Listar por tema "collaborative learning"
Mostrando ítems 21-25 de 25
Propuesta didáctica innovadora para fortalecer la escritura creativa con el uso de una pizarra colaborativa para estudiantes de sexto grado (10 años)
(22/07/2021)Todo ser humano necesita interrelacionarse y por ende es imprescindible la comunicación y una de esas formas de comunicación es la escrita. Es así que el acto de escribir implica que se lleve a efecto la representación ... -
Study of a sequence to stimulate the engagement in one-to-one iPad programs at elementary schools
(Education and Information Technologies, 01/01/2020)The number of one-to-one mobile programs in elementary schools as a resource to substitute the textbook has become popular worldwide. However, findings of studies that seek to enable understanding of how the daily use of ... -
The DIYLab project (Do It Yourself in Education: Expanding Digital Competence to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative Learning)
(Cultura y Educación, 2017)The DIYLab project aims to promote lifelong learning by expanding students' digital competences, autonomy and creativity through collaborative and meaningful learning. DIYLab locates students at the centre of the learning ... -
Understanding the engagement of elementary school students in one-to-one iPad programs using an adaptation of self-system model of motivational development
(Computers in Human Behaviour, 04/2020)The number of one-to-one mobile programs in elementary schools as a resource that substitutes the textbook has become popular in worldwide. However, studies that seek to understand how the daily use of these mobile devices ... -
Understanding the usage of online forums in engineering: A case study in industrial organization
(IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, 2018)Conceptual understanding of the management of real situations and heterogeneous problems in manufacturing and engineering in general is one important competence in industrial organization. This paper describes a series of ...