Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14

    • Academic Use of Rapid Prototyping in Digitally Controlled Power Factor Correctors 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto (Electronics (Switzerland), 2022)
      The growing use of power converters connected to the grid motivates their study in power electronics courses and the prototype development in the degree final project (DFP). However, the practical realization of using ...
    • Emulator of a Boost Converter for Educational Purposes 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; de Castro, Ángel; Brañas, Christian; Azcondo, Francisco J. (Electronics, 11/2020)
      Project-based learning (PBL) is proposed for the development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) platform and the design of its digital controller for an undergraduate course on Digital Electronic Systems. The objective for ...
    • Envelope-based Modeling for Single-Phase Grid-Following and Forming Converters 

      Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto; Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula; Branas, Christian (Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, COMPEL, 2022)
      The study of the interaction with the grid, including synchronization, controller design and stability assessment for 1f grid-following (GFL) and grid-forming (GFM) power converters requires an efficient modeling tool to ...
    • Evaluation of Quadrature Signal Generation Methods with Reduced Computational Resources for Grid Synchronization of Single-Phase Power Converters through Phase-Locked Loops 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; Pigazo-López, Alberto; Azcondo, Francisco J. (Electronics, 12/2020)
      Low-cost single-phase grid connected converters require synchronization with the grid voltage to obtain a better response and protection under diverse conditions, such as frequency perturbations and distortion. Phase-locked ...
    • Frequency Estimation in DSOGI cells by means of the Teager Energy Operator 

      Pigazo, Alberto; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Branas, Christian; Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula (Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, COMPEL, 2022)
      Second Order Generalized Integrator (SOGI) cells are used for notch filtering due to their simplicity and harmonic rejection capability. SOGI and Dual SOGI (DSOGI) filter cells, combined with Frequency Locked Loops (FLL) ...
    • Generalized Envelope-Based Modeling of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converters 

      Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto; Brañas, Christian; Lamo, Paula; Díaz, F. Javier; Casanueva, Rosario (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024)
      In-depth models of single-phase grid-tied power converters facilitate the examination of low-frequency (LF) interactions among loads, distributed energy resources (DERs), and synchronous generators by operators and designers. ...
    • Hardware-in-the-Loop and Digital Control Techniques Applied to Single-Phase PFC Converters 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; de Castro, Ángel; Sanchez, Alberto; Ruiz, Gustavo A.; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto (Electronics, 2021)
      Power electronic converters for power factor correction (PFC) play a key role in single-phase electrical power systems, ensuring that the line current waveform complies with the applicable standards and grid codes while ...
    • Implementation Oriented Two-Sample Phase Locked Loop for Single-Phase PFCs 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; Ruiz, Gustavo A.; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo-López, Alberto (2020 IEEE 21st Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, 2020)
      A low-resource-consuming digital implementation of the Two-Sample (2S) Phase Locked Loop (PLL)for application in low cost single-phase Power Factor Correction (PFC) converters is proposed. The design reduces the sampling ...
    • Improved Noise Immunity for Two-Sample PLL Applicable to Single-Phase PFCs 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto (2021 IEEE 22nd Workshop on Control and Modelling of Power Electronics, COMPEL 2021, 2021)
      Synchronization in a single-phase Power Factor Correction (PFC) is deteriorated, among others, by the combination of the noise introduced by the grid voltage sensing, conducted EMI, the ADC resolution and the sampling ...
    • Improving the Dynamic Performance of Bridgeless PFC Controllers with Zero Crossing Detector and Root-Mean-Square Calculation Blocks 

      Pigazo, Alberto; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Brañas, C.; Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula; Casanueva, Rosario; Díaz, Francisco J. (IEEE, 2023)
      Bridgeless Power Factor Correctors (PFC) with a controller utilizing rectified ac variables can benefit from well-established strategies and circuits employed in PFCs with diode-bridge front-end. The grid voltage polarity ...
    • Open AccessArticle Impact of the Noise on the Emulated Grid Voltage Signal in Hardware-in-the-Loop Used in Power Converters 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula; Ruiz, Gustavo A.; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto; Brañas, Christian (Electronics (Switzerland), 2023)
      This work evaluates the impact of the input voltage noise on a Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) system used in the emulation of power converters. A poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can compromise the accuracy and precision of ...
    • Self-balanced Two-output Battery Charger 

      Branas, Christian; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo, Alberto; Casanueva, Rosario; Díaz, Francisco J.; Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula (Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2023)
      The design and modeling of a self-balanced two-output battery charger capable to charge two high-power LiFePO4 battery packs is presented. The proposal is based on a four-phase resonant converter, which is designed as a ...
    • Soluciones anti-isla en baja y media tensión 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula; Ruiz-Robredo, Gustavo; Mañana-Canteli, Mario; Azcondo, Francisco J.; Pigazo-López, Alberto (DYNA. Ingeniería e Industria, 11/2020)
      Este trabajo presenta las soluciones más representativas empleadas en la detección de islas eléctricas no intencionales en redes eléctricas de distribución. Además, analiza la adopción de estos métodos por parte de los ...
    • Two-Sample PLL with Harmonic Filtering Capability Applicable to Single-Phase Grid-Connected Converters 

      Lamo-Anuarbe, Paula ; Pigazo, Alberto ; Azcondo, Francisco J. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
      The two-sample phase locked loop (2S PLL) in single-phase digitally controlled grid-connected power converters provide synchronization with a minimal computational burden. However, the distortion of the grid voltage ...