Listar por tema "WOS(2)"
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 449
An Overview on Steffensen-Type Methods
(Advances in iterative methods for nonlinear equations, 2016)In this chapter we present an extensive overview of Steffensen-type methods. We first present the real study of the methods and then we present the complex dynamics related this type of methods applied to different ... -
Analysis and characterization of project management in the Colombian enterprise context
(CONIITI 2019, 2019)The scientific literature about Project Management highlights several research works around the performance of project management, typically from an exploratory perspective, with a limited statistical sample and developed ... -
Analysis and Data Visualization of Labor Demand in Ecuadorian Territory
(2018 ICAI Workshops (ICAIW), 2018)This paper presents the experience of the data obtained on labor demand in Ecuador, the data were taken from a source of data publications made in a job posting website, encouraging the use of Web Scraping tools for the ... -
Analysis of the Impact of Applying UX Guidelines to Reduce Noise and Focus Attention
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022)This research work is the continuation of previous, in which a set of usability guidelines where proposed. These guidelines were obtained from various authors and recommendations. The common part of those guides was that ... -
Analytical bibliography on Luis Velez de Guevara and his dramatic work (1983-2015)
(Luis Velez de Guevara, dramaturgo: homenaje de Córdoba a Robert Jammes, 2017)La presente colección de trabajos quiere marcar un nuevo hito en el trayecto crítico en torno al dramaturgo Luis Vélez de Guevara, quien, según Quevedo, figuró en su día con Lope y Calderón como el tercer miembro del gran ... -
Anonymous Assessment Information System for Higher Education Using Mobile Devices
(2014 14TH IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies (ICALT), 2014)The lack of anonymity when being examined is a problem for students and teachers alike. So far, student identification in examination processes consists in a physical mark that unmistakably represents the student. New ... -
Antecedentes y aspectos procedimentales para la construcción de una estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional y el mejoramiento del capital humano
(Estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional en el departamento del Atlántico, 2017)Capítulo del libro "Estrategia de apoyo a la orientación sociocupacional en el departamento del Atlántico" -
Application of phet interactive simulations as a tool for learning healthy lifestyles in high school students
(EDULEARN16: 8TH International conference on education and new learning technologies, 2016)Obesity is becoming one of the major problems associated with both youth and childhood, deficiencies in nutrition education acquired during childhood and adolescence persist during adulthood so it is necessary to develop ... -
Application of Smart Contracts in Online Product Procurement
(Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2022)In this work, a platform for the acquisition of online products is presented, where companies finally offer merchandise, so that users can buy from the comfort of their homes, taking into account that each of the parties ... -
Applications of Gamification in the Context of Higher Education. A Theoretical Approach
(2022)Gamification is a learning technique through which the mechanism of games is transferred to the educational environment. The ultimate aim of gamification is to improve students’ results. In recent years, the union between ... -
Applying genetic algorithms for the improvement of an autonomous fuzzy driver for simulated car racing
(Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018)Games offer a suitable testbed where new methodologies and algorithms can be tested in a near-real life environment. For example, in a car driving game, using transfer learning or other techniques results can be generalized ... -
Aprender jugando. La gamificación en el aula
(Educar para los nuevos medios. Claves para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática en el entorno digital, 2018)Capítulo del libro "Educar para los nuevos medios. Claves para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática en el entorno digital" -
ARDIN: Art, Design and Engineering Method, A New Way Ofunderstanding the Steam Approach in the Teaching- Learning process in Higher Education
(14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2020), 2020)Teaching technical drawing to students of fine arts in 2001 is the beginning of an idea that seeks to integrate various fields of knowledge. Later, life's opportunities lead you to teach artistic matters to architects and ... -
ARII-eL: An Adaptive, Informal and Interactive eLearning Ontology Network
(Fuzzy systems and data mining II, 2016)User models - the representation of user properties, preferences, goals, etc. - are crucial in modern educational applications. Several related processes, such as recommendations and user adaptations, depend on a user ... -
Artificial intelligence to predict atheroma plaque vulnerability
(Artificial Intelligence in Precision Health: From Concept to Applications, 2020)Cardiovascular diseases related to atherosclerosis are the first cause of death in the western world. This relevant fact has motivated the development of numerical models for arterial behavior in order to understand better ... -
Artificial Neural Network, Quantile and Semi-Log Regression Modelling of Mass Appraisal in Housing
(MDPI, 06/04/2021)We used a large sample of 188,652 properties, which represented 4.88% of the total housing stock in Catalonia from 1994 to 2013, to make a comparison between different real estate valuation methods based on artificial ... -
ARtour: Augmented reality-based game to promote agritourism
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018)Agritourism is an extension of ecotourism, which encourages visitors to experience agricultural life at firsthand. The growing interest in this industry worldwide poses new challenges to the environment. Traditional tourism ... -
Assessing the publication output on country level in the research field communication using Garfield's Impact Factor
(Scientometrics, 2021)The ever-increasing evaluation of science has led to the development of indicators at different levels. Our objective is to describe and analyze the publication output of those countries that were most active in the field ... -
Assessment executive function in pre-school age: BRIEF-P and ECI scales
(Brain Injury, 2014)Assessment executive function in pre-school age: BRIEF-P and ECI scales -
Assessment of technological performance of extruded earth block by adding bottom biomass ashes
(Journal of building engineering, 2021)The search for more sustainable construction materials has led researchers to reconsider ancient techniques, such as earth-based construction materials (EBCMs). These have been lately highlighted as a feasible way of ...