Listar por tema "trust"
Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14
A Study on Persuasive Technologies: The Relationship between User Emotions, Trust and Persuasion
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2018)A successful persuasive technology is able to persuade people to change from one state to a more well known state. Therefore, to allow for a change, persuasive technology must be able to affect users’ emotion and make the ... -
Afectividad y autodisciplina
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/1982)Se trata de examinar los presupuestos en los que se basan distintas corrientes educativas actualmente en boga -especialmente, las derivadas del existencialismo- y sus consecuencias en el campo de la educación. Destaca en ... -
An empirical examination of adoption of mobile applications in Spain and Portugal, based in UTAUT
(International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2019)The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of the apps (mobile applications) market in Spain and Portugal, which are countries that have many more Smartphone's per inhabitant than any other European country. The ... -
Confianza e intercambio de conocimiento en una comunidad de práctica transdisciplinar: un caso de estudio convergente paralelo
(RELATEC. Revista Lationamericana de Tecnología Educativa, 2020)Las Comunidades de Práctica (COPs) transdisciplinares reúnen a miembros con diferente cosmovisión y repertorio teórico. Son contextos con un gran potencial para creación de conocimiento a partir de la colaboración entre ... -
Dinámicas profesionales entre periodistas y políticos: rutinas profesionales y valoración de la confianza y credibilidad generada por los portavoces del Congreso de Españaen la prensa especializada (2019-2022)
(Profesional de la Informacion, 2023)Se aborda la interacción y opinión de los periodistas parlamentarios que cubren la información del Congreso de los Dipu-tados de España sobre su principal fuente de información, los portavoces de los grupos parlamentarios. ... -
Empirical Analysis of Ethical Principles Applied to Different AI Uses Cases
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2022)In this paper, we present an empirical study on the perception of the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence groups in the classification made by the European Union (EU). The study seeks to identify the ethical ... -
How Journalists and Social Media Users Perceive Online Fact-Checking and Verification Services
(Journalism Practice, 2017)While services for fact-checking and verification to counter fake news in social media have increased, little research has investigated how journalists and the public perceive such services. This study reflects the outcomes ... -
On Why ‘Trust’ Constitutes an Appropriate Synonym for ‘Certainty’ in Wittgenstein’s Sense: What Pupils Can Learn from Its Staging
(Studies in Philosophy and Education, 2024)In this paper I outline the most relevant traits of the term ‘trust’ understood as one of the synonyms for ‘certainty’ that Ludwig Wittgenstein used in his posthumous work On Certainty. To this end, I analyze the paragraphs ... -
Pluralismo educativo y niños vulnerables
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 01/2022)España ha adoptado una vez más una ley de educación integral. No me corresponde —ni tengo las competencias adecuadas para ello— comentar sobre el controvertido proceso previo a la promulgación de esta legislación, ni sobre ... -
Social Relations and Methods in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2022)With the constant growth of information, data sparsity problems, and cold start have become a complex problem in obtaining accurate recommendations. Currently, authors consider the user's historical behavior and find ... -
The telework performance dilemma: exploring the role of trust, social isolation and fatigue
(International Journal of Manpower, 2024)Purpose: Due to the crisis originated by the COVID-19 pandemic, an important number of workers have been incorporating the telework modality. In this context, the distance from the workplace generates new dilemmas for work ... -
Transparency policy and students' satisfaction and trust
(Transforming Government People Process and Policy, 2015)Purpose - This paper aims to analyse the effectiveness of the transparency policy carried out by a public university in terms of the impact on students' satisfaction and trust. The loss of trust suffered by public institutions ... -
Las webs corporativas de museos como herramientas para la transparencia
(Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2017)Introducción. El entorno en el que operan las organizaciones se ha tambaleado en los últimos años. Los casos de corrupción, las prácticas poco éticas y la crisis económica han desembocado en una nueva complejidad en la que ... -
What About NPOs? Identifying Factors in the Intention to Donate: The Role of Brand Identification and Past Behavior
(Voluntas, 2024)In this study, the factors that determine the intentions of individuals to donate to nonprofit organizations (NPOs) were analyzed. Based on an extensive review of the academic literature, research hypotheses were proposed ...