Listar por tema "Spain"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 142
A disconnect in media accountability: Spanish journalists' and citizens' perceptions of established and innovative instruments at the organizational level
(Journal of applied journalism&media studies, 2022)In the current media landscape, accountability can be promoted through a wide range of established and innovative instruments. Focusing on the Spanish context, this article examines journalists' perceptions of in-house ... -
A penny for your words. Job insecurity as the chief problem affecting Spanish professional journalism
(Estudios sobre el mensaje periodistico, 2021)Given the challenging period professional journalism is going through and the challenges facing journalists in their day-today work, this paper seeks to identify the main problems affecting professional Spanish journalists ... -
A propósito del estado de alarma decretado en España por causa del Covid-19: el olvido del principio de proporcionalidad
(Revista Vasca de Administración Pública, 04/2021)En el presente trabajo efectuaremos un análisis de la regulación del estado de alarma (requisitos y procedimiento para su adopción), poniéndolo en relación con las exigencias que dimanan del principio de proporcionalidad, ... -
A spatial analysis of the Spanish tobacco consumption distribution: Are there any consumption clusters?
(Public Health, 09/2020)Objectives: The objective of this short communication is to provide a previous empirical analysis to locate the regions that have distortions in per capita tobacco consumption. The location of these regions and their ... -
Adaptación de la industria del libro en España al cambio tecnológico: Pasado, presente y futuro de la digitalización
(Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad, 2019)El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo afecta el cambio tecnológico a la industria editorial española y como esta se va adaptando al nuevo entorno digital. En el trabajo se ofrece una visión general de cuál es la ... -
Adecuación de ingresos hospitalarios por COVID-19 en la 2ª y 5ª fase de la pandemia
(Revista española de salud publica, 2022)Fundamentos: El aumento de la demanda asistencial hospitalaria producida por la COVID-19 supone una menor disponibilidad de recursos sanitarios e influye en la adecuación de su utilización. Debido a la variabilidad de la ... -
Advance Care Planning in Spain
(Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care, 2023)In the last decade in Spain, an important push has been given to the development of health policies that define the framework of action in the care of people with advanced chronic diseases. Respect for the autonomy of the ... -
AIDS Clinical Research in SpainLarge HIV Population, Geniality of Doctors, and Missing Opportunities
(Viruses.Basel, 06/2018)The first cases of AIDS in Spain were reported in 1982. Since then over 85,000 persons with AIDS have been cumulated, with 60,000 deaths. Current estimates for people living with HIV are of 145,000, of whom 20% are unaware ... -
An analysis of the changes in the seasonal patterns of tourist behavior during a process of economic recovery
(Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 12/2020)This paper studies how the improvement of the economic situation influences the behavior patterns of national and foreign tourists in relation to the seasonal trends that define their trips. After analyzing the patterns ... -
An Analysis of the Media Coverage of the Socio-Economic Impacts Generated by Online Tourist Rental Platforms
(International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 07/2020)This work aims to determine, by means of a press analysis, the positioning of the media on the problems generated by the growth of tourist pressure in city centers and by the expansion of tourist accommodation intermediated ... -
An analysis of the socioeconomic characteristics determining religious choice
(European Journal of International Management, 2022)This paper analyses the relationship between religious choice and the socioeconomic characteristics of citizens. The data were obtained from an ad-hoc survey involving 2708 people, a representative sample of the population ... -
An analysis of the stability of rural tourism as a desired condition for sustainable tourism
(Journal of Business Research, 07/2019)Tourism is a key sector in the sustainable development of rural environments. Its ability to create stable employment and an acceptable level of profits is conditioned by the stability of tourist activity throughout the ... -
An analysis of tourism sector seasonality and its relation to the economic cyclee: the case of Spain
(Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2020)This study analyzes the changes in the seasonal trends in the Spanish tourism sector in relation to the economic cycle. The methodological originality of the analysis stems from its multi-dimensional index of tourism ... -
An empirical examination of adoption of mobile applications in Spain and Portugal, based in UTAUT
(International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2019)The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of the apps (mobile applications) market in Spain and Portugal, which are countries that have many more Smartphone's per inhabitant than any other European country. The ... -
An Overview of the Audiobook Marketplace in Spain
(Publishing research quarterly, 2022)The general objective of this research is to analyze, through a descriptive methodology, the impact that audiobooks have on internal processes in the value chain of Spanish publishers. To this are added two more specific ... -
Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en Educación Musical en España
(Revista Española de Pedagogía, 09/2017)Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar las tendencias de la investigación realizada en España en Educación Musical a través de los 143 artículos publicados entre los años 2000 al 2015, a través de un análisis bibliométrico ... -
Análisis bibliométrico de las tesis doctorales sobre Internet en las universidades españolas
(Transinformação, 2016)El presente trabajo es un análisis descriptivo de las tesis doctorales sobre Internet que se han defendido en las universidades de España entre 1996 y 2011. La fuente principal es la base de datos Teseo del Ministerio de ... -
Análisis criminológico comparativo del Suicidio en España y el País Vasco entre 2007 y 2017
(15/09/2019)Se podría decir que el suicidio ha existido desde el principio de la vida, incluso en el reino animal se produce, y a pesar de que a lo largo de la historia ha ido cambiando su percepción, no es hasta el S. XIX cuando ... -
Análisis de la investigación sobre ética de la comunicación en España (1980-2015)
(Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2017)Esta investigación caracteriza los rasgos de la investigación sobre ética de la comunicación a partir de los artículos publicados en las revistas científicas de comunicación españolas entre 1980 y 2015. Para ello se han ... -
Análisis documental de los beneficios a curato en los Archivos Eclesiásticos del Arzobispado de Mérida-Badajoz
(Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, 2023)Se identifica y examina la documentación que sobre beneficios a curatos se custodia en los Archivos Eclesiásticos de Mérida-Badajoz. Para ello se comienza con un análisis de la historia del archivo y su documentación para ...