Listar por tema "WOS(2)"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 449
A qualitative method to analyze collaborative patterns of virtual groups
(CSEDU 2018 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2018)This study aims to describe a qualitative method to analyze different patterns of organization that students show during their interaction in a virtual group. Literature review has shown that collaborative patterns have a ... -
A Randomized Study on the Efficacy of the Social Cognition Training Program-Brief Version in a Sample of Patients With Schizophrenia
(Psychiatric reabilitation journal, 2021)Objective: In recent years, various interventions have been developed to train social cognition in schizophrenia, which have been shown to be effective in improving emotional processing, theory of mind and social perception, ... -
A Secure Email Solution Based on Blockchain
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)Email is one of the most important online communication services between individuals and businesses. The large amount of information that passes through this medium is the object of desire for many attackers who use a whole ... -
A Study on RGB Image Multi-Thresholding using Kapur/Tsallis Entropy and Moth-Flame Algorithm
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2021)In the literature, a considerable number of image processing and evaluation procedures are proposed and implemented in various domains due to their practical importance. Thresholding is one of the pre-processing techniques, ... -
A systematic review on nomophobia prevalence: Surfacing results and standard guidelines for future research
(PLOS ONE, 2021)Background Mobile phones allow us to stay connected with others and provide us a sense of security. We can work, chat with family and friends, take pictures, buy clothes or books, and even control home appliances. They ... -
A Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Telerehabilitation System for Use in the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s lives and the way in which certain services are provided. Such changes are not uncommon in healthcare services and they will have to adapt to the new situation by increasing the ... -
A4Learning: a case study to improve the user performance Alumni Alike Activity Analytics to self-assess personal progress
(2014 14TH IEEE International conference on advanced learning technologies (ICALT), 2014)Students usually find difficult to estimate if their effort in learning courses finds the instructor expectations. They tend to estimate "if they are doing right" by comparing themselves with peers, but this is difficult ... -
Accessibility evaluation of web content that support the mathematics, geometry and physics's teaching and learning
(ICALT 2019, 2019)The use of ICT in the classroom has allowed new teaching strategies, including the use of interactive software. However, during the design and implementation of this type of software, existing standards or recommendations ... -
Activities and perceived risk of transmission and spread of sars-cov-2 among specialists and residents in a third level university hospital in Spain
(International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021)This study aims to identify factors related with SARS-CoV-2 infection in physicians and internal residents during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at a tertiary hospital in Spain, through a cross-sectional descriptive perception ... -
Adaptation and Validation of the LGBTCI to the Spanish LGBT Working Population
(Journal of career assessment, 2021)The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Climate Inventory (LGBTCI) is the only instrument that, from a holistic viewpoint, makes it possible to evaluate the workplace climate of support and/or hostility for LGBT ... -
Advantages and downsides of children ICT use in Spain: the parent's perspective
(3rd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All (ICLEL), 2017)This paper aims at understanding the expectations of a group of parents, about possibilities and problems Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) present for their children. 'The article consists in a qualitative ... -
Aesthetics as a Philosophical and Theological Space in the St. Francis of St. Bonaventure's Major Legend
(Religions, 2022)This paper demonstrates that the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, as expounded by St. Bonaventure in his work Legenda Major (Major Legend), cannot be understood without certain philosophical and theological keys. Following ... -
Agreement between clinician-centred and patient-centred depressive symptoms scales
(European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019)Ponencia en el congreso "31st Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)" -
Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: what about taurine?
(Psychopharmacology, 2021)Rationale: Since energy drinks (EDs) were marketed to the general public as recreational and soft drinks, mixing these with alcohol has become a popular practice, especially in the younger population. Alcohol mixed with ... -
Alternative Modernities and Othered Masculinities in Mira Nair's The Namesake
(Narratives of Difference in Globalized Culture: Reading Transnational Cultural Commodities, 2017)This chapter contributes to the unpacking of heterogeneous South Asian diasporic masculinities from post-9/11 Eurocentric monolithic and stereotypical representations, ranging from ‘the good non-Muslim migrant’ to the ‘the ... -
An Adaptive Feedback Mechanism for Consensus Reaching Processes Based on Individuals’ Credibility
(Proceedings of the 52ND annual Hawait international conference on system sciences, 2019)In group decision making, the decision made should be the one of highest consensus. Numerous consensus reaching processes have been developed as a part of the decision process. Within a consensus reaching process, a notable ... -
An Approach to Assessment of Video Game-based Learning using Structural Equation Model
(Proceedings of the 2014 9TH iberian conference on information systems and technologies (CISTI 2014), 2014)Instructional activities should allow applying the knowledge acquired in the day by day and in real situations. Different studies evidence the potential impact of video games on learning, however very few empirical studies ... -
An evidence of experiential learning in the classroom through geographical information systems
(ICERI Proceedings, 2019)From a comparative perspective, the recent application of didactic methodologies emphasizing the students' proactive immersion and their involvement during the course, reveal a growing interest in grasping how the students' ... -
An Institution for the Advancement of Slaves into Freedmen? Understanding Cuban Laws about Coartacion
(University Press of Florida, 2020)María del Carmen was a twenty-five-year-old African woman when, in 1813, she was recorded as being ethnically Carabalí and a “coartada,” having a past that included four prior owners.¹ That same year María del Carmen was ...