Listar por tema "COVID-19"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 149
A Comparative Study of Communication Management Strategies on Social Media in the Hotel Industry in Spain in Times of COVID-19
(Administrative Sciences, 2023)settingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle A Comparative Study of Communication Management Strategies on Social Media in the Hotel Industry in Spain in Times of COVID-19 by Antonio Baraybar-Fernández 1ORCID,Sandro ... -
A comparative study on renewable and traditional electricity: The influence of the European Union framework and the impact of COVID-19
(PLoS ONE, 2022)By means of the event study approach, we analyse the effect of COVID-19 on listed European renewable and traditional electricity companies, inside and outside the European Union, for the pandemic announcement and lockdowns. ... -
A Key Action Plan for EDUCATION in a Global Crisis
(Lecture notes in educational technology, 2021)Wars and natural disasters cause profound disturbances in human lives and social services. Historically, large pandemics have hit communities triggering rapid transformation of societies. The global COVID-19 outbreak has ... -
A new SEAIRD pandemic prediction model with clinical and epidemiological data analysis on COVID-19 outbreak
(Applied intelligence, 2021)Measuring the spread of disease during a pandemic is critically important for accurately and promptly applying various lockdown strategies, so to prevent the collapse of the medical system. The latest pandemic of COVID-19 ... -
A propósito del estado de alarma decretado en España por causa del Covid-19: el olvido del principio de proporcionalidad
(Revista Vasca de Administración Pública, 04/2021)En el presente trabajo efectuaremos un análisis de la regulación del estado de alarma (requisitos y procedimiento para su adopción), poniéndolo en relación con las exigencias que dimanan del principio de proporcionalidad, ... -
A Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Telerehabilitation System for Use in the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s lives and the way in which certain services are provided. Such changes are not uncommon in healthcare services and they will have to adapt to the new situation by increasing the ... -
Activities and perceived risk of transmission and spread of sars-cov-2 among specialists and residents in a third level university hospital in Spain
(International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021)This study aims to identify factors related with SARS-CoV-2 infection in physicians and internal residents during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at a tertiary hospital in Spain, through a cross-sectional descriptive perception ... -
La adaptación del ritual budista durante la pandemia: El papel de las nuevas tecnologías en la comunidad jōdo shinshū del Reino Unido
(Comares, 2023)Ante el actual panorama de globalización y desarrollo tecnológico, se evidencia como necesario promover el pensamiento y la actitud crítica respecto al fenómeno religioso y las repercusiones prácticas que tiene la utilización ... -
Adecuación de ingresos hospitalarios por COVID-19 en la 2ª y 5ª fase de la pandemia
(Revista española de salud publica, 2022)Fundamentos: El aumento de la demanda asistencial hospitalaria producida por la COVID-19 supone una menor disponibilidad de recursos sanitarios e influye en la adecuación de su utilización. Debido a la variabilidad de la ... -
Adentros que se afueran
(Arteterapia-papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 2021)La pandemia nos dictaminó un confinamiento domiciliario interminable, una distancia de todo lo humano. Para equilibrar de nuevo el mapa me he liberado de lastres nada lustrosos regalándome la libertad de liderar el trazo ... -
Alcoholism as a risk factor for COVID-19: The alcoholic stor
(Ashdin Publishing, 2021)Alcoholism is a condition associated with psychiatric and psychiatric problems, where the respiratory system is damaged through the mucociliary ladder mechanism and alveolar macrophage dysfunction. In the time COVID-19 has ... -
An Integrated Framework for COVID-19 Classification Based on Ensembles of Deep Features and Entropy Coded GLEO Feature Selection
(International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023)COVID-19 is a challenging worldwide pandemic disease nowadays that spreads from person to person in a very fast manner. It is necessary to develop an automated technique for COVID-19 identification. This work investigates ... -
An Interplay between Oxidative Stress (Lactate Dehydrogenase) and Inflammation (Anisocytosis) Mediates COVID-19 Severity Defined by Routine Clinical Markers
(Antioxidants, 2023)Viral infections activate the innate immune response and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines. They also alter oxidative stress markers, which potentially can have an involvement in the pathogenesis of the disease. The ... -
Analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigenic tests for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in hospital outbreak situation
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)The reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) continues to be the reference diagnostic method for the confirmation of COVID-19 cases; however, rapid antigen detection tests (RADT) have recently been developed. ... -
Análisis de los aspectos éticos derivados de la aparición de la COVID-19 en la investigación biomédica
(24/03/2021)Objetivo: Analizar los aspectos éticos derivados de la aparición de la COVID-19 en el mundo de la investigación biomédica. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica. Resultados: La COVID-19 ha supuesto el ... -
Análisis y proyección financiera de Mercadona S.A
(25/03/2021)El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis financiero tanto en la actualidad como en un futuro cercano de la empresa Mercadona, líder en el sector de la distribución en España. En primer lugar, se ha ... -
Ansiedad ante la muerte y sentido de vida en plena Covid-19
(06/01/2022)El presente estudio se centra en analizar la correlación entre la ansiedad ante la muerte y el sentido de vida, así como la posible influencia de factores sociodemográficos. La muestra, 272 sujetos, se obtuvo a través de ... -
Ansiedad y Depresión en adolescentes víctimas del Bullying después del confinamiento por COVID-19. Estudio longitudinal
(Ansiedad y Estres, 2023)El objetivo de este estudio longitudinal prospectivo es analizar los efectos que han tenido los acontecimientos relacionados con la pandemia por Covid-19 en el estado emocional de adolescentes víctimas y no víctimas de ... -
Aplicación de Machine Learning para la previsión de las curvas de contagios de COVID-19 en Europa
(15/07/2021)La epidemia de COVID-19 es uno de los grandes retos del siglo XXI, desde un punto de vista sanitario, social y económico. Poder realizar predicciones acertadas sobre su evolución nos permite anticipar qué acciones son ... -
Automated Detection of COVID-19 using Chest X-Ray Images and CT Scans through Multilayer-Spatial Convolutional Neural Networks
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2021)The novel coronavirus-2019 (Covid-19), a contagious disease became a pandemic and has caused overwhelming effects on the human lives and world economy. The detection of the contagious disease is vital to avert further ...