Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 228

    • 10 Years of Research at Cadi Ayyad University: Pedagogical Innovation to Cross Borders in Education 

      Berrada, Khalid; EL Kharki, Khadija; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2022)
      This introductory chapter presents an overview of all contributions that summarize a decade of scientific research around science education at Cadi Ayyad University (UCA). Several practical cases have been presented and ...
    • A 6-Key Action Plan for Education in Times of Crises 

      Affouneh, Saida; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture notes in educational technology, 2021)
      Education is a human right, and many initiatives have evolved around the world so that no child is left behind. This right has been violated several times during crisis situations in many countries especially for marginalised ...
    • A critical review of ims learning design 

      Burgos, Daniel (The Art and Science of Learning Design, 01/2015)
      The work presented in this paper summarizes the research performed in order to implement a set of Units of Learning (UoLs) focused on adaptive learning processes, using the specification IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). Through ...
    • A Flexible Educational Model to Support University in Times of Crisis: The Open Spaces Educational Framework (OSEF) 

      Higueras, Marta; Tounsi, Jalal; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture notes in educational technology, 2021)
      Morocco is currently at a sweet spot for generating change and new activity models. Specially now, in VUCA environments (characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), the academic community can pay ...
    • A Framework for a Semiautomatic Competence Valuation 

      López, Aída ; Gómez, Silvia Alicia; Martín, Debora; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2020)
      This paper’s aim is to show a method to semi-automatically evaluate the competence level reached by students through their university training. The Bolonia Plan’s evaluation has led to a review of university teaching ...
    • A Framework for Developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Pre-primary CLIL 

      Mortimore, Louisa (Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2023)
      Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process of acquiring the competences to recognise and manage emotions and develop prosocial skills. Extensive research suggests that effective SEL interventions in pre-primary ...
    • A Granular Computing Based Approach for Improving the Consistency of Intuitionistic Reciprocal Preference Relations 

      Cabrerizo, Francisco Javier; Pérez, Ignacio Javier; Morente-Molinera, Juan Antonio ; Alonso, Sergio; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 2021)
      Pairwise comparison between alternatives is the preference elicitation method most used in decision making. To model it, a mathematical model based on the concept of preference relation has been proposed. When preference ...
    • A Key Action Plan for EDUCATION in a Global Crisis 

      Soriano, Vicente ; Cardona, Pablo ; Corpas, Manuel (Lecture notes in educational technology, 2021)
      Wars and natural disasters cause profound disturbances in human lives and social services. Historically, large pandemics have hit communities triggering rapid transformation of societies. The global COVID-19 outbreak has ...
    • Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Digital Transformation of HEIs in Latin America 

      Serna Gómez, José Humberto; Díaz Piraquive, Flor Nancy; Muriel-Perea, Yasser de Jesús; Díaz Peláez, Alejandro (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2021)
      The information society is characterized by the information data conversion and the information in knowledge to support the decision making and the human development. In this sense, the digital transformation implies not ...
    • Alternative Modernities and Othered Masculinities in Mira Nair's The Namesake 

      Iglesias-Díaz, E. Guillermo (Narratives of Difference in Globalized Culture: Reading Transnational Cultural Commodities, 2017)
      This chapter contributes to the unpacking of heterogeneous South Asian diasporic masculinities from post-9/11 Eurocentric monolithic and stereotypical representations, ranging from ‘the good non-Muslim migrant’ to the ‘the ...
    • An Overview on Steffensen-Type Methods 

      Amat, Sergio; Busquier, Sonia; Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Orcos, Lara (Advances in iterative methods for nonlinear equations, 2016)
      In this chapter we present an extensive overview of Steffensen-type methods. We first present the real study of the methods and then we present the complex dynamics related this type of methods applied to different ...
    • Analysis of Radicalisation Prevention Policies From the Perspective of Educommunication in Mediterranean Countries 

      Azqueta-Díaz de Alda, Arantxa; Martín-Gutiérrez, Ángela; Rodríguez-Torres, Ángel Freddy (IGI Global, 2023)
      The fight against radicalisation is gaining prominence on international agendas. Europe proposes multilevel actions, where “educommunication” helps to prevent hate speech, as it is a tool that contributes to the formation ...
    • Analysis of the COVID19 Pandemic Behaviour Based on the Compartmental SEAIRD and Adaptive SVEAIRD Epidemiologic Models 

      James Fong, Simon; Lobo Marques, João Alexandre; Li, G.; Dey, Nilanjan; González-Crespo, Rubén; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Bernardo Gois, F. Nauber; Xavier Neto, José (Epidemic Analytics for Decision Supports in COVID19 Crisis, 2022)
      A significant number of people infected by COVID19 do not get sick immediately but become carriers of the disease. These patients might have a certain incubation period. However, the classical compartmental model, SEIR, ...
    • Analytical bibliography on Luis Velez de Guevara and his dramatic work (1983-2015) 

      González Martínez, Javier J (Luis Velez de Guevara, dramaturgo: homenaje de Córdoba a Robert Jammes, 2017)
      La presente colección de trabajos quiere marcar un nuevo hito en el trayecto crítico en torno al dramaturgo Luis Vélez de Guevara, quien, según Quevedo, figuró en su día con Lope y Calderón como el tercer miembro del gran ...
    • Antecedentes y aspectos procedimentales para la construcción de una estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional y el mejoramiento del capital humano 

      Valencia Cobos, Jorge; Said-Hung, Elías Manuel (Estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional en el departamento del Atlántico, 2017)
      Capítulo del libro "Estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional en el departamento del Atlántico"
    • Applying genetic algorithms for the improvement of an autonomous fuzzy driver for simulated car racing 

      Salem, Mohammed; Mora, Antonio M ; Merelo, Juan Julián; García-Sánchez, Pablo (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018)
      Games offer a suitable testbed where new methodologies and algorithms can be tested in a near-real life environment. For example, in a car driving game, using transfer learning or other techniques results can be generalized ...
    • Approximation of Hate Detection Processes in Spanish and Other Non-Anglo-Saxon Languages 

      Cubillas, Juan José; De Gregorio Vicente, Óscar; Rodríguez Caballero, C. Vladimir (IGI Global, 2023)
      In this chapter, the authors present how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can help to identify and reduce the new digital crimes according to hate messages. The appearance of the internet in our lives, at the end ...
    • Aprender jugando. La gamificación en el aula. 

      Torres-Toukoumidis, Ángel; Romero-Rodríguez, Luis M. (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2018)
      Desde el surgimiento, en la primera mitad del siglo XX, de las teorías conductistas del aprendizaje del condicionamiento clásico (Pávlov y Watson) y del operante (Guthrie y Skinner), los “estímulos” y “recompensas” han ...
    • Aprender jugando. La gamificación en el aula 

      Torres-Toukoumidis, Ángel; Romero-Rodríguez, Luis M (Educar para los nuevos medios. Claves para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática en el entorno digital, 2018)
      Capítulo del libro "Educar para los nuevos medios. Claves para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática en el entorno digital"
    • Are you aware of your errors when writing online? Pre-service EFL primary school teachers' English proficiency tested 

      Torrado-Cespón, Milagros; López Pérez, Sidoni (Technological Innovation Put to the Service of Language Learning, Translation and Interpreting: Insights from Academic and Professional Contexts, 2023)
      Considering the research question "Are students aware of their errors when writing online using English as a foreign language?", 94 pre-service teachers completed a questionnaire that included simple sentences with common ...