Mostrando ítems 11-20 de 3888
Incitación al consumo de juguetes a través de ‘youtubers’ infantiles. Estudio de caso
(Index Comunicación, 2022)
Cuando los contenidos de youtubers se centran en el consumo excesivo de juguetes en un entorno privado como el hogar y transmiten emociones positivas vinculadas a su uso, se genera una fuerte influencia especialmente si ...
Clinical Assessment of Introducing Locoregional Anaesthesia Techniques as Part as the Intraoperative Analgesia Management for Canine Ovariohysterectomy in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital
(Animals, 2022)
Simple Summary Many analgesic protocols are described to manage pain during ovariohysterectomy. Over the past few years, loco-regional anaesthesia techniques have been introduced in veterinary anaesthesia. Therefore, ...
Sistema prototipo para la teleoperación de un robot scorbot ER-4u en ambientes peligrosos
(RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, 2020-05)
Estar en contacto directo con sustancias y objetos peligrosos, es algo que
el personal policial y militar en servicio, experimenta con regularidad en sus tareas
cotidianas. En este manuscrito se presenta la teleoperación ...
Design and validation of an assessment rubric of relevant competencies for employability
(Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2022)
This article highlights the importance of promoting relevant competencies for employability in vocational training students, while considering the demands of the globalized world. The objective was to design and validate ...
Analysis of stress factors for female professors at online universities
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020-04)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the primary stress factors female professors at online universities are exposed to. The technique used for the prospective and exploratory analysis was the Delphi method. Two rounds of ...
Publicidad a medida. Impacto de las variables sociodemográficas en los contenidos comerciales que los menores reciben en el móvil
(Index Comunicación, 2022)
La preferencia de los menores por el teléfono móvil como vía de acceso a internet se constata a nivel global. Su consumo de contenidos está ín-timamente asociado a la presencia de intereses comerciales que ven en este grupo ...
How and why do young soccer players change the Flow State?
(PLoS ONE, 2020-05)
Flow State (FS) as well as other psychological characteristics influence sports performance (SP) and could be relevant according to the playing position in team sports, such as the soccer where players have different ...
Analysis of stress's effects on cardiac dynamics: A case study on undergraduate students
(International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2020-05)
Context: Early detection of cardiovascular disease could make a difference in terms of treatment success. For that reason, it is important to test the reliability of tools used to deliver diagnoses and to measure the impact ...
Dimensions of Impulsivity in Gambling Disorder
(Scientific Reports, 2020-12-01)
Impulsivity is a multidimensional construct. Although gambling disorder (GD) has been associated with high impulsivity, impulsivity across multiple domains has not been thoroughly investigated in this population. We first ...
Reseña: El dopaje, también en tiempos de coronavirus
(Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, 2020-05)
Reseña de: “El dopaje, también en tiempos de coronavirus”. Atienza Macías, E. Las respuestas del Derecho a las nuevas manifestaciones de dopaje en el deporte, Dykinson, Madrid, 2020 (Recensión a cargo de Juan Francisco ...