Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 36

    • A Comprehensive Analysis of the Worst Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Latin America 

      Flor-Unda, Omar; Simbaña, Freddy; Larriva-Novo, Xavier; Acuña, Ángel; Tipán, Rolando; Acosta-Vargas, Patricia (Informatics, 2023)
      Vulnerabilities in cyber defense in the countries of the Latin American region have favored the activities of cybercriminals from different parts of the world who have carried out a growing number of cyberattacks that ...
    • A systemic perspective for understanding digital transformation in higher education: Overview and subregional context in latin america as evidence 

      Cerdá Suárez, Luis Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Karen; Quirós-Alpera, Susana (MDPI, 2021)
      Since virtual education has increased from a local to a global audience, it is of great importance to understand the role that cultural and social backgrounds play in the transition to digital education. Therefore, a review ...
    • An institutional perspective for evaluating digital transformation in higher education: Insights from the chilean case 

      Núñez Valdés, Karen; Quirós-Alpera, Susana; Cerdá Suárez, Luis Manuel (MDPI, 2021)
      From a managerial perspective, the rapid diffusion of actions and strategies accelerating the digital transformation of institutions is critical for success. However, in education, business, and management studies, digital ...
    • Coetzee and Borges: the Southern Connections 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique; Galván, Fernando (Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2023)
      Este ensayo aborda algunas de las relaciones que pueden trazarse entre J. M. Coetzee y Jorge Luis Borges, por un lado, y el concepto de Sur Global, por otro, ocupándose del reciente acercamiento de Coetzee a Latinoamérica. ...
    • Conceptual Framework of the Book 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      El bienestar es una experiencia que tienen las personas y no una construcción académica. El bienestar informado por las personas se puede utilizar para identificar los factores relevantes en una población en particular, ...
    • La cooperación al desarrollo como actor en la gestión turística de los espacios urbanos y patrimoniales: el estudio de caso de la AECID en América Latina 

      Menchero Sánchez, Miriam (Methaodos-Revista de ciencias sociales, 2021)
      El tercer sector y las agencias de cooperación participan, cada vez más, dentro de la gestión de los destinos, aunque no formen parte del sistema turístico de forma estricta. Atendiendo a esta relación, apenas estudiada, ...
    • Corruption and Weak Institutions 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer, 2020)
      Corruption practices seem to be entrenched within the Latin American political system; they are the consequence of weak institutions and a casuistic implementation of the law. Latin American’s perceptions of corruption in ...
    • Los desafíos éticos del periodismo en la era del big data: análisis de códigos deontológicos latinoamericanos 

      Campo Lozano, Jesús Díaz del ; Chaparro-Domínguez, María Ángeles (Palabra Clave, 10/2018)
      El periodismo de investigación, clave en el buen funcionamiento de cualquier sociedad democrática, se enfrenta a numerosos desafíos éticos. La introducción de las técnicas del big data ha dado lugar al periodismo de datos, ...
    • Digitalization in Vulnerable Populations: A Systematic Review in Latin America 

      Espinosa Zárate, Zaida; Camilli Trujillo, Celia; Plaza de la Hoz, Jesús (Social Indicators Research, 2023)
      The present systematic review seeks to collect and analyze relevant academic approaches to the effects of digitalization on the populations that live in vulnerable contexts in Latin America with the purpose of examining ...
    • Education and Well-Being 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      Education has always had an important place in public policy. Unfortunately, during the past decades education policies have been inspired by the human-capital approach; this approach views the education sector as an ...
    • Estructura intelectual y temática de la investigación sobre Comunicación en Scopus (1980-2020). Una perspectiva comparada entre España, Europa y Latinoamérica 

      Segado-Boj, Francisco; Gómez-García, Salvador; Díaz-Campo, Jesús (Profesional de la información, 2022)
      La tardía incorporación de España al circuito internacional de la publicación de resultados de investigación científica en Comunicación no ha sido óbice para que, de forma reciente, alcance parámetros similares a los de ...
    • Estudio de Caso sobre el Empoderamiento con Mujeres en Ecuador: Elementos para una Intervención Socio-Educativa 

      Serrano Manzano, Bianca Fiorella ; Cabrera, Lourdes Y.; Hernandez Maqueda, Rafael; Ballesteros, Isabel; del Moral, Fernando (Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 12/2020)
      Este trabajo muestra los resultados derivados de un proyecto enfocado a mejorar la capacidad de empoderamiento socioeconómico de las mujeres de la comunidad rural de Yugsiloma, Ecuador. Se realizó un estudio de caso de ...
    • Family Firms and Research and Development Investment: The Moderator Effect of the Board Composition 

      del Carmen Briano-Turrent, Guadalupe; Watkins-Fassler, Karen; Rodríguez-Ariza, Lázaro; Reyes-Bastidas, Carolina (European Journal of Family Business, 2023)
      From the perspective of agency and socio-emotional theories, the family firm’s innovation behavior differs from non-family companies. We investigate the relationship between the family element and Research and Development ...
    • La Generación Z en Chile, Colombia, México y Panamá: intereses y nuevos hábitos de consumo digital. Su uso de Instagram y TikTok 

      Martínez-Estrella, Eva-Citlali; Samacá-Salamanca, Eliana; García-Rivero, Ainhoa; Cifuentes-Ambra, Carlos (Profesional de la Informacion, 2023)
      Dentro de una realidad que combina lo virtual con lo presencial y en un contexto de saturación informativa, se encuen-tran consumidores más críticos, exigentes y menos leales. En este contexto, es oportuno conocer los ...

      Alvares García Junior, Armando (Revista Da Faculdade de Direito Da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2020)
      Este artículo pretende, inicialmente, señalar el desarrollo histórico de la cláusula social y, posteriormente, analizar la incorporación de los derechos humanos y laborales asociados a esa cláusula en la realidad jurídica ...
    • HTLV-1-associated myelopathy in Spain 

      De-Mendoza, Carmen; Pérez, Leire; Rando, Ariadna; Reina, Gabriel; Aguilera, Antonio; Benito, Rafael; Eirós, José María; Rodríguez-Avial, Itziar; Ortega, Diego; Pozuelo, María José; Pena, María José; Soriano, Vicente (Journal of Clinical Virology, 2023)
      Background: HTLV-1 infection is a neglected disease. Over 10 million people are infected worldwide, with hot spots of high endemicity across all continents. Roughly 5% of HTLV-1 carriers develop HTLV-1-associated myelopathy ...
    • Income and Well-Being in Latin America 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer, 2020)
      In general terms the Latin American region is a middle-income one. On average, it is not a region where starvation and economic calamities prevail, but in some countries large segments of the population may be in difficult ...
    • Income Inequality and Well-Being 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer, 2020)
      Income is very unequally distributed in Latin America; in fact, the data shows that the region is the most unequal one in the world. There are different ways in which income inequality impacts on people’s well-being. A gap ...
    • Income Poverty and Well-Being 

      Rojas, Mariano (Springer Link, 2020)
      High income inequality in Latin America translates into high poverty rates in many countries. Those in income poverty report lower well-being; however, the well-being impact of income poverty is not generalized across ...
    • Is there a religious explanation for high life satisfaction in Latin America? 

      Rojas, Mariano (Third World Quarterly, 2023)
      Recent initiatives call for the incorporation of subjective well-being measures in the assessment of development. Latin Americans do report, on average, very high life satisfaction levels, which are also higher than what ...