Listar por tema "digital transformation"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 25
A Novel Keyword Ontology Generator Method Tested on “Digital Transformation in Higher Education” Topic
(Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019)The practice of using ontology to understand a field of study through the analysis of keywords was not found to have been documented, and a five-step method is therefore presented to generate ontologies of keywords: data ... -
A systemic perspective for understanding digital transformation in higher education: Overview and subregional context in latin america as evidence
(MDPI, 2021)Since virtual education has increased from a local to a global audience, it is of great importance to understand the role that cultural and social backgrounds play in the transition to digital education. Therefore, a review ... -
Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Digital Transformation of HEIs in Latin America
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2021)The information society is characterized by the information data conversion and the information in knowledge to support the decision making and the human development. In this sense, the digital transformation implies not ... -
An institutional perspective for evaluating digital transformation in higher education: Insights from the chilean case
(MDPI, 2021)From a managerial perspective, the rapid diffusion of actions and strategies accelerating the digital transformation of institutions is critical for success. However, in education, business, and management studies, digital ... -
Arquitectura conceptual de plataforma tecnológica de vigilancia epidemiológica para la COVID-19
(Campus Virtuales, 2021)dado que resulta probable que el SARS-CoV-2 se vuelva endémico en muchos países, requerirá no sólo apoyo a corto plazo sino también a largo plazo, ya que las políticas de distanciamiento social no pueden extenderse ... -
Behavior Analysis of Digital Transformation in Latin American and Colombian Universities, Based on a General Identification of Variables
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)As a consequence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, many organizations have been forced to initiate digital transformation processes in order to survive in a new context that demands dynamic and flexible responses from them ... -
Bridge the Gap: Using Challenge-Based Learning to Connect University and Industry
(IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 2024)Collaboration between universities and companies has become vital in training future professionals. However, on many occasions, this collaboration could be more agile and efficient to avoid a disconnect between the supply ... -
Coming face to face with innovation and digitization: the case of book printing in Spain
(Journal of print and media technology research, 2021)This paper deals with how technological change and digitization in the Spanish book printing sector are challenging existing business models and encouraging printers to modify their product portfolio and core competencies. ... -
Design of BPM Processes in Higher Education in Ecuador
(HCI International 2023 Posters. HCII 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023)Introduction: This manuscript addresses the strategy for digital transformation in university management as an improvement for the development of the link with society, where the digital transformation strategy for the ... -
Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions Implementation Model
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2023)Higher education institutions have been permeated by technological progress and thus also the Industrial Revolution 4.0, government policies and external conditions have forced them to transform. It is necessary to elucidate ... -
Digital transformation in higher education institutions: A systematic literature review
(Sensors, 06/2020)Higher education institutions (HEIs) have been permeated by the technological advancement that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 brings with it, and forces institutions to deal with a digital transformation in all dimensions. ... -
Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions: Between Myth and Reality
(Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2020)Nowadays, there are several technological trends in the world which promote changes of focus in organizations. This fact, coupled with the globalisation of information and economies, leads to a transformation aimed at ... -
Digital transformation in SMEs: Understanding its determinants and size heterogeneity
(Technology in Society, 2024)Digital transformation plays a vital role in the success of firms, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The business landscape is becoming more challenging for small businesses and they must navigate ... -
Empirical Analysis of Ethical Principles Applied to Different AI Uses Cases
(International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI), 12/2022)In this paper, we present an empirical study on the perception of the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence groups in the classification made by the European Union (EU). The study seeks to identify the ethical ... -
Female Micro-Entrepreneurs and Social Networks: Diagnostic Analysis of the Influence of Social-Media Marketing Strategies on Brand Financial Performance
(Frontiers in psychology, 2021)The business world is facing a very complicated situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs)-both in Spain and at the global level-are seeing their survival jeopardized by a fall in ... -
Measuring digital transformation in higher education institutions – content validity instrument
(Applied Computing and Informatics, 2023)Purpose: This study aims to validate the content of an instrument which identifies the organizational, sociocultural and technological characteristics that foster digital transformation (DT) in higher education institutions ... -
Metodología para la transformación de granjas 3.0 de impresión 3D a 4.0
(07/2022)El presente trabajo de investigación, se enfoca en la recopilación de las diferentes tecnologías de la industria 4.0, cuya aplicación dentro de una granja de impresión 3D 3.0 pueda proyectar su transformación para optimizar ... -
Mining Pre-Grade Academic and Demographic Data to Predict University Dropout
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021)Digital transformation is enabling institutions to enhance their processes by using data and technology. In education, digital transformation allows improving the learning experience as well as the institution processes. ... -
Un modelo conceptual de transformación digital. Openergy y el caso de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
(Education in the Knowledge Society, 12/2018)La transformación digital en la Universidad se aborda como un punto de inflexión creado por nuevos paradigmas que surgen del mundo digital, y que la ha llevado a repensarse como institución para seguir siendo competitiva, ... -
La nueva era del turismo
(25/02/2020)El futuro que tenemos por delante es incierto, pero sin duda será digital. La digitalización que estamos experimentando día a día en tantos ámbitos de nuestra vida está creando una nueva era, una nueva forma de ver, ...