Mostrando ítems 11-20 de 111
Jerome Lejeune passed away 25 years ago
(Hereditas, 2019-06-06)
During the past 60 years, modern genetics has steadily evolved from diagnostics to therapeutics. However, treatment of genetic disorders is still in its infancy, with the advent of genome editing as its greatest promise.
Hepatitis Delta Could Be More Frequent than Previously Thought
(AIDS Reviews, 2018-10)
HDV is a unique defective agent that only infects humans and requires the presence of hepatitis B to complete its life replication cycle within hepatocytes.
HTLV-1 Infection is Rising Up in Spain Whereas HTLV-2 is Vanishing
(AIDS Reviews, 2019-10)
Infection with human retroviruses is responsible for global epidemics and significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The current global estimates of infected people are 38 million for HIV-1, 1-2 million for HIV-2, 10 ...
Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV-2 Infection in Non-Endemic Regions
(AIDS Reviews, 2020-01)
Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) was isolated in AIDS patients in 1986. Around 1-2 million people are infected worldwide. The virus is less transmissible than HIV-1, being sexual contacts the most frequent route ...
Why Not an Opioid Epidemic in Europe Like in the USA?
(AIDS Reviews, 2019-12)
The CDC reported 70,237 drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2017 (Scholl et al., MMWR 2018; 67: 1419-27). Sadly, this yearly rate has been increasing significantly during the past two decades. Opioids, mostly ...
The Resurgence of Medical Ethics During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID)-19 Outbreak
(AIDS Reviews, 2020-04)
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has risen a number of clinical situations where the principles of the medical act, the singularity of the patient-physician relationship and the need for revitalizing the medical vocation ...
Rebound in Sexually Transmitted Infections Following the Success of Antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS
(AIDS Reviews, 2018-10)
Nearly 1 million people become infected every day with any of the four major curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs), namely trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Despite huge global incidence, STIs ...
Very long-acting antivirals as chemovaccines for preventing viral infections
(AIDS Reviews, 2020-04)
Following the advent of penicillin as first widely used antibiotic during World War II, viruses have steadily replaced bacteria as major agents of infections, particularly for microorganisms that can spread globally. Good ...
Clinical Presentation of Individuals With Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type-1 Infection in Spain
(Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019-02)
Background. Although only 8%-10% of persons infected with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) may develop virus-associated diseases lifelong, misdiagnosis of asymptomatic infected carriers frequently leads to late ...
HIV co-infection in HTLV-1 carriers in Spain
(Virus Research, 2019-06)
Background: Human retroviruses HIV and HTLV share transmission routes. HIV widely spread in Spain during the 80 s through injection drug use and sex, and nowadays HIV rates in Spain account for one of the largest in Europe. ...