Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19

    • Adaptive attunement of selective covert attention to evolutionary-relevant emotional visual scenes 

      Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Gutiérrez-García, Aida; Capafons, Juan; Calvo, Manuel G (Consciousness and Cognition, 05/2017)
      We investigated selective attention to emotional scenes in peripheral vision, as a function of adaptive relevance of scene affective content for male and female observers. Pairs of emotional neutral images appeared ...
    • Cultural Differences in Expressed Emotion 

      Domínguez-Mártínez, Tecelli; Medina-Pradas, Cristina (Taylor and Francis, 2020)
      The first to synthesize the exponentially growing research on expressed emotion (EE) and eating disorders and apply it to treatment, interventions, and other scenarios, this unique text provides unprecedented guidance to ...
    • Differences in anger depending on sport performance in table tennis players 

      González-García, Higinio ; Pelegrín Muñoz, Antonia; Trinidad Morales, Alfonso (Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2020)
      The aim of this study is to determine if there are differences in anger levels depending on sport performance in table tennis players. The sample consisted of 93 Spanish table tennis players, 20 players were professionals ...
    • Discrimination between smiling faces: Human observers vs. automated face analysis 

      Del Líbano, Mario; Calvo, Manuel G; Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Recio, Guillermo (Acta Psychologica, 06/2018)
      This study investigated (a) how prototypical happy faces (with happy eyes and a smile) can be discriminated from blended expressions with a smile but non-happy eyes, depending on type and intensity of the eye expression; ...
    • El diseño gráfico como herramienta para la representación de la identidad visual y la interacción en el aula 

      Yáñez Martínez, Begoña (Ardin-Arte Diseño e Ingeniería, 2018)
      Este artículo está basado en una experiencia real, didáctica y significativa, realizada en un entrono virtual, en la que trabajamos el diseño gráfico aplicado a la creación de identidades visuales desde el punto de vista ...
    • Emotional intelligence and dance: a systematic review 

      San-Juan-Ferrer, Barbara; Hípola, Pedro (Research in Dance Education, 02/01/2020)
      In this review, the background to the construct of Emotional Intelligence and its more widely accepted perspectives are presented. The scientific literature on the relationship between dance and Emotional Intelligence was ...
    • Evaluation of Emotional Responses to Television Advertising through Neuromarketing 

      Barquero-Perez, Oscar; Goya-Esteban, Rebeca; Morena-Gómez, Alexia de la ; Baraybar-Fernández, Antonio; Banos-González, Miguel; Barquero-Pérez, Óscar (Comunicar, 01/07/2017)
      Since the last century, we have witnessed a steady evolution of advertising techniques in an effort to adapt to the new social context in the market. As a strategic resource, Neuroscience brings a new perspective by allowing ...
    • Extrafoveal capture of attention by emotional scenes: affective valence versus visual saliency 

      Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Calvo, Manuel G (Visual Cognition, 2015)
      Pairs of emotional (pleasant or unpleasant) and neutral scenes were presented peripherally (5 degrees away from fixation) during a central letter-discrimination task. Selective attentional capture was assessed by means of ...
    • Influencia de la ira en el nivel de competición, éxitos y deportistas profesionales 

      González-García, Higinio ; Pelegrín Muñoz, Antonia; Trinidad Morales, Alfonso (Ansiedad y Estrés, 07/2019)
      Introducción La ira es una variable que ha mostrado una fuerte influencia en el rendimiento deportivo y en variables relacionadas. Por ello, su relación con el nivel de competición, éxitos deportivos y con los deportistas ...
    • IRA y éxitos deportivos en deportes individuales y colectivos 

      Gonzalez-Garcia, Higinio ; Pelegrín Muñoz, Antonia; Trinidad Morales, Alfonso (E-Balonmano COM, 2021)
      Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron analizar las diferencias en los niveles de ira en los deportes individuales y colectivos; y conocer si existen diferencias en los niveles de ira en los deportes individuales y colectivos ...
    • Multimodalidad, emoción y publicidad. Un estudio empírico sobre Youtube 

      Calderón-Garrido, Diego ; Gustems-Carnicer, Josep; Martín-Piñol, Carolina (ICONO 14, 07/2017)
      La publicidad es un instrumento de seducción en el que la música actúa como refuerzo en la atracción que el futuro usuario o consumidor siente por un producto, organización o servicio. En este trabajo se muestran los ...
    • Perceived anger profiles in table tennis players: Relationship with burnout and coping 

      González-García, Higinio ; Martinent, Guillaume (Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 09/2020)
      Objectives: This study aimed to identify dispositional anger profiles in table-tennis players and examine whether participants from distinct profiles significantly differed on athlete burnout symptoms and coping. Design: ...
    • Perceived coach leadership profiles and relationship with burnout, coping and emotions 

      González-García, Higinio ; Martinent, Guillaume; Trinidad Morales, Alfonso (Frontiers in Psychology, 13/08/2019)
      The aims of the study were to identify coach profiles and examine whether participants from distinct profiles significantly differed on burnout, emotions and coping. A sample of 268 athletes (Mage = 29.34; SD = 12.37), ...
    • Perceived physical self-concept profiles: intention to be physically active and emotional regulation 

      Vega-Díaz, Marta; De Labra, Carmen; Gonzalez-Garcia, Higinio (Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 2023)
      The objectives of the study were to identify physical self-concept profiles and examine their role in the intention to be physically active and emotional regulation. A sample of 606 physical activity practitioners (Mage= ...
    • Recognition Thresholds for Static and Dynamic Emotional Faces 

      Calvo, Manuel G; Avero, Pedro; Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Recio, Guillermo (Emotion, 12/2016)
      We investigated the minimum expressive intensity that is required to recognize (above chance) static and dynamic facial expressions of happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, and surprise. To this end, we varied the ...
    • Selective orienting to pleasant versus unpleasant visual scenes 

      Fernández-Martín, Andrés ; Calvo, Manuel G (Cognitions, 10/2016)
      We investigated the relative attentional capture by positive versus simultaneously presented negative images in extrafoveal vision for female observers. Pairs of task-irrelevant pleasant and unpleasant visual scenes were ...
    • Sharing or not sharing online video on social media 

      Crespel, Elodie (19/04/2013)
      The phenomenon of the social web (Web 2.0) and the proliferation of devices that are always connected to the Internet, such as smartphones, are transforming Internet studies. Nowadays, studying online and offline activities ...
    • Towards identifying emotional human behavior in online classes: first steps : Human emotional behavior in a virtual class 

      Arias, Susana; Moreno-Ger, Pablo ; Verdú, Elena (Proceedings of 2020 IEEE Learning With MOOCS, LWMOOCS 2020, 2020)
      Emotional management is very important in face-to-face classes, in fact, it is the very basis of learning. However, there is still no clear answer to what happens when classes are online or on Moocs, referring to emotional ...
    • Understanding the emotional impact of gifs on instagram through consumer neuroscience 

      Rúa-Hidalgo, Idoia ; Galmés Cerezo, María; Cristófol Rodríguez, Carmen ; Aliagas-Ocaña, Irene (MDPI AG, 2021)
      The ability of GIFs to generate emotionality in social media marketing strategies is analyzed. The aim of this work is to show how neuroscience research techniques can be integrated into the analysis of emotions, improving ...