• Introducing the CYSAS-S3 Dataset for Operationalizing a Mission-Oriented Cyber Situational Awareness 

      Medenou Choumanof, Roumen Daton; Llopis Sánchez, Salvador; Calzado Mayo, Victor Manuel; Garcia Balufo, Miriam; Páramo Castrillo, Miguel; González Garrido, Francisco José; Luis Martinez, Alvaro; Nevado Catalán, David; Hu, Ao; Rodriguez-Bermejo, David Sandoval; Pasqual De Riquelme, Gerardo Ramis; Sotelo Monge, Marco Antonio; Berardi, Antonio; De Santis, Paolo; Torelli, Francesco; Maestre Vidal, Jorge (Sensors, 2022)
      The digital transformation of the defence sector is not exempt from innovative requirements and challenges, with the lack of availability of reliable, unbiased and consistent data for training automatisms (machine learning ...