Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 25

    • A proposal to a decision support system with learning analytics 

      Nieto Acevedo, Yuri Vanessa; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; González-Crespo, Rubén (IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2018)
      Learning Analytics has acquire significance on the educational field due to it discovers hidden patterns once the data is processed and integrated in real case of use. Additionally it offers to stakeholder's support to ...
    • Advanced Clustering Techniques for Emotional Grouping in Learning Environments Using an AR-Sandbox 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022)
      Recently, it has been proven that the emotional aspect directly influences the learning process, so that, based on data mining techniques, this behavior has been sought to be characterized. This has made clustering techniques ...
    • Analysis of physico-chemical variables and their influence on water quality of the Bogota River using data mining 

      Rojas, Jairo; Forero, Julián; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén (International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, 2018)
      Variation of the flow rate and the concentration of different elements within a flow of water in a river must be important factors for the discovery of patterns of behaviour and predictive in terms of space and time models. ...
    • Analysis of Security Mechanisms Based on Clusters IoT Environments 

      Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Prieto, Juan David; Nieto Acevedo, Yuri Vanessa (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2017)
      Internet of things is based on sensors, communication networks and intelligence that manages the entire process and the generated data. Sensors are the senses of systems, because of this, they can be used in large quantities. ...
    • Analysis of stress's effects on cardiac dynamics: A case study on undergraduate students 

      Cubillos.Calvachi, Juan; Piedrahita-González, Juan; Gutiérrez-Ardila, Carlos; Montenegro-Marín, Carlos; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Burgos, Daniel (International Journal of Medical Informatics, 05/2020)
      Context: Early detection of cardiovascular disease could make a difference in terms of treatment success. For that reason, it is important to test the reliability of tools used to deliver diagnoses and to measure the impact ...
    • Application of Smart Contracts in Online Product Procurement 

      González Vásquez, Julián David; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Parra Fuente, Javier (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2022)
      In this work, a platform for the acquisition of online products is presented, where companies finally offer merchandise, so that users can buy from the comfort of their homes, taking into account that each of the parties ...
    • Computational method for monitoring pauses exercises in office workers through a vision model 

      Herrera, Fabian; Niño, Rodrigo; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Sarría, Íñigo ; González-Crespo, Rubén (Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 2021)
      A sedentary routine at work can cause various muscular, skeletal or visual diseases, however these can be prevented with what is known as active pauses. This article is intended to illustrate how software can help reduce ...
    • Editor’s Note 

      Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2023)
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents one of the fastest growing areas of knowledge, sectors and fields of action globally. This growth has allowed to mark different positions, where the most favorable ones are oriented ...
    • Emotional characterization of children through a learning environment using learning analytics and AR-Sandbox 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén; Wu, Xing (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 03/2020)
      Identifying emotions experienced by students in a learning environment contributes to measuring the impact when technologies such as augmented reality (AR) are implemented in the educational field. The most frequent methods ...
    • ErgoSent: Prototipo informático como soporte a la evaluación ergonómica de trabajadores sobre el área de marketing y diseño 

      Nieto Gómez, Daniel; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marín, Carlos; Angarita Casas, Karen Eliana ; Ceballos Garzón, Ricardo (RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2020)
      El siguiente artículo tienen como propósito crear un prototipo de software que permita apoyar el proceso de revisión de puestos de trabajo en el área de marketing y diseño, a partir de una evaluación ergonómica de los ...
    • Exploring the Relevance of Search Engines: An Overview of Google as a Case Study 

      Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Beltrán-Alfonso, Ricardo; Torres-Tautiva, Andres (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2017)
      The huge amount of data on the Internet and the diverse list of strategies used to try to link this information with relevant searches through Linked Data have generated a revolution in data treatment and its representation. ...
    • Fuzzy Logic Models for Non-Programmed Decision-Making in Personnel Selection Processes Based on Gamification 

      Albadan, Javier; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro, Carlos; González-Crespo, Rubén ; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique (Informática, 2018)
      Non-programmed decision-making is an activity that requires a number of methods to try to capture the rational behaviour of an aspirant in situations of uncertainty. Thus, there is a varied list of attributes, methods, and ...
    • Hyperparameter Optimization for Image Recognition over an AR-Sandbox Based on Convolutional Neural Networks Applying a Previous Phase of Segmentation by Color-Space 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Casas Mateus, Daniel Esteban; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marín, Carlos; González-Crespo, Rubén (Sysmmetry. Basel, 12/2018)
      Immersive techniques such as augmented reality through devices such as the AR-Sandbox and deep learning through convolutional neural networks (CNN) provide an environment that is potentially applicable for motor rehabilitation ...
    • Image Classification Methods Applied in Immersive Environments for Fine Motor Skills Training in Early Education 

      Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Sarría Martínez-Mendivil, Íñigo; Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2019)
      Fine motor skills allow to carry out the execution of crucial tasks in people's daily lives, increasing their independence and self-esteem. Among the alternatives for working these skills, immersive environments are found ...
    • Initial Approach for Construction of a Public Dataset for Emotional Analysis Through Brain-Computer Interfaces and Second Language Platforms 

      Restrepo Rodríguez, Andrés Ovidio; Ariza Riaño, Maddyzeth; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén (IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2023)
      In recent years, the deepening of the role of emotions in education has increased, since it has been shown that emotions influence what we learn and retain, in different areas such as learning a second language. Likewise, ...
    • Issues of Visual Search Methods in Digital Repositories 

      Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Montenegro-Marín, Carlos; Gaona-García, Elvis; Gómez-Acosta, Adriana; Hassan-Montero, Yusef; Hassan-Montero, Yusef (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 12/2018)
      Repositories are important infrastructures which allow the dissemination of large collections of digital resources hosted in museums, libraries, academic institutions or specialized documentation centers. However, there ...
    • Issues of Visual Search Methods in Digital Repositories 

      Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso; Gaona-García, Elvis; Gómez-Acosta, Adriana; Hassan-Montero, Yusef (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2018)
      Repositories are important infrastructures which allow the dissemination of large collections of digital resources hosted in museums, libraries, academic institutions or specialized documentation centers. However, there ...
    • Mejora de Metodológica para la Dirección de Proyec com Base Tecnológica Mediante el Uso de Lean IT como Enfoque de Mejora Continua 

      González-Crespo, Rubén; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso (Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 2023)
      Una metodología es una estructura que permite edificar una idea y convertirla de lo intangible a lo medible, es un conjunto de reglas y métricas que ayudan a dar forma a lo abstracto y generar algo estructurado evitando ...
    • Modeling and Comparison Study of Modules in Open Source LMS Platforms with Cmapstool 

      Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Cueva-Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Sanjuan, Oscar; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2010)
      This work is part of a first phase of the project “DOMAIN SPECIFIC MODELING FOR THE LEARNING OBJECTS BUILD PLATFORM-INDEPENDENT " and seeks to make a comparison between Open Source LMS to get a first approximation of common ...
    • Prototipos de lenguaje de dominio específico para consulta de configuraciones de dispositivos en redes como estándar basado en ingeniería dirigida por modelos 

      Montenegro Marin, Franklin Guillermo; Angarita Casas, Karen Eliana ; Garzón Triana, Daniel Felipe; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; Gaona-García, Paulo Alonso (RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 04/2020)
      El establecimiento de redes requiere del conocimiento de las configuraciones necesarias de los dispositivos de redes pertenecientes a ellas. La búsqueda de estas configuraciones resulta ser una tarea tediosa y repetitiva ...