Listar por tema "sustainable tourism"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
An Analysis of the Cost of Water Supply Linked to the Tourism Industry. An Application to the Case of the Island of Ibiza in Spain
(Water, 07/2020)Tourist activity has a number of impacts on the destinations in which it takes place, among which are the environmental ones. A particular problem is the increase in water demand and wastewater production, which can ... -
Aries Resorts & Accommodation: Implantación y Puesta en Marcha de un Eco-Resort de Lujo en el Desierto de AlUla
(22/09/2022)La industria hotelera ha experimentado en las últimas décadas una incesante transformación, desde el auge del empleo de plataformas digitales de reservas como Booking, hasta la disrupción de Airbnb en dicha industria ... -
La eco-innovación en las empresas mexicanas de alojamiento turístico
(Retos Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 01/04/2018)En este documento se desarrolla un marco analítico para explorar tentativamente el concepto de eco-innovación y su implantación en las empresas mexicanas de alojamiento turístico a través de dos características internas ... -
In the Footsteps of Tradition: Reinventing the Paths of the Santa Faz within the Paradigm of Sustainability and Territorial Development in Alicante
(2024)The Santa Faz Pilgrimage, with over 600 years of history and as Spain’s second most significant pilgrimage, is at a critical point due to urbanization and inadequate planning. This study ex-plores revitalizing and enhancing ... -
Quantitative Evaluation of Visitation Dynamics and Audience Segmentation for Sustainable Management of Civil War Memorial Heritage in Alicante, Spain
(BP International, 2024)This study assesses the impact of visits to the Civil War shelters in Alicante as key elements of memorial cultural heritage, using a quantitative approach and data collected between August 2023 and January 2024 Through ... -
Regional tourism strategies during the sars-cov-2 outbreak and their impacts on azores tourism businesses
(Czestochowa University of Technology, 2021)In tourism activities, rural tourism has a critical function in reaching regional and territorial sustainability. Bearing in mind the actual sanitary crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 and its horizontal impacts, as is the ... -
Residents' perception of pilgrimage tourism sustainability In mountain regions: The St. James Primitive Way Case in Asturias
(Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022)The main objective of this research is to evaluate the changes in local conditions in the economic, sociocultural, and environmental perspectives in association with the development of the pilgrimage tourism sector from ... -
Residents’ perception of sustainable tourism in protected mountain areas: the case of Asturias
(Journal of Mountain Science, 2022)Spain is the country with the most Biosphere Reserves in the world, 52, and Asturias, with 7, ranks first among the single-province Autonomous Communities. The tourist interest in these natural spaces is increasing, but ... -
Sustainable tourism in mountain protected areas of asturias: An analysis from tourists' perceptions and profiles
(Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2019)Tourism can act as an important engine for rural development in peripheral mountain communities that often face many economic, social and environmental challenges [1]. In fact, although tourism activity has become a primary ... -
Tourism in Protected Areas in Spain: Perception of Sustainable Development in Protected Areas with Different Levels of Protection
(Geoheritage, 03/02/2024)Protected natural areas have become important tourist destinations around the world, and in Spain, national parks are the most representative fgure of this type of enclave, having as one of its objectives to make ... -
Twitter as a tool for citizen education and sustainable cities after COVID-19
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)The social confinement resulting from the COVID-19 crisis temporarily reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Although experts contend that the decrease in pollution rates was not drastic, some surveys detect growth in social ...