Mostrando ítems 10-12 de 24

    • Observar la innovación educativa en Europa 

      Botrel, Jean-François (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      As a result of an initiative of the INRP, an European Observatory for educational innovation has been set up. Its main goals are related to research and training in the field of educational innovations throughout Europe. ...
    • La educación primaria en Europa 

      García Garrido, José Luis (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      This article, rather than a simple description of features and facts, is aimed at a revision of the main problems which affect today to the primary level of formal education in Europe. However, for a right understanding ...
    • Modelos de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria en Europa 

      Pedró, Francesc (Revista Española de Pedagogía, 05/1996)
      Although there is a broad diversity in European secondary education, it seems to be that a common trend is clear, namely that of comprehensivity at the lower level and diversification at the upper level. This trend raises ...