• Accessibility evaluation of web content that support the mathematics, geometry and physics's teaching and learning 

      Baldiris, Silvia ; Mancera, Laura ; Vargas, David; Velez, Gloria (ICALT 2019, 2019)
      The use of ICT in the classroom has allowed new teaching strategies, including the use of interactive software. However, during the design and implementation of this type of software, existing standards or recommendations ...
    • Augmented reality in educational inclusion. A systematic review on the last decade 

      Quintero, Jairo; Baldiris, Silvia ; Rubira, Rainer; Cerón, Jhoni; Velez, Gloria (Frontiers in Psychology, 13/08/2019)
      The use of Augmented Reality (AR) to achieve educational inclusion has been not deeply explored. This systematic review describes the current state of using AR as an educational technology that takes into consideration the ...
    • CooperAR: Promoting educational inclusion through augmented reality 

      Quintero, Jairo; Baldiris, Silvia ; Cerón, Jhoni; Garzón, Juan; Burgos, Daniel ; Velez, Gloria (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
      Augmented reality (AR) is an emerging technology that has been successfully integrated into education. However, the use of AR as a tool to achieve educational inclusion has not been deeply explored. This study introduces ...
    • Gamification as Support for Educational Inclusion: The Case of AR-mBot 

      Quintero, Jairo; Baldiris, Silvia; Cerón, Jhoni; Garzón, Juan; Burgos, Daniel; Velez, Gloria (Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2022, 2022)
      Today's education must offer multiple opportunities to address the individual needs of all students. In this context, educational innovation plays an important role in guiding the processes of creating strategies to achieve ...