Mostrando ítems 101-120 de 450

    • Consideraciones teóricas sobre el consumo eficiente de energía 

      Soto Ortíz, José Daniel; Llanos Martínez, Marina; Meza Gómez, Fabiola; Mejía Rodríguez, Dania; Díaz Benítez, Julieth; Artuz Julio, Lorena; Monroy Agámez, Ernesto (Universidad del Norte, 2017)
      El consumo racional de la energía se entiende como la utilidad o el consu­ mo que se desea, empleando lo menos posible aquello que más cuesta: la energía en sus diferentes manifestaciones. Este concepto ha venido ganan­ ...
    • Constructing Knowledge Economy Composite Indicators using an MCA-DEA approach 

      Guaita Martínez, José Manuel; Martín Martín, José María ; Ostos‐Rey, María S.; de Castro Pardo, Mónica (Economic research-ekonomska istrazivanja, 2021)
      Composite indicators are a remarkably useful tool in policy analysis and public communication for assessing phenomena, such as Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE), that cannot be expressed by means of a simple indicator. The ...
    • Construction of MOOC Platforms in China 

      Zheng, Qinhua; Chen, Li; Burgos, Daniel (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2018)
      MOOC platforms in China have achieved quite some scale in China with its development since 2012. Built either by universities or enterprises on their own, or by regional coalitions or school–enterprise partnerships, MOOC ...
    • Contemporary Perspectives on Corporate Marketing Contemplating corporate branding, marketing and communications in the twenty-first century Preface 

      Balmer, John M. T.; Illia, Laura; Gonzalez del Valle Brena, Almudena (Contemporary perspectives on corporate marketing contemplating corporate branding, marketing and comminications in the twenty-first century Preface, 2013)
      Corporate marketing and corporate communications are topics that have grown in scholarly and practical importance in these last decades. Fields such as branding, marketing communications and public relations have all ...
    • Convergence and dynamics of a higher order family of iterative methods 

      Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Argyros, Ioannis K (Contemporary study of iterative methods: convergence, dynamics and applications, 2018)
      In this chapter we study the convergence as well as the dynamics of some high convergence order family of iterative methods.
    • Convergence and the dynamics of Chebyshev-Halley type methods 

      Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Argyros, Ioannis K (Contemporary study of iterative methods: convergence, dynamics and applications, 2018)
      In this chapter we present a weak convergence analysis and the dynamics of Chebyshev–Halley type methods.
    • Convergence of iterative methods for multiple zeros 

      Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Argyros, Ioannis K (Contemporary study of iterative methods: convergence, dynamics and applications, 2018)
      In this chapter we study the convergence, as well as the dynamics, of some high order family of iterative methods
    • Convergence planes of iterative methods 

      Magreñán, Á. Alberto ; Argyros, Ioannis K (Contemporary study of iterative methods: convergence, dynamics and applications, 2018)
      In this chapter we study the convergence planes associated to a certain class of iterative methods.
    • CooperAR: Promoting educational inclusion through augmented reality 

      Quintero, Jairo; Baldiris, Silvia ; Cerón, Jhoni; Garzón, Juan; Burgos, Daniel ; Velez, Gloria (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
      Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology that has been successfully integrated into education. However, the use of AR as a tool to achieve educational inclusion has not been deeply explored. This study introduces ...
    • Coping strategies in victims, bullies, bullies-victims and bystanders of cyberbullying 

      Martínez-Monteagudo, María C.; Escortell-Sánchez, Raquel ; Delgado, Beatriz (10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 2018)
      The aim of the present study was to carry out a documentary review about the cyberbullying phenomenon. Specifically, the investigation was focused on existing research on the coping strategies of victims, bullies, ...
    • Corporate Exhibitions and Marketing as a Result of the Integration Project at the University of Cundinamarca 

      Ramírez Castillo, Elber Nicolás; Montenegro-Marin, Franklin Guillermo; López Farfán, Luis Ignacio; Lancheros Rubiano, Érica Fausiya; Montenegro-Marin, Carlos Enrique; González-Crespo, Rubén (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2022)
      The academic spaces united with marketing are developed in research processes, centers of creation and innovation by the student body of the University of Cundinamarca, generating strategic learning projects, building forms ...
    • Corruption and Weak Institutions 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer, 2020)
      Corruption practices seem to be entrenched within the Latin American political system; they are the consequence of weak institutions and a casuistic implementation of the law. Latin American’s perceptions of corruption in ...
    • CreaMe: Human augmentation platform for the creation of training in educational lakes inherent to dangerous situations 

      Lopez, Miguel Angel; Lombardo, Juan Manuel; González-Crespo, Rubén (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      Human Augmentation is a field of science that seeks to improve human capabilities and productivity through the application of technologies. The prevention of occupational risks is one of the areas where such technologies ...
    • Creative Graphic Thinking and Contemporary Graphic Representation 

      Barban Franceschi, Roberta (Advances in desing, music and arts, EIMAD 2020, 2021)
      The article fundamentally seeks to demonstrate to what extent technologies have changed the graphic thinking process of industrial designers. It verifies what type of innovation graphic representation has undergone in the ...
    • Creativity and resilience as predictors of career success 

      Fernández-Díaz, J.R. ; Gutiérrez-Ortega, Mónica ; Llamas-Salguero, F.; Cantón-Mayo, I. (MDPI, 2021)
      Achieving success in today’s society is becoming an increasingly complex endeavor. People must have high levels of creativity and resilience in order to constantly adapt to changing situations and, at the same time, maintain ...
    • Crime, Violence and Well-Being 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      Latin Americans are exposed to high levels of violence associated to gangs, organized crime and even domestic violence. It is shown that victimization impacts negatively on the well-being of Latin Americans and that its ...
    • Cross-Resistance to Abiraterone and Enzalutamide in Castration Resistance Prostate Cancer Cellular Models Is Mediated by AR Transcriptional Reactivation 

      Simon, Iris; Perales, Sonia; Casado-Medina, Laura; Rodríguez-Martínez, Alba; Garrido-Navas, M. Carmen ; Puche-Sanz, Ignacio; Diaz-Mochon, Juan J.; Alaminos, Clara; Lupiañez, Pablo; Lorente, José Antonio; Serrano, M. José; Real, Pedro J. (Cancers, 2021)
      Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and novel hormonal agents (NHAs) (Abiraterone and Enzalutamide) are the goal standard for metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) treatment. Although ADT is initially effective, a subsequent ...
    • Cuestionario de Nomofobia (NMP-Q): Estructura factorial y puntos de corte de la versión española 

      León-Mejía, Ana ; Calvete, Esther; Patino-Alonso, Carmen; Machimbarrena, Juan Manuel; González-Cabrera, Joaquín (Adicciones, 2021)
      La nomofobia es una fobia situacional en la que se experimenta un miedo intenso, irracional y desproporcionado a no poder usar el smartphone. Se realizó un estudio instrumental de la versión española del cuestionario de ...
    • Customer knowledge management: Micro, small and medium - Sized enterprises in Bogotá - Colombia 

      Muriel-Perea, Yasser de Jesús; Díaz Piraquive, Flor Nancy; González-Crespo, Rubén ; Cortés Puya, Trinidad (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019)
      The idea of Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) is quite new, especially linked to operations within an organization. In this context, it is required to recall 80’s worldwide concepts as Customer Relation Ship (CRM) or ...
    • Deep Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction 

      Rodriguez-Leon, C.; Arevalo, William ; Banos, Oresti; Villalonga, Claudia (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
      Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. Its early diagnosis can prevent its progression and avoid the development of other major complications such as blindness. Deep learning and transfer learning ...