Mostrando ítems 21-30 de 3887
Enhanced resource allocation in mobile edge computing using reinforcement learning based MOACO algorithm for IIOT
(Computer Communications, 2020-02-01)
The Mobile networks deploy and offers a multiaspective approach for various resource allocation paradigms and the service based options in the computing segments with its implication in the Industrial Internet of Things ...
Accountability of the media as seen by Spanish citizens
(Communication&Society-Spain, 2021)
This article analyses the opinions of citizens on the core values of the so-called Media accountability: truthfulness, independence, transparency, public participation and respect for peoples’ rights. It also analyses ...
Hospital admissions in individuals with HTLV-1 infection in Spain
(AIDS, 2020-06)
OBJECTIVE: To examine the clinical burden and disease spectrum, as well as time trends for human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and HTLV type 2 (HTLV-2) hospital admissions. DESIGN: Retrospective, observational study ...
Paradigmas de nobleza militar en el siglo XV. Espejos de caballeros en las crónicas y tratados castellanos: mirada al pasado y valoración del presente
(Lemir, 2020)
Los tratados de la Baja Edad Media dedicados al arte de la guerra exponen sendas nociones teóricas sobre la naturaleza y competencias de la nobleza militar, la instrucción armamentística y la moralidad que debe regir entre ...
Aproximación a las Neuromatemáticas: el cerebro matemático
(Editorial Tektime, 2020)
Mucho se ha hablado de las matemáticas en los últimos años sobre todo en cuanto a la necesidad de una educación aplicada a edades tempranas, por ejemplo, en el caso de la economía, como forma de preparar a los menores para ...
Impact of a physical education service-learning programme on ASD children: A mixed-methods approach
Background. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have few opportunities to engage in physical activity, which affects their already limited social and motor skills. Different Service-Learning (SL) proposals designed ...
Case of Study in Online Course of Computer Engineering during COVID-19 Pandemic
(Electronics, 2022)
Practical activities and laboratories, where the students handle hardware devices, are an important part of the curriculum in STEAM degrees. In face-to-face learning, the students go to a specific classroom where the ...
Cyberbullying and social anxiety: a latent class analysis among spanish adolescents
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020-01-02)
Cyberbullying is a common social maladjustment that has negative repercussions on the wellbeing and development of adolescents, but numerous questions remain as to the relationship between cyberbullying and social anxiety ...
Up-to-date earthquake and focal mechanism solutions datasets for the assessment of seismic hazard in the vicinity of the United Arab Emirates
(Data in Brief, 2020-02)
This article presents updated and unified Poissonian earthquake and focal mechanism catalogs for the United Arab Emirates and its surroundings. Data were compiled from different local, regional, and international sources. ...
The Beatles: tradición, vanguardia... y expresividad
(Revista Humanidades, 2020-01)
La música de The Beatles, tras su enorme éxito a través del tiempo, esconde diversos secretos que hunden sus raíces no solo en las tendencias coetáneas más evidentes –Pop Art, hippismo, cómic–, sino también en otras mucho ...