-Guzman, Elias; Lara-Huallipe, Milagros; Caravaca, Elena; Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Menchón, José M.; Jimenez-Murcia, Susana (Journal of psychiatric research, 2021)
      Background-objectives: Few studies have analyzed the comorbid presence of gambling disorder (GD) with schizophrenia, its sociodemographic correlates and clinical implications. This study estimated the prevalence of the ...
    • The prevalence and impact of special issues in communications journals 2015–2019 

      Repiso, Rafael ; Segarra-Saavedra, Jesús; Hidalgo-Marí, Tatiana; Tur-Viñes, Victoria (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2021)
      This article analyses special issues, also referred to as thematic issues, monographic issues, or supplements, a mode of scientific journal publishing that has rarely been studied. It presents a bibliometric analysis of ...
    • The Price Elasticity of Cigarettes: New Evidence from Spanish Regions, 2002-2016 

      Almeida, Alejandro ; Golpe, Antonio A. ; Iglesias, Jesús; Martín Álvarez, Juan M. (Nicotine and tobacco research, 2021)
      Introduction There is an agreement in the literature that tobacco price elasticity is around −0.4 for given location. Furthermore, works only focus separately, on the temporal dimension or the spatial dimension, however, ...
    • The problematic qualification of previous pathologies as work accident 

      Poquet Catalá, Raquel (Trabajo y Derecho, 01/06/2016)
      In this work it is studied, from a point of view of both judicial and scientific doctrine, the case completed in the paragraph f) art. 115.2 LGSS, whose not concise wording has given rise to a long debate, because in this ...
    • The Promised Freedom Patronage and the Final Years of Coartacion 

      Varella, Claudia ; Barcia, Manuel (University Press of Florida, 2020)
      An essential aspect of the process of abolishing slavery in Cuba was the need for the state to impose its will on the private master-slave sphere. The mechanism of self-purchase from slavery through coartaciones and municipal ...
    • The Promotion of Hate Speech: From a Media and Journalism Perspective 

      Said-Hung, Elias Manuel; Montero-Díaz, Julio; Sánchez-Esparza, Marta (Journalism Practice, 2023)
      This work presents the key ideas of the 13 works that make up the special issue, “The Role of News Media in Promoting Hate Speech,” exploring the mechanisms by which hate speech spreads in media-related environments. The ...
    • The Protective Role of Dispositional Mindfulness on Cyber Dating Abuse: A 6-Month Longitudinal Study 

      Fernández-González, Liria; Orue, Izaskun; González-Cabrera, Joaquín; Machimbarrena, Juan Manuel; Calvete, Esther (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2023)
      Dispositional mindfulness has been related to a decreased propensity to aggressive behaviors toward others, including dating partners. Nevertheless, research in the context of romantic relationships is scarce, based on ...
    • The Provision by Public Authorities of Safe Environments for Particularly Sensitive Citizen Interaction: The Situation at the European Level 

      Rodríguez Ayuso, Juan Francisco (Revista digital de derecho administrativo, 2021)
      The main objective of this research study is to offer a systematic analysis of consent in minors and the processing of personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on the Protection of ...
    • The Publishing Industry in Spain: A Perspective Review of Two Decades Transformation 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Publishing Research Quarterly, 09/2020)
      The main aim of this study is to examine the leading transformations that have occurred throughout the period 2000-2018 in the Spanish publishing industry as a consequence of technological change and its adaptation to the ...
    • The quadruple sustainability: Economic, social, environmental, and family 

      Forés, Beatriz; Clemente-Almendros, Jose A. (Competitiveness, Organizational Management, and Governance in Family Firms, 2022)
      This chapter analyzes the relationship between ownership structure and sustainability performance adopting the socioemotional wealth approach. This work extends previous literature on the topic by considering the three ...