Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 447
Learner Analysis of Chinese MOOCs
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
Learning is fundamentally an activity conducted by learners, so it is necessary to pay attention to Chinese learners of MOOCs in this study and to listen to their voice. What do we know about them? How are they learning ...
False memories, false foods: Eating, cooking, remembering in tastes like Cuba by Eduardo Machado
(Memory Frictions in Contemporary Literature, 2017-01)
Pascual Soler explores the transition from the nation to the postnation through memories of food in the autobiography of the arrival of Cuban playwright Eduardo Machado in the USA in 1961, and his experience of exile. The ...
Defunciones por COVID-19 en España y estadísticas de mortalidad
(Gaceta sanitaria, 2021)
Sr. Director:
Hemos leído con interés el artículo de Cirera et al.1 sobre las defunciones por COVID-19 en España, el cual desearíamos complementar y explicar la experiencia en la Comunidad de Castilla y León en cuanto a ...
Automatic Discovery of Complementary Learning Resources
(Towards Ubiquitous Learning. EC-TEL 2011, 2011)
Students in a learning experience can be seen as a community working simultaneously (and in some cases collaboratively) in a set of activities. During these working sessions, students carry out numerous actions that affect ...
Instructional Interaction of MOOCs in China
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
MOOCs’ interaction has the great impact on the quality of the courses. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interaction of MOOCs and to compare the differences in the interaction among different types of courses. ...
Bubbles and contagion in financial markets, Volume 2: Models and mathematics
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2017-01)
his book focuses on extending the models and theories (from a mathematical/statistical point of view) which were introduced in the first volume to a more technical level. Where volume I provided an introduction to the ...
The graphic adventure as an instrument to assist comprehensive reading
(ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Interaccion 2017, 2017-09)
Video games are interactive applications aimed at entertainment that, practically since its inception, has been tested in order to exploit their properties in other areas. In this line, the educational extrapolation has ...
Evaluation Models of MOOCs in China
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
Learning evaluation can not only be used to measure the learner’s learning achievement, but also can help teachers to understand the learning situation of the whole course. It is an indispensable part of MOOC learning. The ...
Media literacy and digital skills for enhancing critcal thinking in networked society
(ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, TEEM 2017, 2017-10)
The development of media literacy and digital skills in citizenship is one of the main challenges acknowledged within the context of the European Union's 2020 Strategy. Boosting these digital skills and media literacy as ...
Pioneer in Happiness Research in Latin America
(Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2019)
I consider myself a social scientist who is interested in human happiness; whatever is relevant to people’s happiness attracts my attention. I understand happiness as a living experience human beings have rather than as ...