Listar por tema "soccer"
Mostrando ítems 1-18 de 18
A Relative Age Effect (RAE) analysis of top European football clubs segmented by ownership models
(Cogent Business and Management, 2023)The aim of this paper is to analyse the Relative Age Effect (RAE) on European elite football teams segmented by type of ownership. The study presents the RAE incidence in the Academy of the UEFA top 10 ranking clubs near ... -
Analysis of Burnout and Psychosocial Factors in Grassroot Football Referees
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 02/2021)The aim of this paper is to analyze the interrelationships between the burnout and different psychosocial variables to which the grassroots football referee is exposed, in particular, associated with the influence of the ... -
Análisis de juego del principio de finalización en un equipo de fútbol de categoría infantil
(Sport TK, 2023)Los niños que juegan al fútbol en edad de desarrollo practican este deporte para divertirse, pero además, aprenden habilidades específicas como lanzar a portería que es la técnica desarrollada para marcargol. El objetivo ... -
Análisis descriptivo de variables de rendimiento físico en un equipo de fútbol de primera división chilena femenina
(Retos, 2023)Las capacidades físicas de velocidad, fuerza, resistencia y flexibilidad están relacionadas con el potencial metabólico y mecánico del músculo, que al ser orientadas correctamente de acuerdo con las demandas del juego ... -
Autopercepción de inteligencia contextual para jugar y de competencia decisional en el fútbol
(RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 05/2015)En el presente estudio se analizó la autopercepción de competencia decisional y la inteligencia contextual de jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel de pericia. Además, se exploraron las relaciones existentes entre las ... -
Comparative analysis of the use of space in 7-a-side and 8-a-side soccer: how to determine minimum sample size in observational methodology
(Motricidade, 2015)In 2011-2012, the Spanish Soccer Federation changed the format of junior championship matches played between regional-level teams in Spain from a 7-a-side to an 8-a-side format. Soon afterwards, the regional federations ... -
Competition seriousness and competition level modulate testosterone and cortisol responses in soccer players
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 01/2020)This study aimed to analyze the modulating effect of competition seriousness and competition level in the testosterone and cortisol responses in professional soccer player. Ninety five (95) soccer players were included in ... -
Demandas físicas centradas en factores externos del futbolista profesional
(Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, 2017)El fútbol es el deporte más popular en el mundo y lo practican tanto hombres, como mujeres y niños con diferentes niveles de experiencia. La práctica del fútbol depende de una multitud de factores como son la ... -
Detection and Selection of Behavioral Patterns Using Theme: A Concrete Example in Grassroots Soccer
(Sports, 03/2017)Observational methodology provides a rigorous yet flexible framework for capturing behaviors over time to allow for the performance of subsequent diachronic analyses of the data captured. Theme is a specialized software ... -
Enfoque sociocultural de la enseñanza de la Estadística y la Probabilidad en 4º de ESO: fútbol y apuestas
(09/01/2020)Este Trabajo Fin de Máster presenta una propuesta de intervención en el aula dividida en ocho sesiones y dirigida a un nivel de 4º de ESO en la asignatura de Matemáticas Orientadas a las Enseñanzas Académicas siguiendo ... -
Key aspects on physical fitness and injury prevention programs in football: a narrative review
(Journal of Sport and Health Research, 09/2017)Football practice depends on many factors such as technical, biomechanical, psychological and physiological components. Football is a sport with a high incidence of injury during training and practice, especially in ... -
Motivación, ansiedad social, práctica de ejercicio físico y rendimiento académico
(Journal of sport and health research, 2020)Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine relationships between competitiveness, social anxiety, motivational orientation, commitment and fun in football players (juvenile, children and teenagers) and average ... -
National vs. Non-national Soccer Referee: Physiological, Physical and Psychological Characteristics
(Routledge, 2022)Purpose: The objectives of the present study were to analyze the relationship between psychological variables (self-esteem, anxiety and self-confidence) assessed before the competition and physical and physiological responses ... -
Niveles de ansiedad en futbolistas de categorías inferiores
(Sport Tk. Revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte, 07/2018)Debido a la relación existente entre las variables psicológicas y el rendimiento deportivo, la psicología del deporte ha cobrado una especial relevancia en las últimas décadas, por lo que la presente investigación ... -
Optimization of Game Formats in U-10 Soccer Using Logistic Regression Analysis
(Journal of Human Kinetics, 12/2016)Small-sided games provide young soccer players with better opportunities to develop their skills and progress as individual and team players. There is, however, little evidence on the effectiveness of different game formats ... -
Percepción de jugadores de fútbol jóvenes sobre el entorno deportivo
(RETOS. Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física Deporte y Recreación, 2021)La relevancia del ambiente social de otros significativos, como padres, profesores, entrenadores y compañeros, tiene repercusión en la actuación moral de los jugadores de fútbol. El entorno deportivo que rodea a los jugadores ... -
Saliva as a diagnostic tool in soccer: a scoping review
(PeerJ, 2024)Background: A high-performance sport like soccer requires training strategies that aim to reach peak performance at the right time for the desired competitions. Thus, the investigation of biochemical markers in saliva is ... -
The Influence of Pitch Dimensions during Small-Sided Games to Reach Match Physical and Physiological Demands on the Youth Soccer Players
(Sensors, 2023)The aims of this study were to (i) analyze the physical and physiological responses of four matches competition and (ii) to investigate the relationships among three different pitch dimensions of small-sided game (SSG) on ...