• Agile development of multiplatform educational video games using a Domain-Specific Language 

      González García, Cristian; Núñez-Valdez, Edward Rolando; Moreno-Ger, Pablo; González-Crespo, Rubén; Pelayo García-Bustelo, B. Cristina; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (Universal Access in the Information Society, 25/07/2019)
      Educational video games are becoming an increasingly popular alternative in the academic field. However, video game development is a very complex task that requires programming skills and knowledge of multiple technologies, ...
    • JGraphs: A Toolset to Work with Monte-Carlo Tree Search-Based Algorithms 

      García-Díaz, Vicente; Núñez-Valdez, Edward Rolando; González García, Cristian; Gómez Gómez, Alberto; González-Crespo, Rubén (International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 12/2020)
      Monte-Carlo methods are the basis for solving many computational problems using repeated random sampling in scenarios that may have a deterministic but very complex solution from a computational point of view. In recent ...