Mostrando ítems 1874-1893 de 4675

    • La figura del Data Protection Officer en la contratación pública en España 

      Rodríguez Ayuso, Juan Francisco (Revista Digital de Derecho Administrativo, 01/2021)
      Este trabajo de investigación busca ofrecer un análisis sistemático de las trans-formaciones que trae consigo la incorporación a nivel europeo (rGdp), que es además novedosa dentro del ordenamiento jurídico español (lopdGdd), ...
    • La figura del enemigo musulmán en las comedias de restauración de Bances Candamo 

      Rosa Rivero, Álvaro (ANAGNORISIS. Revista de Investigación Teatral, 12/2017)
      El presente artículo trata de estudiar el teatro banciano desde una perspectiva nueva: la del enemigo musulmán. En efecto, en algunas comedias de Bances aparece la figura del turco, el mahometano y el egipcio como ...
    • La figura del profeta Elías en el teatro del Siglo de Oro 

      Rosa Rivero, Álvaro (Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica, 01/2018)
      Este estudio pretende describir cómo se representa la fi gura del profeta Elías en el teatro español de los siglos XVI y XVII. Se analizan obras de teatro jesuítico, como la Tragaedia Jezabelis y la Tragoedia cui nomen ...
    • El filósofo y las palabras. Julián Marías en la Real Academia Española 

      Gómez Álvarez, Nieves (Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 07/2015)
      Este artículo pone de manifiesto la contribución del filósofo español Julián Marías (1914-2005), discípulo de Ortega y Gasset, a la Real Academia Española, la cual ha cumplido 300 años de historia en 2013. Con una trayectoria ...
    • Financiación y cooperación internacional en el patrimonio cultural inmueble de los centros históricos coloniales latinoamericanos 

      Menchero Sánchez, Miriam (Eure, 2023)
      La cooperación internacional ha desempeñado un papel tan importante en el patrimonio cultural de los centros históricos latinoamericanos, que algunos autores la consideran un "sujeto patrimonial". Sea como fuere, destaca ...
    • Finding an accurate early forecasting model from small dataset: A case of 2019-nCoV novel coronavirus outbreak 

      Fong, Simon James; Li, Gloria; Dey, Nilanjan; González-Crespo, Rubén ; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 03/2020)
      Epidemic is a rapid and wide spread of infectious disease threatening many lives and economy damages. It is important to fore-tell the epidemic lifetime so to decide on timely and remedic actions. These measures include ...
    • Finding archetypal patterns for binary questionnaires 

      Cabero Fayos, Ismael ; Epifanio, Irene (SORT, 06/2020)
      One of the main challenges researchers face is to identify the most relevant features in a prediction model. As a consequence, many regularized methods seeking sparsity have flourished. Although sparse, their solutions may ...
    • Finger Flexor Force Influences Performance in Senior Male Air Pistol Olympic Shooting 

      Mon, Daniel; Zakynthinaki, María S; Cordente, Carlos A; Monroy Anton, Antonio ; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Barbara; López Jiménez, David (PLOS One, 06/2015)
      The ability to stabilize the gun is crucial for performance in Olympic pistol shooting and is thought to be related to the shooters muscular strength. The present study examines the relation between performance and finger ...
    • Fingerprint image enhancement and reconstruction using the orientation and phase reconstruction 

      Gupta, Rashmi; Khari, Manju; Gupta, Deepti; González-Crespo, Rubén (Information Sciences, 08/2020)
      Fingerprints are the one of the most important means in the forensics as a means of identification of the criminals owning to the uniqueness and the distinct features in them. Fingerprint identification is considered as ...
    • Fintech strategy: E-reputation 

      Moccia, Salvatore ; Rodriguez García, Maria; Tomic, Igor (International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 2021)
      Digital media use applied to professional atmosphere is increasing its relevance in the companies of the 21st century. As a consequence, organisations should bear this fact in mind and adapt their corporate strategies to ...
    • Fintech: Challenges, drivers, and future opportunities 

      Moccia, Salvatore ; Passerini, Katia; Tomic, Igor (Cutter Business Technology Journal, 2018)
      This article focuses primarily on the financial services industry, noting the importance of connectivity, digital assets, and regulation. The authors recognize the opportunities and disruptions that fintech creates. They ...
    • Fired clay bricks made by adding wastes: Assessment of the impact on physical, mechanical and thermal properties 

      Muñoz, Pedro; Morales, M P ; Letelier, Viviana; Mendivil, M A (Construction and Building Materials, 10/2016)
      The addition of residues into clay matrix has been widely reported and reviewed during last decade. The heterogeneity of wastes and the lack of detailed information make difficult to provide an overall framework for comparing ...
    • First computational design using lambda-superstrings and in vivo validation of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine 

      Martinez, Luis; Malaina, Iker; Salcines-Cuevas, David; Teran-Navarro, Héctor; Zeoli, Andrea; Alonso, Santos; De la Fuente, Ildefonso M.; Gonzalez-Lopez, Elena; Ocejo-Vinyals, J. Gonzalo; Gozalo-Marguello, Monica; Calvo-Montes, Jorge; Álvarez-Domínguez, Carmen (Scientific reports, 2022)
      Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the greatest threat to global health at the present time, and considerable public and private effort is being devoted to fighting this recently emerged disease. Despite the undoubted ...
    • First Phenol Carboxylation with CO2 on Carbon Nanostructured C@Fe-Al2O3 Hybrids in Aqueous Media under Mild Conditions 

      Calvo-Castañera, Feliciano; Álvarez-Rodríguez, Jesús; Candela, Nuria ; Maroto-Valiente, Ángel (Nanomaterials, 01/2021)
      Novel hybrid materials with integrated catalytic properties and hydrophobic response, C@Fe-Al2O3 hybrid samples, were presented and tested as catalysts for phenol reaction in aqueous solutions at atmospheric pressure and ...
    • Fiscalidad indirecta del libro en Europa: implicaciones y políticas 

      Magadán Díaz, Marta ; Rivas García, Jesús Israel (Profesional de la Información, 2019)
      The main goal of this study is to determine the role of indirect taxation in the Spanish publishing industry. The work includes: a) a tax treatment comparison of books in Spain with respect to the rest of European countries; ...
    • Flattening of a generalization gradient following a retention interval: Evidence for differential forgetting of stimulus features 

      Gil-Nájera, Marta ; Symonds, Michelle; Hall, Geoffrey; de Brugada, Isabel (Behavioural Processes, 12/2017)
      In two experiments, rats received exposure to a compound consisting of a solution of salt plus a distinctive flavor (A), followed by an injection of furo-doca to induce a salt need. Experiment 1, established that this ...
    • Flex-request: Library to make remote changes in the communication of IoT devices 

      Mateusz Ciok, Karol; Pascual Espada, Jordán; González-Crespo, Rubén (Expert Systems, 2023)
      In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) systems have changed the way we live, work and do businesses in many areas, even those that until recently seemed unlikely. Some areas that can benefit from their application are, ...
    • Flexibilizar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en una universidad online 

      Mosquera Gende, Ingrid (Edutec, 2022)
      La universidad online puede ser un buen escenario para promover una educación flexible y para fomentar un aprendizaje activo e informal. Sin embargo, para beneficiarse de esta combinación, hace falta formación y una adecuada ...
    • Flexischooling, una opción de inclusión educativa. Semipresencialidad y e-Learning en conservatorios 

      García-Díaz, Ana (TECHNO Review. International Technology, Science and Society Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, 2022)
      En el presente documento se exponen distintas problemáticas sobre la carencia de prácticas inclusivas en la formación musical. La falta de estas experiencias genera una situación excluyente que ...
    • Flipped classroom from the teaching perspective 

      Castellano Chamorro, María del Pilar; Mosquera Gende, Ingrid ; Conde del Río, Alba (9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2017)
      The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in our current society has modified, to a large extent, both interpersonal relations amongst individuals and the way in which knowledge is accessed. This new ...