• Measuring digital transformation in higher education institutions – content validity instrument 

      Castro Benavides, Lina Maria; Tamayo Arias, Johnny Alexander; Burgos, Daniel; Martens, Alke (Applied Computing and Informatics, 2023)
      Purpose: This study aims to validate the content of an instrument which identifies the organizational, sociocultural and technological characteristics that foster digital transformation (DT) in higher education institutions ...
    • Medición para el cambio en entidades sociales: La elaboración de un Cuadro de Mando Integral 

      Esteban Romani, Laura; Botija Yague, Mercedes; Ochando, María Victoria (REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 2022)
      Los cambios sociales y las demandas actuales evidencian la necesidad de que las organizaciones de la economía social setransformen con agilidad y con visión de futuro. Para lograrloy avanzar en el cumplimiento ...
    • Rhetorical Pattern Finding 

      Gómez, Francisco; Tizón Díaz, Manuel; Arronte Alvarez, Aitor; Padilla, Victor (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2023)
      In this paper, we research rhetorical patterns from a musicological and computational standpoint. First, a theoretical examination of what constitutes a rhetorical pattern is conducted. Out of that examination, which ...