Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12

    • Associations between pornography exposure, body image and sexual body image: A systematic review 

      Paslakis, Georgios; Chiclana Actis, Carlos; Mestre-Bach, Gemma (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022)
      There is evidence for associations between pornography exposure and sexual behaviors of adults and adolescents. Here, we review associations between pornography exposure and body image/sexual body image. Using a systematic ...
    • Differences in pornography use and associated factors between religious and non-religious adolescents: A network analysis 

      Potenza, Marc; Villena-Moya, Alejandro; Arrondo, Gonzalo; Paiva, Ursula; Granero, Roser; Chiclana-Actis, Carlos; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando; Juménez-Murcia, Susana; Mestre-Bach, Gemma (Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2023)
      Background: Nearly half of children and adolescents aged 9–16 years have access to and may be viewing pornography. An estimated 37.7% of boys and 19.3% of girls may be at risk for developing Problematic Pornography Use ...
    • Loneliness, Pornography Use, Problematic Pornography Use, and Compulsive Sexual Behavior 

      Potenza, Marc N.; Mestre-Bach, Gemma (Springer, 2023)
      Purpose of review: Loneliness is a subjective experience characterized by distressing feelings resulting from a discrepancy between desired/expected and actual levels of social interactions. This narrative review explores ...
    • Pornography Use and Loneliness in Adolescents 

      Serrano, Gabriel; Chiclana Actis, Carlos; Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Villena, Alejandro (International Journal of Sexual Health, 2022)
      The use of pornography in adolescents and its possible consequences is still the subject of scientific debate. It has been observed that about 20% of adolescents access pornography involuntarily, the average age of access ...
    • Pornography Use and Loneliness in Adolescents 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Villena, Alejandro; Granero, Roser; Serrano, Gabriel; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Jimenez-Murcia, Susana; Chiclana Actis, Carlos (International Journal of Sexual Health, 2022)
      This presentation will focus on the use of pornography in adolescents. This topic deserves special attention because adolescents are a population especially vulnerable to pornographic content. Current findings will be ...
    • Pornography Use and Violence: A Systematic Review of the Last 20 Years 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Villena, Alejandro; Chiclana Actis, Carlos (Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 2024)
      Pornography use is one of the factors that has been proposed to be associated with violence. We aimed to explore the literature of the last 20 years, with the objective of understanding the possible association between ...
    • Pornography Use in Adolescents and Its Clinical Implications 

      Farré, Josep M; Montejo, Ángel L.; Agulló, Miquel; Granero, Roser; Chiclana Actis, Carlos ; Villena, Alejandro; Maideu, Eudald; Sánchez, Marta; Fernández-Aranda, Fernando; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Mestre-Bach, Gemma (Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11/2020)
      (1) Background: The Differential Susceptibility to Media Effects Model (DSMM) suggests that pornography use effects are conditional and they depend on dispositional, developmental, and social differential susceptibility ...
    • Pornography use in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Blycker, Gretchen R.; Potenza, Marc N. (Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 06/2020)
      With the global expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic, social or physical distancing, quarantines, and lockdowns have become more prevalent. Concurrently, Pornhub, one of the largest pornography sites, has reported increased ...
    • Pornography Use, Problematic Pornography Use, and Potential Impacts on Partners and Relationships 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma; Potenza, Marc N. (Current Addiction Reports, 2023)
      Purpose of Review: The present review focuses on relationships between pornography use, problematic pornography use, and their possible effects on partners and relationships. Recent Findings: Pornography use has been ...
    • Problematic Pornography Use in Adolescents and Adults 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Potenza, Marc N.; Koos, Monika (International Journal of Sexual Health, 2022)
      The present symposium will focus on pornography use and problematic pornography use, both in adolescents and adults. It will be organized into 3 different presentations: The first presentation will be delivered by Dr. Marc ...
    • Religion, Morality, Ethics, and Problematic Pornography Use 

      Mestre-Bach, Gemma ; Blycker, Gretchen R.; Chiclana Actis, Carlos ; Brand, Matthias (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)
      Purpose of Review: The present review focuses on relationships between sexuality and religion, moral values, and ethics. Recent Findings: Religious and ethical beliefs and moral values may influence sexuality including ...
    • Los trastornos de adicción y su influencia en el consentimiento matrimonial canónico. Referencia a la adicción a la pornografía 

      Díaz-Obregón Sáinz, Ana Belén (28/06/2021)
      En una sociedad como la actual hiperdigital y sexualizada, la incidencia del consumo de la pornografía se ha disparado, habiendo múltiples estudios que sitúan en consumo de material pornográfico on-line en los 12 e incluso ...