Mostrando ítems 640-642 de 3929

    • Predictive Model for Taking Decision to Prevent University Dropout 

      Urbina-Nájera, Argelia B.; Méndez-Ortega, Luis A. (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2022)
      Dropout is an educational phenomenon studied for decades due to the diversity of its causes, whose effects fall on society's development. This document presents an experimental study to obtain a predictive model that allows ...
    • A Novel Technique to Detect and Track Multiple Objects in Dynamic Video Surveillance Systems 

      Adimoolam, M.; Mohan, Senthilkumar; A., John; Srivastava, Gautam (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2022)
      Video surveillance is one of the important state of the art systems to be utilized in order to monitor different areas of modern society surveillance like the general public surveillance system, city traffic monitoring ...
    • Automatic Finding Trapezoidal Membership Functions in Mining Fuzzy Association Rules Based on Learning Automata 

      Anari, Z.; Hatamlou, A.; Anari, B. (International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 06/2022)
      Association rule mining is an important data mining technique used for discovering relationships among all data items. Membership functions have a significant impact on the outcome of the mining association rules. An ...