Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 20

    • La adaptación del ritual budista durante la pandemia: El papel de las nuevas tecnologías en la comunidad jōdo shinshū del Reino Unido 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Comares, 2023)
      Ante el actual panorama de globalización y desarrollo tecnológico, se evidencia como necesario promover el pensamiento y la actitud crítica respecto al fenómeno religioso y las repercusiones prácticas que tiene la utilización ...
    • Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Canarian Imagination: the Missing Flag 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Oxford Academic, 2017)
      This paper explores the under-represented political experience of Canarians in transatlantic networks of anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial resistance in the late nineteenth century. Much of the relevant historiographic ...
    • Coetzee and Borges: the Southern Connections 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique; Galván, Fernando (Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2023)
      Este ensayo aborda algunas de las relaciones que pueden trazarse entre J. M. Coetzee y Jorge Luis Borges, por un lado, y el concepto de Sur Global, por otro, ocupándose del reciente acercamiento de Coetzee a Latinoamérica. ...
    • Coetzee’s Foe and Borges: An Intertextual Reading 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique; Galván, Fernando (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
      Foe (1986) is one of the most ambiguous and controversial novels written by J.M. Coetzee, and has been discussed extensively by criticism from a great variety of theoretical positions. This essay purports to contribute ...
    • Concentric memories, circular encounters, and post-Buddhist imaginations: contesting Dharamsala as ‘Little Lhasa’ 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Taylor & Francis Group, 2024)
      This paper analyses representations of Dharamsala, Tibetan capital in exile or capital of exiled Tibet, as a pool of signifiers for Tibetan exilic construction. Like Tibetan exile itself, Dharamsala carries the archival ...
    • Decolonising the state: subversion, mimicry and criminality 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique; Birk Laursen, Ole; Ridda, María (Postcolonial Studies, 2020)
      This special issue brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to reflect on the decolonisation of nation-states through acts of subversion, mimicry and criminality in the colonial and postcolonial world. Since ...
    • Lessons Unlearned: Identity and Resistance in Tsering Wangmo Dhompa’s Poetry 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)
      With its analytic focus on the cultural production by Tibetans-in-exile, this volume examines contemporary Tibetan fiction, poetry, music, art, cinema, pamphlets, testimony, and memoir. The twelve case studies highlight ...
    • Meditative Revolutions? A Preliminary Approach to US Buddhist Anarchist Literature 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (ATLANTIS: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 2020)
      This article discusses the various shapes, inner structures and roles given to transformative and liberative practices in the work of US Buddhist anarchist authors (1960-2010). Unlike their Chinese and Japanese predecessors, ...
    • Monsoonic Islands of Exile: Tsundue's Other Indias 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Muse India, 2014)
      Although better known as an activist, Tenzin Tsundue (1970) is also a prominent Tibetan English poet. As part of a generation of Tibetans born in the exile chosen by their parents, Tsundue considers Tibetan his mother ...
    • Performing sovereignty: war documentaries and documentary wars in Syria 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (European Journal of English Studies, 2018)
      This essay explores the images emerging from the Syrian conflict through the genre of war documentaries by focusing on the performance of sovereignty. Drawing on Foucault's notion of governmentality and Butler's performative ...
    • Rojava: a state subverted or reinvented? 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Postcolonial Studies, 02/04/2020)
      This article discusses how Rojava and its ‘Autonomous Administration’ simultaneously subvert and reinstate the state(s) they are fighting. Based on Abdullah Öcalan’s (b. 1948) conversion to libertarianism after his ...
    • Sliced Tongues: The Inconvenient Voice of Tibetan English Writers 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Reworking Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour and Rights, 04/2015)
      The literary production of the Tibetan English-speaking diaspora remains largely ignored in postcolonial studies, although it constitutes a good example of what Bill Ashcroft categorizes as ‘transnation’ (12), since it is ...
    • Sovereign Subjectivities: The Politics of Autonomy in English-Speaking Jodo Shinshu 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIN BUDDHIST STUDIEShe Pure Land: Journal of Pure Land Buddhism, 2016)
      The tumultuous beginning of the 20th century, culminating catastrophically in World War II, had important implications for Japanese individuals on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. Before and during the war citizens in Japan ...
    • The Chanting Frog: Speciesism and the Possibility of Communication in Issa’s Haikus 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Natura Loquens, Natura Agens: In Dialogue and Interaction with the Environment, 2018)
      The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of animals, particularly frogs, in Kobayashi Nobuyuki (1763-1827), “Issa” ’s poetry from a perspective that identifies common and parallel threads in Anarchist, Shin Buddhist ...
    • The Creative Construction of the Past: ‘Treasure Texts’ in Tibetan-English Novels 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (British and American Studies Journal, 2024)
      Tibetan English fiction emerges with Tibetan exile and, like other postcolonial writings, is deeply concerned with national construction and the retelling of Tibetan recent history. In their historiographic ways, both ...
    • The Haunted Island-Nation: Irish Intersections in Canary Islands Narratives 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Other Irelands: Revisited, Reinvented, Rewritten, 2014)
      This paper focuses on a relatively recent phenomenon: the appropriation of Saint Brendan’s narrative as a tool for utopian Canary Islands nation-building. Being one of the favourite lenses of the Canary Islands imagination ...
    • The Tibetan-English Novel: A Post-Buddhist Form? 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 2014)
      Although most Tibetans who have chosen English as a language of literary expression are poets (e.g. Chögyam Trungpa, Tenzin Tsundue, Tsering Wangmo Dhompa, Bhuchung Sonam1), there is also a slowly growing number of Tibetans ...
    • Tibetan subjectivities on the global Stage: negotiating dispossession 

      Bhoil, Shelly; Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018)
      Tibetan Subjectivities on the Global Stage: Negotiating Dispossession explores the many ways Tibetans are reimagining their cultural identity since the communist takeover of Tibet in the 1950s. Focusing on developments ...
    • Translating the Translator: Identity and Revision in Trungpa Rinpoche’s Buddhism(s) 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 2013)
      By exploring how the literal and metaphorical aspects of the teaching/translating activities of Chögyam Trungpa overlap and feed into each other this paper analyses a highly original process of re-inventing tradition against ...
    • Why anarchists like zen? A libertarian reading of Shinran (1173-1263). Essays in anarchism and religion 

      Galván-Álvarez, Enrique (Stockholm University Press, 2017)
      Most attempts to formulate a Buddhist anarchism in the West take Zen Buddhism as their reference point, often disregarding other Buddhist traditions and their anarchic/libertarian potential. In re- sponse to these early ...