• Development of a Predictive Model for Induction Success of Labour 

      Pruenza, Cristina; Teurón, María; Lechuga, Luis; Díaz, Julia; González, Ana (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 03/2018)
      Induction of the labour process is an extraordinarily common procedure used in some pregnancies. Obstetricians face the need to end a pregnancy, for medical reasons usually (maternal or fetal requirements) or less frequently, ...
    • Model for Prediction of Progression in Multiple Sclerosis 

      Pruenza, Cristina; Díaz, Julia; Solano, María Teresa; Arroyo, Rafael; Izquierdo, Guillermo (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 09/2019)
      Multiple sclerosis is an idiopathic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and the second most common cause of disability in young adults. Choosing an effective treatment is crucial to preventing disability. ...