Listar por tema "well-being"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30
An Entrepreneurial Well-being Model based on GEM Data for Spain
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2014)The Economics of Happiness is one of the research areas of greatest growth in recent years. Throughout this work, a venture based model in which satisfaction of Spanish entrepreneurs with their professional life is performed. ... -
Análisis del deterioro de los factores de riesgo psicosocial en situaciones de crisis y su efecto sobre la salud y el desempeño laboral
(20/07/2022)Como consecuencia del impacto de las crisis, el deterioro de las condiciones de trabajo se convierte en la antesala para la aparición de los riesgos psicosociales que afectan la salud física, mental y emocional del trabajador, ... -
Chile, milagro de crecimiento económico, pero… ¿y el bienestar?
(Perfiles latinoamericanos, 2022)Chile ha vivido un milagro económico en las décadas recientes. Se redujo la desigualdad de in-greso, creció el ingreso per cápita y disminuyó sustancialmente la pobreza. En el año 2019 se evidenció un malestar de importantes ... -
Conceptual Framework of the Book
(Springer Link, 2020)El bienestar es una experiencia que tienen las personas y no una construcción académica. El bienestar informado por las personas se puede utilizar para identificar los factores relevantes en una población en particular, ... -
Consequences of COVID-19 Confinement for Teachers: Family-Work Interactions, Technostress, and Perceived Organizational Support
(NLM (Medline), 2021)The confinement experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a rethink of the teaching-learning process to which teachers have responded without planning and instead used their resources. This study aimed to analyze ... -
Corruption and Weak Institutions
(Springer, 2020)Corruption practices seem to be entrenched within the Latin American political system; they are the consequence of weak institutions and a casuistic implementation of the law. Latin American’s perceptions of corruption in ... -
Crime, Violence and Well-Being
(Springer Link, 2020)Latin Americans are exposed to high levels of violence associated to gangs, organized crime and even domestic violence. It is shown that victimization impacts negatively on the well-being of Latin Americans and that its ... -
Diseño de un programa para promover hábitos saludables en el entorno laboral
(26/06/2023)Actualmente la humanidad está experimentando una serie de cambios en su vida diaria que exigen una mayor consciencia en el autocuidado para el desarrollo integral y saludable de su sistema físico, mental, emocional y ... -
Education and Well-Being
(Springer Link, 2020)Education has always had an important place in public policy. Unfortunately, during the past decades education policies have been inspired by the human-capital approach; this approach views the education sector as an ... -
Educational Anamnesis and Emotional Well-being in Lifelong Learning for Older Adults: Strategies and Assessments for Comprehensive Care
(Biomedical. Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 2024)This proposal for incorporating the methodology of anamnesis into the educational field, specifically aimed at the education of older adults, anticipates the implementation of a comprehensive approach that encompasses both ... -
Factores asociados al sueño nocturno de los adolescentes
(Pediatria de Atencion Primaria, 2022)Introducción: durante la adolescencia se producen numerosos cambios en los hábitos de vida que afectan también a los patrones de sueño; patrones que son clave en el desarrollo de los jóvenes y en su estado de salud. Por ... -
Income and Well-Being in Latin America
(Springer, 2020)In general terms the Latin American region is a middle-income one. On average, it is not a region where starvation and economic calamities prevail, but in some countries large segments of the population may be in difficult ... -
Income Inequality and Well-Being
(Springer, 2020)Income is very unequally distributed in Latin America; in fact, the data shows that the region is the most unequal one in the world. There are different ways in which income inequality impacts on people’s well-being. A gap ... -
Income Poverty and Well-Being
(Springer Link, 2020)High income inequality in Latin America translates into high poverty rates in many countries. Those in income poverty report lower well-being; however, the well-being impact of income poverty is not generalized across ... -
Latin America and Well-Being
(Springer, 2020)The well-being situation of Latin Americans can be considered as favorable, and it contrasts to the many problems in the region as portrayed by socio-political and economic indicators. Latin America is commonly characterized ... -
Neurofelicidad. Influencia de la felicidad en la salud
(07/02/2024)La investigación sobre la felicidad aborda su complejidad desde diversas perspectivas, explorando sus fundamentos filosóficos, psicológicos, biológicos y sociales. Para ello, nos centramos en comprender la naturaleza ... -
New development strategy: development as well-being
(Springer Link, 2020)It is necessary to move from a paradigm of development as economic growth to one of development as well-being. It is vital to start thinking about development not in terms of greater income but in terms of people being ... -
Out of school learning scientific workshops: Stimulating institutionalized Adolescents' educational aspirationsd
(Children and Youth Service Review, 01/06/2019)Numerous studies show the low academic levels of adolescents who are institutionalized in residential care facilities. Few adolescents who are or have been institutionalized in residential care are able to obtain a higher ... -
Plan de Negocio para la creación de un Centro de Ejercicios Funcionales
(18/07/2019)Hoy en día, la sociedad se ha dado cuenta que es importante no solo realizar ejercitación física, sino que exista un beneficio integral en su vida. Esto se da por el alto índice de enfermedades provocadas por el estrés ... -
Relaciones afectivas en discapacidad intelectual
(22/05/2020)El presente estudio pretende investigar las relaciones afectivas en personas con discapacidad intelectual. Las relaciones afectivas son inherentes al ser humano, siendo intrínsecas a la condición humana. Es bien sabido ...