Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 9

    • La educación y la formación permanentes: un reto para cada ciudadano 

      Cresson, Edith (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      The European Year devoted to education and lifelong learning is intended to be one more step towards public awareness of the relevance of education and lifelong learning not only to Europe but also to every European citizen. ...
    • Política educativa de la Unión Europea: evolución reciente y perspectivas de futuro 

      Etxeberría, Félix (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      The process towards an European Union seems not to have taken into account the need for an European dimension in education until recently. However, this dimension has been extremely reinforced by the means of different ...
    • Observar la innovación educativa en Europa 

      Botrel, Jean-François (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      As a result of an initiative of the INRP, an European Observatory for educational innovation has been set up. Its main goals are related to research and training in the field of educational innovations throughout Europe. ...