Interrogantes ante la tecnología educativa
Sarramona, Jaume
07/1987Palabra clave:
Revista / editorial:
Revista Española de PedagogíaTipo de Ítem:
articleDirección web:
Si la palabra «tecnología» es por sí sola fuente de contradicciones, despierta esperanzas y temores, entraña misterio y razón, sugiere prolongación de la vida y dependencia consumista, ¿cómo no ha de plantear serias dudas al aplicarse a la educación? Por una parte, se ve a la educación presente y futura como inevitablemente tecnificada, pero por otra se produce una resistencia ante tal perspectiva, en un intento por salvar el último reducto del quehacer más específicamente humano.
Las objeciones que se formulan a la Tecnología ante su aplicación al sistema y proceso educativo son diversas. Sin ánimo de agotarlas aquí se presentan cinco de las más habitualmente esgrimidas, que sirven de marco para analizar los límites y las posibilidades de la tecnología educativa. Todas ellas están vinculadas entre sí, sin duda, pero se ha querido analizarlas en separado porque los autores a veces sólo insisten en alguna de ellas.
The fears which are posed by technology in the modern social life, is passed over to education where, with reasons and also prejudices, appear some questions which make doubtful its applicative convenience. In this article, are analized five of the most habitual objections, trying to note down their bases at the same time possible replies, the way that the reader can make his own judgment. The first objection suggests that technology is a knowledge contrary to scientific knowledge, because it occupies only a practical dimension. In reality it is easy to demostrate that in many areas, including the educational, science and technology form a whole with reciprocal interaction. It's also frequent to see in technology the cause of the uniformation of the actual society patrons of behavior. Without avoiding the influence of the technological resourses on the behavior, it would be ilustrative to have a look on history to note that the uniformity is not only a consequence of the technology, but also of the political interest and others. The atechnological action can be as routinary or more than the technology itself. The third objection, exclusively educative, is the attainment of the irrelevant educational objectives. After assuming the error commited made by a determined way of understanding the technological education, it's not possible either to forget the necessity to graduate the outstanding goals to really attain them. Technology also receive political criticisms when it's considerate like an instrument of imperialistic domination by progressive countries on developing ones. This objection obliges to take precaution to develope an own and «appropiate» technology, without excluding the technological advancements of our times, which is not possible to stop. At last it's necessary to finish going back to the chapter of the efficiency above all. It's clear that education must be effective if it pretends results, but without confusing it with simple production, placing the most noble values of the human nature as the goal which conditions all others.
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