Listar por tema "WOS(2)"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 449
2-Piece Cork Stoppers as Alternative for Valorization of Thin Cork Planks: Analysis by LCA Methodology
(Foods, 2021)Natural stoppers are a magnificent closure for the production of aging wines and unique wines, whose application is limited by the availability of raw materials and more specifically of cork sheets of different thickness ... -
3D Object Reconstruction Using Concatenated Matrices with MS Kinect: A Contribution to Interiors Architecture
(Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), 2020)Interior architecture is part of the individual, social and business life of the human being; it allows structuring the spaces to inhabit, study or work. This document presents the design and implementation of a system ... -
A Comparison Between Recombinant Listeria GAPDH Proteins and GAPDH Encoding mRNA Conjugated to Lipids as Cross-Reactive Vaccines for Listeria, Mycobacterium, and Streptococcus
(Frontiers in immunology, 2021)Cross-reactive vaccines recognize common molecular patterns in pathogens and are able to confer broad spectrum protection against different infections. Antigens common to pathogenic bacteria that induce broad immune ... -
A Comparison of Gambling-Related Cognitions and Behaviors in Gamblers from the United States and Spain
(Journal of gambling studies, 2021)Few studies have compared the clinical characteristics of gambling disorder (GD) from a cross-cultural perspective. In the present study, we aimed to examine differences in gambling-related cognitions, gambling preferences, ... -
A corpus-based study of frequency in ELF students' writing: a case of distance learning
(Edulearn15: 7TH international conference on education and new learning technologies, 2015)Though a relatively new phenomenon in Spain, online university education has already managed to gain public acknowledgment. The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) is one of the few high educational institutions ... -
A cross-cultural survey to identify Seniors’ preferences towards the Empathic Virtual Coach
(Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, International Conference on Cyber Science and Technology Congress, DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech 2022, 2022)The present investigation is part of the EMPATHIC project aiming at develop an Empathic Virtual Coach (VC) able to promote seniors' healthy lifestyle and independent aging. To this end, it is fundamental to investigate ... -
A long-term view of knowledge agents as key enablers of environmental knowledge
(Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 09/2017)Knowledge agents are individuals who contribute to the transformation and exchange of knowledge and who make active use of the knowledge derived from relevant information. From a hotel perspective, knowledge agents are ... -
A methodology for the technical-economic analysis of municipal solid waste systems based on social cost-benefit analysis with a valuation of externalities
(Environmental science and pollution research, 2021)Countries face a serious problem due to the generation and management of higher volumes of waste. Large-scale production of waste has promoted the establishment of various operations (collection, transport, treatment and ... -
A Multi-step Process Approach for Estimating Public Sector Wages. The Spanish Experience
(Hacienda Pública Española-Review of Public Economics, 2021)We propose a semiparametric model including problems of sample selection and endogeneity. Concretely, we focus on studying the effect of tenure in public sector wages. Here we face two problems: Public wages are only ... -
A Multimodal Approach to Teach Novice Researchers How to Deal with Discussion Sessions in Conference Paper Presentations
(6TH International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2013), 2013)The nature of spoken academic English is a complex construct if compared with its written counterparts, for example delivering a conference paper presentation and publishing an article in a journal. However, both are genres ... -
A multimodal source to teach lecturing skills in english at universitya
(Edulearn 14: 6TH international conference on education and new learning technologies, 2014)Lectures at university have changed dramatically in recent years. We can see how ICTs are central even in more traditional face to face settings. Moreover, an important step forward in this regard is the fact that nowadays ... -
A New Fitness Function for Evolutionary Music Composition
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022)In this paper we propose a new fitness function for Evolutionary Computation purposes, based on a weighted by neighborhood average distance between two sequences of points within any metric space. We will apply this fitness ... -
A new SEAIRD pandemic prediction model with clinical and epidemiological data analysis on COVID-19 outbreak
(Applied intelligence, 2021)Measuring the spread of disease during a pandemic is critically important for accurately and promptly applying various lockdown strategies, so to prevent the collapse of the medical system. The latest pandemic of COVID-19 ... -
A Novel Android Application Design Based on Fuzzy Ontologies to Carry Out Local Based Group Decision Making Processes
(Modeling decisions for artificial intelligence, (MDAI 2016), 2016)The appearance of Web 2.0 and mobile technologies, the increase of users participating on the Internet and the high amount of available information have created the necessity of designing tools capable of making the most ... -
A proposal for sentiment analysis on twitter for tourism-based applications
(Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2018)People rely on other people’s opinions to make decisions, especially if they belong to their circle of trust. In addition, there are lots of websites of recognized prestige that provide people opinions about different ... -
A proposal of indicators to promote happiness in the classroom in higher education: a focus of professors’ opinions
(INTED Proceedings, 2019)Despite the widespread growth of interest in the analysis of academic programs and syllabuses in Europe and America, the behavior of professors and students is very different among several regions. From a local territorial ... -
A proposal to a decision support system with learning analytics
(IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2018)Learning Analytics has acquire significance on the educational field due to it discovers hidden patterns once the data is processed and integrated in real case of use. Additionally it offers to stakeholder's support to ... -
A Proposal to Compare the Similarity Between Musical Products. One More Step for Automated Plagiarism Detection?
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022)In previous works, the authors presented a measure of similarity between melodies by identifying them with sequences of ordered vectors and using a clustering process based on fuzzy logics. Along the same line, we propose ... -
A proposal to facilitate the effective use of textbooks to future mathematics teachers
(Investigacion en educación matemática XX, 2016)20th Annual Symposium of the Spanish-Society-of-Research-in-Mathematical-Education (SEIEM) -
A proposal: "AGRO-Erasmus"
(Proceedings ICABR 2015: X. International conference on aplplied business research, 2015)The rural population is getting smaller as percentage of the total population in the countries. There is a constant depopulation of rural areas to urban areas. The most extreme data are in countries like USA, where the ...