Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
Retos de la educación ciudadana del siglo XXI. Implicaciones curriculares
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-01)
Postmodern society features demand important changes to current education in view of the effects of some human activities. Since civic education is meant to be the key to changing long-established patterns of social behaviour ...
Historia y Educación Social. Cuestiones y perspectivas historiográficas
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-05)
The article aims to give an overview of possible lines of work in history of social education in Spain (16th-20th centuries), and it adduces a whole of bibliographic references and some open discussions about historiographic ...
Educación, socialización y legitimación política (1931-1970)
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-05)
The Spanish Second Republic and the Francoist Regime use the education as an instrument of socialization and political legitimacy but with different results. If we can talk of a certain failure ¿or precarious success¿ of ...
La rehabilitación de mujeres delincuentes en la perspectiva de la educación moral
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-01)
In this article we present a program of pedagogical intervention for the development, among others, of values in women internal in penitentiary centres. It deals with the development of values in imprisoned women from the ...
Participación cívica y cambio político. 1970-1995
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-05)
This paper analyses changes in educational policy in Spain from the end of the nineteen sixties until the present day, with special attention to the study of the influence of various educational movements and pedagogical ...
Claves para una historia de la psicopedagogía en España
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-05)
Taking as its starting-point new advances in the history of education, this article proposes a number of keys for the study of psychopedagogy. In-depth analysis is made of the traditions stressing psychopedagogical aspects. ...
Pedagogía estética y vanguardias artísticas
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-05)
This study analyzes the contributions of the avant-garde movements in art to aesthetic pedagogy. To this end, an introduction is made firstly of the ideology on which its birth was based. Subsequently, a review is made of ...
Situación de la investigación educativa en Cataluña
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-01)
Commissioned by the Commissionat per a Universitats i Recerca and the Department of Education of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, the present study has been published as a White Paper on Educational Research in ...
Perspectiva de la educación infantil en España a partir del análisis bibliométrico de su producción - 1976-1994
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-01)
La intención de este trabajo es describir la investigación española sobre educación infantil a través del análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones registradas en la Base de Datos ISOC (CSIC) en CD-ROM. Conclusiones: La ...
Conceptos básicos de la formación-acción como estrategia de formación en la empresa
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 1998-01)
Formation in action is an strategy of enterprise training clearly opposed to the most traditional ways of infering the coaching tasks inside the enterprise organization. The aim of the present article is to delve into the ...