Mostrando ítems 61-70 de 161
Inexact gauss-newton method for least square problems
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
In this chapter we are interested in locating a solution x of the nonlinear least squares problem: minG(x) := 1/2 F(x)TF(x), (8.1) where F is Fréchet-differentiable defined on ℝn with values in ℝm, m ≥ n.
Generalized newton method with applications
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
In this chapter we are interested in the approximately solving the generalized equation: Find x ∈ H such that 0 ∈ F(x) + T(x). (16.1) where F : H → H is a Fr→chet differentiable function, H is a Hilbert space and T : H ⇉ ...
A proposal for sentiment analysis on twitter for tourism-based applications
(Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2018)
People rely on other people’s opinions to make decisions, especially if they belong to their circle of trust. In addition, there are lots of websites of recognized prestige that provide people opinions about different ...
Müller’s method
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
In this chapter we are concerned with approximating a solution of the equation f(x) = 0, (15.1) where f is defined on an open domain or closed domain D on a real space ℝ.
Construction of MOOC Platforms in China
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
MOOC platforms in China have achieved quite some scale in China with its development since 2012. Built either by universities or enterprises on their own, or by regional coalitions or school–enterprise partnerships, MOOC ...
Directional newton methods and restricted domains
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
Let F : D ⊂ ℝn → ℝ be a differentiable function. In computer graphics, we often need to compute and display the intersection C = A ⋂ B of two surfaces A and B in ℝ3 [5], [6]. If the two surfaces are explicitly given by A ...
Newton-secant methods with values in a cone
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
We study the variational inclusion 0 ∈ F(x) + G(x) + E(x), (17.1) where X, Y are Banach space D ⊂ X is an open set F : D → Y is a smooth operator, G : D → Y is continuous operator, [., .;G] is a divided difference of order ...
Generalized equations and newton’s and method
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
In [18], G. S. Silva considered the problem of approximating the solution of the generalized equation F(x)+Q(x) ϶ 0,(11.1) where F : D → H is a Fréchet differentiable function, H is a Hilbert space with inner product ⟨., ...
The innovation cycle for sustainable ICT education
(IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2019)
Usually, the cycle of innovation is sold as a great progress in Education. However, in Education, the cycle of innovation does not exist as we might expect. Innovation is cyclical by itself. Each step of the structure can ...
Halley’s method
(Iterative Methods and Their Dynamics with Applications: A Contemporary Study, 2017)
In this chapter we are concerned with the problem of approximating a locally unique solution x* of the nonlinear equation F(x) = 0, where F is twice Fréchet-differentiable operator defined on a nonempty open and convex ...